Page 194 - El paraiso perdido
P. 194

P A R A D I S E   L O S T
                              B O O K   IX
                          T H E   A R G U M E N T

       Salan having compassed the Earth,  with mediated guile
       returns  as  a  mist  by  night  into  Paradise;  enters  into  the
       Serpent  slceping.  Adam  and Eve  in  the  morning go J'orih  lo
       their lahours,  which  Eve proposes to divide in severa/ p/aees.
       each /aboliring aparra Adam consents not, a/leging the danger
       test  dial  enemv.  of  whom  they  were  forewarned.  shou/d
                                                                                  L IB R O   IX
       attempt  her  found  alone.  Eve.  loth  to  he  thought  not
       circumspect orfirm enough,  urges her going apar!,  the rather   Ni  Dios ni el  huésped  Angel  hablan  mas
       desirous to make tria! oí her strength; Adam al /asi vie/ds.  The   Como íntimos amigos con el hombre.
      Serpent fmds her alone: /lis subtle approaeh. first gazing.  then   Ni se sientan con él a compartir
      speaking,  with  much Jlattery  exlo/ling  Eve  above  all  other   Campestres alimentos,  permitendole
      creatures.  Eve.  wondering to hear the Serpent speak. asks liow   Palabras inocentes.  Paso ahora
      he attained lo human speech and sueh  underslanding not  til/   A tragedias, ruptura y desconfianza
      now: the Serpent  answers that  by tasting of a  certain  tree in   Desleal en el  hombre: a rebelión
      the garden he attained both to speech and reason. lili tlien void   Y  a la desobediencia.  Y en el cielo.
      ofboth.  Eve requires him to bring her to that tree. and fmds it   Alienado, a disgusto y lejanía.
      to be the Tree of Knowledge forbidden: the Serpent. now grown
      bolder.  with many wi/es and arguments induces her at length
      to eat.  She. pleased with the taste. delibérales a while whether
      to impart thereofto Adam or not: al las brings him of the fruir
      relates  what  persuaded  her  to  eat  thereof.  Adam.  at  ftrsl
      amazed.  bul pereeiving her tosí,  resolves.  through  vehemence
      of ¡ove.  lo perish  with her.  and.  extenuating the trespass,  eats
      also of the fruit.  The effects thereof in them both: they seek to
      cover their nakedness: then Jal! to  varianee and aceusation of
      one a not her
      Not  more of talk where God or Angel Guest
      With  Man. as with  his friend. familiar used
      To sil indulgent. and with  him  partake
      Rural repast. permitting him the while
      Venial discourse unblanted.  I  now  musí change
      Those  notes to tragic-foul distrust, and breach
      Disloyal on the part of man. revolt
      And disobedicnce; on  the pan of Heaven.
      Now alienated. distance and distaste.
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