Page 73 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 73

1. Grip the pull-up bar so that your palms are facing
                outward and away from you.

                2. Engage your core and latissimus dorsi muscles as you
                pull yourself up toward the bar. Make sure that your chin
                clears the bar before extending your arms and lowering
                yourself back to your starting position.

                Repeat the exercise 10 times for 3 sets.


                If you do not have access to a dip machine, you can
                improvise and use a chair or bench as an alternative.
                You can add Push-Ups (page 52) and Pull-Ups (page

                53) in between sets to complement this exercise and
                add variety and challenge to your regimen.

                If using a dip machine:
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