Page 20 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 20

of discipline that you carry from one life to another.
        Making the Most of Your Time                           Your professional life should be balanced and
                                                               organized using your favorite calendar – traditionally
        It seems harsh, but the truth of scheduling            tracked on paper or digitally organized through the
        appointments is that you choose what will bring the    cloud, just ensure you are building in time for yourself
        best return on your energies. Not being a psychic, I   – driving time, decompressing time, and strategizing
        cannot tell if someone or some group of people will    time. Organizing your time and structuring your life to
        be more beneficial over another; however, I can hedge   be manageable lets you maintain balance.
        my bets about the people through KNOWING as much
        about them as I can and being as genuine as possible.
        While enthusiasm when you meet with someone will         Doing what you are good and gifted at to make a
        ensure a place in their memory for you, being genuine    living is a great way to provide for your family.
        when you meet them will be the part that helps them      Helping others to be able to do it just as well helps
        be honest with you about how you can help each           to change an industry and all the perception of
        other. It all stems from being very real and very honest   that industry and has been the guiding principle
        with the people you encounter, and with yourself. Being   of the career of Dan Khuu in every industry he has
        selfish when you meet someone and only looking at        worked in. Beginning as a rookie sales associate in
        what they can do for you is not how you build a strong   1995 and spending over 20 years in telecom and
        and mutually beneficial relationship. It is a good thing   sales, he has amassed a wealth of sales strategies,
        to be able to refer someone you have met and like to     varying product and industry knowledge, teaching
        someone else because they can be helpful; it is even     techniques, and over 37,000 hours of active sales
        better when you know when it is best to not waste
        their time if you cannot create value for them.          and subject matter expertise in all things electronic.

                                                                 After making his mark as the leader in wireless
        Know Your Strengths                                      aftermarket sales for one of the largest wireless
        With the value of your time, you can learn to save       companies in the world, he turned his expertise
        money on domestic necessities ranging from doing         into a 15-year career with field marketing
        your own oil change or changing the brakes on your       organizations serving clients in the retail world
        car, painting your house, or replacing your home’s       including Samsung, LG, TCL, and DIRECTV among
        plumbing fixtures. It is hard to argue with the value of   other companies that boast billions of dollars of
        saving money using your local home store and videos      sales in North America. Turning his marketing and
        you can watch online (which could lead to something      sales expertise towards a new industry, he hopes
        like going down a rabbit hole of other videos), but you   to continue to improve Arizona through honesty,
        must know the value of your time, and if it is just worth   integrity, serving others, and doing the right thing
        it to have someone else do it. If it takes you three     for the community (and not necessarily the bottom
        hours and several trips to the nearby auto parts store
        for tools you did not have, it may be worth it to just pay   line).
        a professional to do it. That professional has learned
        over years of practical experience how to do that same   He firmly believes people and relationships matter
        job in a single hour; you are not paying for the hour he   above profits, and that knowing the value of both
        worked, you are paying for the years of experience he    helps to improve the health of a company more
        possesses to get that job done in an hour.               than any other “asset” they may hold. Dan can

                                                                 be reached via phone at (480) 729-0474, through
                                                                 email at, or through his
        Balancing a long list of things to do in your            website at
        professional life as well as your personal life (home
        projects, repairs, even daily chores) requires a degree

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