Page 77 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 77

head up, your chest out, and your hips square. Curl your
                arms in toward your body as you lower into the squat. Push

                off your feet in an explosive vertical jump, extending your
                arms down the length of your body.

                3. Upon landing, lower into a deep squat to repeat previous

                Repeat the full cycle of this exercise from starting position 8

                to 10 times for 3 sets.

                                 BOSU BALL JUMP SQUAT

                1. Start with one foot on the center of the BOSU ball,

                keeping your spine in alignment and arms curled in to your
                body. Your other foot is placed on the floor. Keep your feet

                2. Keep your head up, your back angled slightly forward but
                straight, elbows tucked, chest out, and hips square as you

                lower yourself into a squat.

                3. Explode into a vertical jump over the BOSU ball as you
                switch out the foot on the center of the ball and lower
                yourself back into a squat position.
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