Page 11 - Motherless World
P. 11
Day 2: "A Spark of Innocence"
Hari ke-2: "Secercah Kepolosan"
The streets of New-nesia are busy, filled with people going about their daily lives under the strict gaze
of the government. The towering buildings seem to reach endlessly into the sky, while drones silently
patrol the city, ensuring order is maintained. Javi is on patrol, though his heart isn’t in it. His thoughts
from the previous night still weigh heavily on him. He walks through an alleyway in a less frequented
part of the city, where the technology is older, the buildings a little more worn.
Jalan-jalan di New-nesia yang ramai, dipenuhi orang-orang yang menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari mereka di
bawah pengawasan ketat pemerintah. Bangunan-bangunan yang menjulang tinggi tampak menjulang ke langit,
sementara pesawat tanpa awak berpatroli di kota, memastikan ketertiban tetap terjaga. Javi sedang berpatroli,
meskipun hatinya tidak ada di sana. Pikirannya tentang malam sebelumnya masih membebani dirinya. Dia
berjalan melalui gang di bagian kota yang jarang dikunjungi, di mana teknologinya lebih tua, bangunannya
sedikit lebih usang.
Suddenly, he hears the sound of laughter—something rare in this city, especially from a child.
Tiba-tiba, dia mendengar suara tawa—sesuatu yang langka di kota ini, terutama dari seorang anak kecil.
Javi follows the sound and rounds a corner. There, to his surprise, he finds a little girl, Abigaile, sitting
on top of a rusty metal box, kicking her legs and humming to herself.
Javi mengikuti suara itu dan berbelok di sebuah sudut. Di sana, ia terkejut saat menemukan seorang gadis kecil,
Abigaile, duduk di atas kotak logam berkarat, menghentakkan kakinya, dan bersenandung sendiri.
Javi: (stopping in his tracks, confused)
"What the—? A kid?"
Javi: (berhenti, bingung)
"Apa-apaan ini? Anak kecil?"
Abigaile: (looking up at him, unfazed)
"Hi! Are you a policeman?"
Abigaile: (menatapnya, tidak terpengaruh)
"Hai! Apakah Anda seorang polisi?"
Javi: (still shocked, trying to process)
"Yeah, I am. What are you doing here? This area’s off-limits."
Javi: (masih terkejut, mencoba mencerna)
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