Page 15 - CCFA Journal - Seventh Issue
P. 15

加中金融                                           新兴市场 EM Markets

    Regional headwinds

         Escalating geopolitics are creating challenges from every direction. The reality of war has hit Europe, with the Russian invasion
           of Ukraine perhaps the biggest shift in the region’s geopolitical landscape since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. At the time
           of writing, it is driving huge volatility across global markets.
         Elsewhere in the CEEMEA region, Turkey’s unorthodox policy approach is bringing the country to the brink of a crisis, while a
           number of countries, including South Africa, face growth challenges.
         In Latin America, we have seen several leftist leaders coming to power, notably in Peru and Chile. This year’s election calendar
           looks equally precarious, with Colombia and Brazil’s presidential elections potentially bringing a stronger leftist tilt to the
           region, which could unsettle markets.
         Across Asia, zero-Covid policies continue to cause supply chain disruptions, while in China, the government’s policy solution
           for the real estate sector remains unclear. Most bonds in the sector are trading at distressed levels.
         Among the high yield markets, Sri Lanka and Ethiopia could potentially face debt reprofiling in 2022.
    Do these headwinds mean investors should steer away from EM for the next year?

    Absolutely not. This is precisely the time to actively invest in EM. Here is why and how:


         不断升级的地缘政治正在从各个方向制造挑战。战争的现实打击了欧洲,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰可能是自 1989 年柏林
         在中欧,东欧,中东以及非洲地区的其他地方,土耳其的非正统政策正将该国推向危机的边缘,包括南非在内的
         在拉丁美洲,我们已经看到一些左翼领导人上台,特别是在秘鲁和智利。今年的选举日历看起来同样不稳定,哥
         在亚洲各地,新冠清零政策继续造成供应链中断,而在中国,政府对房地产行业的政策解决方案仍不明朗。该行
         在高收益债券市场中,斯里兰卡和埃塞俄比亚可能在 2022 年面临债务重组。



                                             CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   May 2022
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