Page 25 - H2AIR® Arch
P. 25
Tunnel Placement
Before installing the H2AIR® Arch, the location for the driver side leg must be marked on the floor, as that
will be the first leg mounted. The foot on the driver side leg will be positioned using the inside edge of the
guiderail as a reference point. Also, when placing a piece of equipment, tunnel depth will vary from site to
site. Be sure to allow an adequate operating envelope.
1) Using a tape measure, measure 42-3/4” from the inside edge of the guiderail toward the driver
side of the tunnel and mark a line for this dimension on the floor.
2) Position the OUTSIDE edge of the driver side foot plate on the marked line which should be 42-
3/4” from the inside edge of the guiderail and confirm the H2AIR® is positioned at the desired
location lengthwise in the tunnel.
Head Beam
Leg Assembly Leg Assembly on
on Driver Side Passenger Side
Outside edge 42-3/4” Inside of Conveyor Guiderail
of Driver Side
Foot Plate Floor Line
View of the ENTRANCE side of the H2AIR® Arch
facithe ENTRANCE side
Note: Confirm the outside edge of the driver side foot plate is 42-3/4” from the inside edge of the
guiderail. Take this measurement at the entrance and exit end of the foot plate to confirm
that the leg is square to the conveyor.
3) Before lagging the driver side leg in place verify the leg is plumb in all directions using a level.
4) Shims may be used under the foot plate if necessary to make the driver side leg level.
1MANUL958 Belanger®, Inc. *PO BOX 5470 *Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681 21