Page 153 - El paraiso perdido
P. 153
So said. he. o er his sceplre howmg. rose
I rom the right hand ol'Glory where he salí: Sobre el cetro se inclina \ se levanta
And ilie ihird sacred morn hegan to shine. De la diestra de Dios donde se hallaba
Dawning ihrough Heaven. Forth rnshed wiih whirlwing I ucia la tercera santa aurora
sound Iluminando el Cielo. Va en turbión
The chariot of Paternal Deity. 750 La carroza del Dios Paternidad
Flashing thick llames, whccl within wheel indrawn. Fulgurando, con ruedas en sus ruedas
Itsell' instinct with spirit. hut convoyed Movida por su espíritu, escollada
By four chcruhic Shapes. Four laces each Por cuatro querubines. Cuatro rostros
liad wondrous: as with stars. their bodies all Tenia cada uno y todo el cuerpo
And wings were set with eyes; with eyes the wheels Y las alas, con ojos, y las ruedas
OI' herví, and carccring tires between: De berilio, con fuegos que giraban.
Over their heads a crystal firmament. IJn piso de cristal sobre sus frentes
Whereon a sapphire throne. inlaid with puré Y un trono de zafiros puesto encima
Amber and colours of the showery arch. De ambar y colores de arco iris.
He. in celestial panoply all armed 760 En celeste panoplia bien armado
Of radiant Urim. work divinely wrought. Como radiante Urim. obra divina.
Ascended: at his right hand Victory El subió; a su diestra la Victoria
Sat eagle-winged: beside him hung his bow Alada; junto a si cuelga su arco
And quiver with three-bolted thunder stored: Y aljaba con tres truenos o disparos.
And from about him fierce effusion rolled Rodaba alrededor de El. difundido.
Ofsmoke and bickering fíame and sparkles dire. Humo y fuego incisivo con centellas.
Attended with ten thousand thousand Saints Servido por diez mil miles de santos
He onward carne; far ofT his comming shone; Se acercó: desde lejos brilla el brillo
And twenty thousand (I their number heard) Y veinte mil (tal numero escuché)
Chariots of God. half on each hand. were seen. 770 Carrozas: la mitad a cada lado.
He on the wings of Cherub rodé sublime Se sube sobre el ala de querubes
On the crystallinc sky. in sapphire throned. Al cristal y a su Trono de zafiros
Illustrious far and wide. but by his own Se le ve en todas panes mas los suyos
First seen. them unexpected joy surprised Al instante. El deleite les sorprende
When the great ensign of Messiah blazed Cuando ondea la ensena del Mesías
Aloft. by Angels borne, his sign in Heaven; En alto, su bandera celestial.
Under whose conduct Michael soon reduced A tal Jefe Miguel pronto conduce
His army. circumfused on either wing Su armada que se extiende a los dos lados
Under their Head embodied all in one. Como cuerpo que se une a su cabeza.
Before him Power Divine his way prepared; 780 El divino poder iba delante
At his command the uprooted hills retired Y a su voz retirábanse los montes
Each to his place: they heard his voice. and went Al sitio que tenían pues le escuchan
Obsequious; Heaven his wonted face renewed. Y obedecen. Su faz retoma el Cielo:
And with fresh ílowerets hill and valley smiled. Florecillas sonríen por doquier.
This saw his hapless focs. but stood obdured. Lo vieron los contrarios, mas se obcecan