Page 30 - H2AIR® Arch
P. 30
Route LED Cables from Leg Assemblies to Electrical Box
1) Route the LED Cable from the driver side Leg Assembly to the Electrical Box mounted on the
driver side of the Top Flip Weldment, as shown in the images below.
LED Cable
for PS Leg
LED Cable for
DS Leg Asy
Electrical Box
for Leg Asy.
Step 1 Step 2
Route the LED Cable Route the LED Cable
from the DS Leg Asy to
the Electrical Box on the from the PS Leg Asy to
driver side of the Top Flip the Electrical Box on the
Weldment. driver side of the Top Flip
2) Route the LED Cable from the passenger side Leg Assembly to the same Electrical Box, as
shown above.
3) These cables will be connected to the main power in the Utilities section of this manual.
26 Belanger, Inc.® *PO BOX 5470 *Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681 1MANUL958