Page 219 - El paraiso perdido
P. 219

PARADISE  LOST                                          LIBRO  IX

              Tenderly wept.  much won ihat  he his love              Tiernamente lloró porgue su amor.
              Had so cnnobled as of choice to incur                   Tan  noble, prefería el incurrir
              Divine displeasure for her sake. or death.               Por ella en disgustar a  Dios o en  muerte:
              In  recompense (for such compliance bad                  En premio, (porgue tal complicidad
              Such  recompense best ments). from the bough             Merece tales premios) de la rama
              She gave him of that fair enticing fruit                 Le ofreció aguellos frutos seductores.
              With liberal  hand.  He scrupled not to eat.            Con  mano liberal. Comió él sin pena
              Against his better knowledge. not deceived.              En contra de su juicio, no engañado.
              But fondly overeóme with  female charm                   Rendido el gusto a encantos femeninos.
              Earth trembled  from  her entrails. as again   1000     Segunda vez la tierra se estremece
              In pangs. and  Nature gave a second groan:              Con dolor.  Dio natura otro gemido.
              Sky loured. and.  muttering thunder. some sad drops     El cielo se  nubló. Con trueno y lluvia
              Wept at completing of the mortal sin                    Lloró porgue es completo ya el pecado
              Original; while Adam took  no thought,                  De origen, aungue a Adán  no le preocupa
              Eating his fill. ñor Eve to itérate                     Comer hasta llenarse.  Eva repite
              Her former trespass feared. the more to soothe          Sin  miedo su  pecado por calmarle
              Him with her loved society: that  now.                  Con su amada presencia.  Ahora ya
              As with new  wine intoxicated both.                     Cual  borrachos de vino, los dos juntos
              They swim  in  mirth, and faney that they feel          Nadan en gozo y creen gue ya sienten
              Divinity within them breeding wings   1010              Que la divinidad les da las alas
              W'herewith to scorn  the Earth: but that false fruit    Para dejar la tierra.  Mas el fruto
              Far other operations first displayed.                   Produjo antes efectos muy distintos.
              Carnal desire inflaming: he on  Eve                     Inflamada lujuria.  Él en  Eva
              Began to cast lascivious eyes; she him                  Pone lascivos ojos. Ella a él
              As wantonly  repaid; in lust they burn.                 Responde caprichosa. Arden  pasiones
              Till Adam thus' gan  Eve to dalliance move:-            Y Adán guiere con Eva retozar:
                'Eve.  now I  see thou art exact of taste             "Tu gusto. Eva. es exacto,  veo ahora.
              And elegant-of sapience no small parí:                  Y elegante y no exento de sapiencia.
              Since to each  meaning savour we apply.                 Pues damos un sabor a cada idea
              And palate cali judicious.  I the praise   1020         Y  un juicio al paladar. Toda alabanza
              Yield thee. so well this day thou hast purveyed.        Te doy pues hoy muy bien  has proveído.
              Much  pleasure we have lost. while we abstained         Gran placer nos perdimos absteniéndonos
              From  this delightful  fruit. ñor known  till  now      De este gozoso fruto y no supimos
             True relish. tasting.  If such pleasure be               Gustar el paladeo. Tal fruición
              In things to us forbidden.  it might lie wished         En las cosas prohibidas da deseos
              For this one tree had been forbbiden ten.               Que prohibieran diez árboles, no uno.
              But come: so well  refreshed. now let us plav.          Pero ven. Tras comer, gue llegue el juego
             As meet  is. after such delicious fare;                  Cual conviene después de tal vianda
             For never did thy beauty. since the day                  Pues nunca tu belleza desde el día

             1saw thee first and wedded thee. adorned   1030          En gue yo te esposé por vez primera.
             With all  perfections. so inflame my sense               Adornada y perfecta, me inflamó
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