Page 30 - PHOTODOT 2017년 8월호 VOL.45 Jul
P. 30
Hangul (Korean Character) painter, Bo-sung Keum
Bo-sung Keum is known as an artist who has rooted the phono-
gram, Hangul, into modern paintings. Some call him 'the master
of Hangul paintings'. In addition, he is the director of the Keum
Bosung Art Center, and finds artists who are talented hidden and
also spare no support as an assistant to those existing artists. On
the other hand, Bosung Keum is also a poet who published seven
volumes of poetry. Since his debut as a poet at his third year in
high school, he has steadily published poems about his hometown
Yeosu. He has immersed himself in the poetry for many years, and
finds the charm of Hangul itself, which is the basis of literature,
and thinks that the letters could become pictures. His first solo
exhibition, composed of paintings of Hangul, began at the age of 20.
“In my opinion, since the 'expression'
shows what I have in mind, it would
not matter what I have majored. Even
though I studied in theology, I had
my first solo exhibition at 20, and ever
since, I comfortably had my exhibition
to show my thoughts. I diligently
conducted exhibition every year
The artist Bosung Keum, who had no hesitation in expressing, did
not distinguish the medium but led the work in the plane, ste-
reoscopic, installation, and various aspects. He chose new mate-
rials every two to three years, and showed colorful work in a big
theme called 'Hangul'. He said, "I'm not interested in any stereo-
typed thought as you have to utilize only with paints if you're an
artist,". He said he would continue working beyond any limitations
on materials.
photowork2_0721.indd 28 2017-07-27 �� 11:12:17