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 The Bright Side March 7, 2018
Cultivating Women Leaders
– page 1
Pleasant View Music
– page 2
Eastern Musicians Visit U of M – page 3
RIF Ice Cream Social(ize)
– page 4
Native American Math Night
– page 5
Everett Poetry Slam
– page 6
Eastern Pep Rally
– page 7
PBIS Kickoff at Rich
– page 8
Dolores Huerta Visits MSU
– page 9
Black History Month
– page 10
PCAC Summer Showcase
– page 11
Grow with Google
– page 12
Bright Spot
– page 13
                        Olivet College —
Cultivating Women Leaders
On Friday March 2, Olivet College’s Women’s Leadership Institute held it’s annual Cultivating Women Leaders event. The event, which has been designed to inspire and help young women realize their potential as leaders, was wildly successful in its second year. This year’s theme was Pioneering the Future.
Current and prospective Olivet students - 50+ of whom were from the Lansing School District - were able to attend the event which was at capacity with 400 guests. The event provided students with the tools and resources they need to establish themselves as leaders today and into the future.
The highly interactive event featured a variety of activities including formal and informal networking; a wonderful panel of Olivet alumnae featuring entrepreneur, actress, and model Genise Shelton (’99), and none other than Lansing School District Superintendent Yvonne Caamal Canul (‘73), as well as many other distinguished women leaders; not to mention a humorous interactive communication skill session which helped attendees learn how to deal with confrontation, negotiation, professional situations and establishing boundaries.
Olivet College’s Women’s Leadership is built off of the Athena model, which was created by Martha Mayhood Mertz. The model features eight core principals - live authentically, learn constantly, build relationships, foster collaboration, act courageously, advocate fiercely, give back and celebrate - that offer a distinctive, transforming approach for leading in the 21st century.
Mertz was the keynote speaker for the event, and spoke of her highly personal story of transformation, and how, from that, ATHENA international was born.
What an inspirational event to have attended.
03/07 - Late Start Wednesday
- Music Enrichment Series
03/08 - 03/09 -
03/14 - 03/15 -
7-8:00 p.m., Pleasant View
Information Study Session 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Admin.
Winter Band Concert 7-8:00 p.m., Everett
Late Start Wednesday
Regular Board Meeting
6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Admin. - Music Enrichment Series
7-8:00 p.m., Pattengill 03/21 - Late Start Wednesday
03/27 - PCAC Meeting
03/28 - Late Start Wednesday
 Page 1 | March 7 | Contents

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