Page 21 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 21

Creating a Legacy

                                                   That Inspires Future


                                                   By Natalie McQueen

                                                hat do you      The quality of our lives has a lot to do with how we
                                          Wwant your            perceive life. If those before us take the time to value
                                          legacy to say         us and pass on our heritage, then our experience of
        about you? What do you want to pass on to future        life is so much richer and more meaningful. Everyone
        generations? Do you want it to say that you cared       wants to be remembered, cherished, and loved. My joy
        about your community, your grandchildren, your loved    is enhanced in life when those closest to me take the
        ones? A legacy is a thoughtful life well lived given away   time to share their heartfelt journey with me.
        to others. We all desire that and it is simply a matter
        of prioritizing it. We possess what we make time for in   Legacy Builds Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, and
        life.                                                   Character
                                                                Our families teach us work ethics, drive, values,
         “When you live the best version of yourself, you inspire others to   passion, and so much more about who we are and
         live the best version of themselves.” Steve Maraboli
                                                                finding our place of belonging in the world. We live by
        Tomorrow isn’t promised, and there is no day but        example as it gets instilled in our very essence or way
        today. Why not clean out that drawer with all those     of being. A family that forgets mom or dad’s character
        photographs, videos, and memorabilia? After all, you    is a family that has truly lost its way in the world. When
        have been saving it for a purpose. Your grandchildren   you know your heritage or roots, then you realize you
        will have a memory and imprint of you to hold onto      are part of something bigger than yourself and part of
        for future generations to come. Nothing is as sweet     the tribe that stands behind you. Capturing your legacy
        as remembering all the sayings, family traditions, fun   is a thoughtful and purposeful way of contributing
        times, passions, and hobbies of a loved one. Here are   to future generations. Leaving a legacy is leaving the
        three reasons why you shouldn’t put it off.             largest blueprint towards their future. It unpacks your
                                                                family’s dreams, their destiny, and the essence of their
        Legacy Adds to Their Wisdom                             very identity.

        Families have trends, patterns, stories to tell that give   Natalie McQueen became the Founder of Gifts
        meaning and purpose to their heartfelt identity. Passing   of Legacy after a near brush with death. She is
        on these stories adds wisdom to families. A family        an International Bestselling Author. Natalie is a
        is like a circle with a beginning, a middle, and an end,   Certified Mindset Mastery Coach from the Global
        continually sharing ideas and generational wisdom.        Mentoring, Coaching, and Publishing Center Inc.
        Recording these stories leaves future generations with    As a publisher Natalie knows the importance and
        the hope that traditions and patterns won’t be lost
        or forgotten. The lifelong lessons grandmother and        impact someone’s message can make on the world.
        grandfather taught us are essential to mastering our      Natalie has created a one-of-a-kind system that
        purpose in this world. After all, we are an extension of   guides families to preserve their life experiences
        their souls, their brilliance, light, and love, and a gift to   and stories into cherished legacies. She coaches
        this world.                                               families to formulate their traditions, wisdom, and
                                                                  expertise in a way that will touch the lives of future
        Legacy Enhances Joy                                       generations.

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