Page 29 - PHOTODOT 2017년 8월호 VOL.45 Jul
P. 29
The art of great resonance, Hangul (Korean character)
Bo-sung Keum 〈tetrapod〉
A huge breakwater tetrapod is stood on the surface of the sea. People's attention is focused
on the colorful appearance of strange-looking tetrapods. Why, unlike the original role of a
breakwater that blocks the waves coming from the outer side of harbor to its inside, does a
huge breakwater float freely in the middle of the seaside sea?
written by Yunchae Park, journalist (
Artist Bo-Sung Kim, called “Korean character artist”,
comforts the public with his installation “Breakwater tetrapod”. He
installed his works to seven different locations around the country,
including the sea, mountains, parks, and plazas, and communicated
his thoughts to many more people through his works. Now, the
breakwater tetrapod has finished all the journey and remains as a
photograph. I would like to make some of the photos public as the
record of the journey that conveyed warm heart to those who are
hurt and suffered from certain damage.
photowork2_0721.indd 27 2017-07-27 �� 11:12:16