Page 24 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 24

Publicity Tips You Can

 Implement To Create Buzz                          Spider Monkeys

 For Your Business                                 and You

                                                   By Lauren Archibeque

        Do you know how to catch a spider monkey?                 •   What will it feel like to own that pile of bounty
                                                                      that feels just outside your reach now? Financial
        I know that may not seem like valuable information to         freedom, peace of mind, the joy of healthy
        have as an entrepreneur, but the information may hold         relationships, and the vibrant health you’d love.
        important clues as to what may be stopping you from
        the results you know you deserve.                      Keep your focus on what you want as you write. Do not
                                                               spend any moments on what went wrong or how you
        Spider monkeys are small, very agile, and live up in   got where you are. Learn the lesson from the vantage
        the treetops. You’re probably not going to easily climb   point of what worked and go from there. Use that
        up and grab one. And yet, catching one is surprisingly   information to propel you to get even more creative in
        easy. You simply put a peanut in a long neck bottle    strategies to grab that pile of bounty. All the things you
        and secure the bottle to the ground. In short order, the   truly desire are on the other side of those answers.
        monkey will descend to grab that nut. Once he gets     This begins to create the space to move quickly into
        the peanut in his tiny fist, you grab him. You see, once   results. It sends a signal to your enormously powerful
        he has that little nut in his grasp he will not let go. His   subconscious mind to get creative and motivated
        grip on the peanut means that fist is stuck. Even if you   beyond what you currently have.
        tempt him with a pile of ripe bananas and more nuts
        just outside his reach, he will continue to hold onto the   Our past can haunt us into believing we must hang
        nut in his hand.                                       onto old beliefs and past disappointments. There is a
                                                               way out and it starts now.
        If you’re feeling bogged down, or if lacking clear     Today is the day to put the past where it belongs,
        thinking to find solutions or your motivation to move   behind you!
        forward has stalled, I would invite you to look for your
        own personal peanut in a bottle.
                                                                 Lauren is a personal development expert
        You know that great is not the same as good enough.      and bestselling author that understands the
        The peanut you have in your hand is good—the pile of     entrepreneur brain with dozens of certifications to
        bananas and nuts will be great!
                                                                 help you cultivate magnificent results.
        Here’s an exercise to play with.                         If you’ve spent too much money, energy and time in
        1.  Get quiet                                            therapy or read self-help books, etc. trying to do it
        2.  There are things you’re holding onto that are        yourself, there is a better way.
            stopping you from reaching for your gold.            Bottomline, the brain is faster than you think.
           •   Ask yourself, “What are your peanuts?”            Paradigm shifts quickly and easily happen . . .in
           •   (Habits, fear, negative people, a business model   ONE DAY! What we do is science, and the results
              that’s no longer working, etc.)                    are pure magic.
        3.  Write out your answers                               Curious?
        4.  Now take every answer and imagine what you gain
            if you let it go. Write those out fully.             Begin the Shift now at www.thegrowthcompany.
           •   What will you gain when you let go and move?      net to schedule your FREE call or text 480-276-
                                                                 0443 and get started now.
        5.  Step into the feeling of realizing your results.

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