Page 78 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 78

Repeat, alternating sides 20 times per foot for 4 sets.

                                      TREADMILL SPRINTS

                1. Warm up at a moderate speed for 1 to 1 ½ miles. Then,

                adjust to highest incline.

                2. Sprint uphill on highest incline for 30 seconds. Rest for 30

                Repeat the last step for 10 sprints (10 minutes). Adjust the
                sprints according to your level of fitness:

                  Beginner: sprint 10 seconds; rest 20 seconds. 10 total
                   sprints (5 minutes)

                  Intermediate: sprint 20 seconds; rest 10 seconds. 10 total
                   sprints (5 minutes)

                  Experienced: sprint 30 seconds; rest 30 seconds. 10 total

                   sprints (10 minutes)

                                         HEAVY BAG DRILL

                You will need an interval timer for this drill. Set the
                timer for a 1-minute work round with a 10-second

                rest period in between rounds. You will drill for 10
                rounds total.

                1. When the timer sounds for the first minute, throw power
                shot hooks (heavy punches with maximum force) to the

                body of the heavy bag.

                2. When the timer sounds for the second minute, switch to
                nonstop straight punches (jab and cross). Straight punches
                are meant to focus on quickness and speed, so do not load
                up on power when throwing these punches.
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