Page 20 - P6 Slide Taxation - Lecture Day 7 - Various Topics
P. 20
Gross Income par eA
After members of a PSPF became aware of the fact that PSPF will be
taxable from 1 March 1998, some decided to convert their PSPF into a PrF
in order to avoid tax.
- Replace annuities (under PSPF) with a lump sum(LS) under PrF.
- Thus, replace tax on annuities @ 41% with tax on LS @ 36%.
In order to prevent the above par (eA) determines that ⅔ of the funds
transferred to the PrF will be included in gross income as if it is a lump sum.
What are the implications?
→ The Second Schedule is not applicable to par (eA) inclusions. This
means that no par 5 or par 6 deduction will be allowed!
How will you identify it?
→ Member converts its PSPF to a PrF before retirement and effectively
remains in the employment of the same employer; OR
→ The dependants or nominees of a deceased member do the conversion.