Page 16 - Running a Great Shift Learner Guide 1.1
P. 16
Running a Great Shift Learner Guide
Server Pre-Shift Meetings
Lesson 6 00:05
Pre-shift meetings are a great way to motivate your team. These pre-planned meetings should focus on making
someone feel special or 1 technical skill or 1 menu item. Choosing 1 topic to focus on will center your team’s attention
where you feel it needs to be. This technique allows leaders to make a direct impact on their team’s performance.
Pre-Shift Meeting Details
Each day your pre-shift meetings should be focused on 1 of the topics listed below. Spend a 2-3 minutes focusing on the
topic and any details that support the topic. Pre-shift meetings should not be used to learn the information on the focus
board. Rather, teams should memorize the focus board prior to the pre-shift and use the time to do a quick review. Key
items such as reservations, large parties, special events such as guest birthdays and specific operational details are
examples of points to touch on.
Under each of the topics below there are some examples that you can choose for your pre-shift. Use these ideas as a
guide to help make your pre-shift fun, informative and energizing!
Making Someone Feel Special 1 Skill 1 Menu Item
Have team members share a story Review key skills for the team’s Select a menu item and ask the
of what they did to make someone job (i.e. opening a bottle of wine) culinary or bar team to prepare it
feel special Describe how to execute that skill Discuss 1 component of the plate
Discuss topics like the allergy with excellence at a time, for example:
procedures and how we use that Discuss current or new training o Start with the potatoes; look at
procedure to make guests feel initiatives: talk about the details, them, talk finesse points and
special how it affects the team and why talk about what you see; then
Use examples of special moments the initiative is happening taste them and talk passion
both at work and outside of work Review current or new postings points – what are you tasting?
Brainstorm ideas of what your and have the team tell you what Let the team speak first and
team can do to make people feel they are all about (review key then leaders can share their
special; include ideas about guests details) own passion points
and teammates Use props to add effectiveness to o Then move on to the vegetables
Discuss how you can make first your training: wine openers, trays, and repeat the process: look,
time guests feel special mild allergen guides, wardrobe then share (discuss), then taste,
Review details about reservation items, menus, coasters, etc. then share (discuss)
groups or hotel guests: where are o Then move on to the steak and
they from, what are they repeat the process: look, then
celebrating, who do they work for? share (discuss), then taste, then
Use this to generate conversation share (discuss)
with guests Ask the team to explain what
they’re tasting while they taste:
what they like, why they like it,
what memories it evokes, etc.
o Ask everyone to blurt out
whatever comes to mind: “soft”,
“fluffy”, “crunchy”, “reminds me
of Christmas”, “reminds me of a
summer BBQ” – authentic
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