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in food. Report of a WHO Expert Consultation in

                          collaboration with the Institute for Hygiene and Food
                          Safety of the Federal Dairy Research Centre, Germany and

                          the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
                          Nations, Kiel: Germany, 21-23 March, 2000.

                       4. Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health
                          Organization of the United Nations (FAO/WHO): Food

                          safety risk analysis, a guide for national food safety
                          authorities. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 87, Joint

                          FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, Rome 2006a.
                          Available at:


                       5. Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health
                          Organization of the United Nations (FAO/WHO): The use

                          of microbiological risk assessment outputs to develop
                          practical risk management strategies: metrics to improve to

                          improve food safety. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO meeting
                          in collaboration with the German Federal Ministry of Food,

                          Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Kiel: Germany, 3-7
                          April, 2006b.

                       6. Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health
                          Organization of the United Nations (FAO/WHO): Working

                          Principles for Risk Analysis Application in the Framework
                          of the Codex Alimentarius. In Codex Alimentarius

                          Commission Procedural Manual, 24th version, Joint
                          FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, Rome, 2015.

                          Available at:

                       7. Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

                          (JIFSAN): Risk Communication., operated
                          by JIFSAN and CFSAN/USFDA. Accessed on Jan 1, 2016.

                          available at:

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