Page 17 - Running a Great Shift Learner Guide 1.1
P. 17
Running a Great Shift Learner Guide
sharing is what matters, not the
passion points found in our
menu training!
It’s really important to encourage
that we aren’t looking for a scripted
answer; the best way to share is
with honesty
A lot of servers want to say just the
right thing (or exactly what they
think we want to hear); we can strip
that away by encouraging sincere
Pre-Shift Examples
Making People Feel Special
Example 1 Example 2
There’s a 3 day convention booked at the attached hotel. Asking a table what brings them here tonight is a great
The manager shares this with the team during the pre-shift. question to learn about the guests. Perhaps it is a special
occasion like an anniversary or birthday. If that’s the case
Servers and hosts can find out if guests are part of the it’s a perfect opportunity to introduce the guests to your
convention during their lunch with us. This is a great manager. Managers may choose to offer champagne,
opportunity to invite them back at a later time or day. complimentary desserts or a gift card.
Maybe there’s a game on later or an event the next day.
Discussing upcoming specials, events or features is a Alternatively, perhaps the guests all work at a business
great way to make a guest feel welcome to join us again. close by. This is a perfect opportunity to invite them in for
happy hour drinks or to watch the game.
1 Skill
Example 1 Example 2
Using a note pad when taking orders. Why is this Placing coasters on the table when the beverage order is
important? It keeps you organized and it ensures you taken. Why is this important? This is a sign to the entire
make less mistakes. You may not realize this but it also team that the guests have ordered first drinks. Coasters
helps with guest’s confidence in your service ability. A shouldn’t go on the table until the order is made. The last
guest wants to feel reassured that their order will be thing we want is for a guest to be waiting to give their order
delivered exactly as they have requested it. When they while the team incorrectly thinks it’s already been taken.
see you write their order down it allows them to relax and When coaster placement is executed properly the entire
continue visiting. Demonstrate tips on how to best team can help to get first drinks to your guests if you’re
organize your notepad. busy. Do this well and the guests will appreciate drinks
right now.
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