Page 17 - P6 Slide Taxation - Lecture Day 7 - Various Topics
P. 17

Retirement lump sum: How taxed?

    • Taxable portion = Lump Sum – par 5 or 6 deduction ito 2 Schedule

    • Scenario 4: Termination or loss of TP’s employment due to:

                             → Employer ceases to carry on a trade OR

                              → Employee becomes redundant due to general reduction

                                   in personnel or personnel of a particular class.

    In the scenario above the following are allowed as deductions ito par 6(1)(b):

    - TP’s own contributions to a fund not allowed as a deduction against his /her

       income ito s 11(k) or s 11(n) (includes PrF contributions); and

    - Amount transferred for benefit of person to another fund ito s 37D election

    - If lump sum is transferred to any fund to the benefit of the TP of which he/she

       is or previously was a member; and

    - Unclaimed benefits previously taxed and transferred to a PPF / PrPF; and

    - The exempt portion (formula par 2A) transferred to a private fund from a

       PSPF (in effect the tax exempt portion before 1 March 1998).

    * Deductions only applied if not already utilised under s 10C exemption.

    * Above deductions may not create a loss!

    * Above deductions may only be deducted if not previously allowed.
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