Page 151 - El paraiso perdido
P. 151

PARADISE  LOST                                           LIBRO  VI

            Hurled lo and  fro with jaculation dire                  Lanzados de ambos lados con tal  furia
            That underground they fought ín dismal shade:            Que. abajo, en triste sombra se luchaba:
            Infernal  noise! war seemed a civil game                 ¡Un  Infierno:  Lo de antes era juego!
            To this uproar: horrid confusión  heaped                 Horrible confusión amontonada
            Upon confusión  rose. And  now all  Heaven               Surgia en confusión. Todos los Cielos
            Had gonc to wrack. with ruin overspread.   670           Hubieran  naufragado en  la ruina
            Had not th' Almighty Father. where he sits               Si el  Padre Poderoso que se sienta
            Shrined  in his sanctuary of Heaven secure.              En seguro y celeste santuario.
            Consulting on the sum of things.  foreseen               Contemplando las cosas,  no previera
            This tumult. and  permitted all, advised.                Tal  tumulto, admitiéndolo, de modo
            That  his great purpose he might so fulfil.              Que pudiera lograr su gran propósito
            To honour his anointed Son, avenged                      De honrar al  Unigénito, vengado
            Upong his cnemies. and to declare                        De cualquier enemigo, y declarar
            All power on  him  transferred:  whence to his Son.      Que le da sus poderes.  A su  Hijo.
            Th' assesor of his throne. he thus began:-               De su Trono participe, le dice:
              '"EITulgence of my glorv. Son  belovcd.   680          “Hijo amado,  reflejo de nn gloria
            Son  in whose face invisible is beheld                   En tu  faz se contempla lo invisible
            Visibly. what by Deity I am.                             De manera visible:  mi deidad
            And  in whose hand what by decree I do.                  Y en tu  mano lo que hago por decreto
            Second Omnipotence! two days are passed.                 ¡Segunda omnipotencia!  Van dos días
            Two days, as we compute the days of Heaven.              -Según se cuentan dias en el Ciclo-
            Since Michael and his Powers went forth to tame          Que Miguel y  sus huestes domestican
            These disobedicnt.  Sore hath  been  their fight.        Al  rebelde.  La guerra  ha sido cruel
            As likeliest was when two such  Ibes met armed:          Como era de esperar con tales fuerzas.
            For to themselves I  left them: and thou  know'st        Los dejé a su albedrío y ya conoces
            Equal  in  their creation they were formed.   690        Que por naturaleza son iguales
            Save what sin  hath  impaired-which  yet hath wrought    Si no es lo que el  pecado ha producido.
            Insensibly, for I suspend their doom:                    Sin  verse, pues aun debo sentencia:
            Whence in  perpetual fight they needs must last          Por eso la batalla será eterna
            Endless, and  no solution will be found.                 Y  no se encontrará la solución.
            War wearied hath  perfomed what war can do.              La fatigosa guerra dio lo suyo
            And  to disordered  rage let loose the rcins.            Soltando las riendas de la rabia
            With  mountains. as with weapons. armed: which  makes    Y  montes como dardos.  Por lo cual
            Wild work  in  Heaven. and dangerous to the main.        Los cielos son  locura, el orbe, riesgo.
            Two days are. therefore. passed: the third  is thine:    Van dos días.  El tuyo es el tercero
            For thee I  have ordained it. and thus far   700         Para tí lo pensé y  hasta el  momento
            Havc suffered, that the glory  mav be thine             Callé pues tuya debe ser la gloria
            Of cnding this great war. since none but thou            De acabar esta guerra.  Nadie mas
            Can end it.  Into thee such  virtue and grace            Puede hacerlo: tal gracia y  tal virtud
            Immense I  have transfused. that all  may know          Te transmito que todos pueden  ver
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