Page 127 - 衛生署英語NEW
P. 127

             醫院英語對話法寶書          122


                     diphtheria  [d0f'L0r0D]  n.  白喉
                     pertussis  [pQ'tKs0s]  n.  百日咳
                     tetanus  ['tGtDnDs]  n.  破傷風
                     interval  ['0ntQv9]  n.  間隔
                     booster shot  ['bustQ][NAt]  ph.  後續疫苗注射
                     bacillus Calmette-Guerin  卡介苗
                     measles  ['miz9z]  n.  麻疹
                     mumps  [mKmps]  n.  腮腺炎
                     rubella  [ru'bGlD]  n.  德國麻疹


           1. am going to take the baby’s temperature rectally. Could you
              please take off the baby’s ________?

           2. Don’t dress him/her too warmly and don’t cover him/her under
              heavy covers. Also, keep the indoor air ________.

           3. If the child has _____, feels _____ or _____, vomits seriously, or
              has cyanosis, take him/her to the emergency room immediately.

           4. You could make the formula lighter. If necessary, you can use the
              non-_____ formula to avoid _____.
           5. Keep quiet when your baby is resting and let him/her get enough
              rest and sleep to increase his/her _____.
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