Page 126 - 衛生署英語NEW
P. 126
121 參、各部門對話
You can look up all the necessary information in the
Newborn Nursing Guide. Please come and get the
vaccination on schedule.
diaper ['da0DpQ] n. 尿布
circulating ['s"kjD`let0H] a. 流通的
axillary ['$ks0`lGr0] n. 腋窩
antipyretic [`$nt0pa0'rGt0k] n. 退熱劑
suppository [sD'pAzD`tor0] n. 栓劑
convulsion [kDn'vKlNDn] n. 抽搐
drowsy ['dra?z0] a. 昏昏欲睡的
lethargic [l0'LArdI0k] a. 無生氣的
bowel movement ['ba?Dl]['muvmDnt] n. 排便
lactose ['l$ktos] n. 乳糖
dyspepsia [d0'spGpND] n. 消化不良
gastrointestinal [`E$stro0n'tGst0nDl] a. 胃腸的
hygiene ['ha0dIin] n. 衛生
buttock ['bKtDk] n. 臀部
immunity [0'mjunDt0] n. 免疫力
sputum ['spjutDm] n. 痰
skeletal ['skGlDtDl] a. 骨骼的
vaccine ['v$ksin] n. 疫苗