Page 22 - CCFA Journal - Seventh Issue
P. 22

新兴市场 EM Markets                                  加中金融


    本币是新兴市场子资产类别中最不受欢迎的。 在过去的 12 年里,它在 beta 水平上实现了负主权回报,这使得投资者缺乏
    热情是可以理解的。 具有讽刺意味的是,它是迄今为止全球固定收益市场上领先的资产类别,也是唯一处于正值区域的
    资产类别,上涨了 2%。 美国利率下降近 4%,美国投资级债务下降约 4.6%,企业新兴市场体债券硬通货指数下降 2-3.5%
    (截至 2022 年 2 月)。



    1. 为应对通胀担忧,新兴市场央行去年采取了先发制人的加息立场。因此,处于利率曲线前端的新兴市场本地利率(2 年
    期利率)重新定价在 300-400 个基点之间——有些现在已经完成了加息周期的一半,有些已经完全实现。这种先发制人的
    方法创造了一个外汇缓冲。在主要的新兴市场 beta 货币中,做空的成本已经变得高得令人望而却步——达到了 10 年来的
    最高水平。在墨西哥、南非和智利等国,做空成本为 5-6%,而在巴西,这一成本高达 11%。做空巴西雷亚尔的成本是 11%,

    2. 大多数拥有本地发行的新兴市场国家的经常账户动态仍然支持。右图显示,平均新兴市场经常账户接近过去 15 年的高
    点,远离缩减恐慌的低点。由于在利率和经常账户方面的缓冲比 2013 年大得多,所以新兴市场外汇在承受美联储货币政

    3. 我们开始看到一些导致新兴市场本地市场表现不佳的流动动态趋于稳定。 在过去几年间,美国股票占据了全球流动的
    新兴市场本地资产为代价。 如今,美国的政策利率为 0.25%,通胀率为 7%,通胀风险上行,增长风险下行。这可能会给
    美国股票流动带来更大压力,纳斯达克在年初下跌 15% 就说明了这一点。 在没有针对新兴市场的危机的情况下,这些资

    How to capture the EMD opportunity set

    When dissecting risks in EM countries and companies, our view is that while volatility is likely to remain high, there are at least as
    many tailwinds for the asset class as there are headwinds. If investors can be patient and look through the market volatility, they
    should be able to pick up attractively priced assets with positive return potential.
    Maximising return potential

    Investors who aim for higher absolute returns should ideally be in a position to look across the entire credit spectrum and roll up their
    sleeves on recovery analysis for both corporate and sovereign debt.

    This requires deep experience and expert credit skills but, when approached correctly, investing in distressed assets can potentially
    provide outsized rewards for the level of risk undertaken.
    For example, in the EM hard currency universe, performing countries like Tunisia and El Salvador offer 30-40% return on a one-year
    basis. On a sector view, carefully considered Chinese real estate investments also offers significant upside potential. Doing the deep
    credit work can give investors opportunities to earn double-digit returns in an asset class with inherent risk/reward asymmetry



    通货领域,突尼斯和萨尔瓦多等表现良好的国家一年的回报率为 30-40% 。从行业角度来看,经过深思熟虑的中国房地产

    There are four approaches that we believe particularly suit the current market environment.

    1. Absolute return

    For those looking to take full advantage of the volatility and the return potential in the market, we believe absolute return strategies
    are the most appropriate vehicles to capture this. They allow investors to take advantage of negative moves in credit by positioning
    short cash credit, as well as holding long views. They also can mitigate rate risks and duration concerns. If you are looking to capitalise
    on fat tails on the downside and the upside, absolute return approaches are the only ones that can achieve this.
                                             CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   May 2022
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