Page 217 - El paraiso perdido
P. 217

PARADISE LOST                                           LIBRO  IX

            Thy swect converse and love so dearly joined.            De tu dulce presencia y  de tu amor
            To live again  in  these wild woods forlorn?   910       Viviendo en estos bosques solitarios'.’
            Should God create anoiher Eve. and  I                    Si  Dios hace otra Eva y  si  yo mismo
            Another rih afTord. yet loss of thee                     Entrego otra costilla, tu  vacio
            Would never from  my  heari.  No.  no!  I  feel          Jamas se llenará.  !No. no! Yo siento
            The link of nature draw me:  flesh of llesh.             EL la/o  natural: carne de carne
             Bone of my hone thou an. and from thy State             Tu. y hueso de mis huesos.  De tu estado
             Mine never shall  he parted. hliss or woe.'             Yo no me apañare en dolor o gozo."
               So having said. as one from sad dismay                Dicho esto y como de un desmayo
             Recomforted. and. after thoughts disturbed.             Confortado,  tras tristes pensamientos.
            Submitting to what seemed  remediless.                   Como a lo irremediable sometido.
            Thus in calm  mood his words to Eve he turned:-   92(1   De forma más calmada a Eva le dice:
               ’BoId deed thou hast presumed. adventurous Eve.       "Lo audaz has presumido, aventurera.
             And peril great provoked. who thus hast dared           Provocando peligros y auda/mente-
             Had it been only  coveting to eyc                       Ojala solo fuera que a mirar-
            That sacred fruit. sacred to abstinence.                 Ese fruto sagrado de abstinencia
             Much  more to taste it. under han to touch.             Comiste, que tocarlo m debías.
             Bul past who can recall. or done undo?                  Pero ¿quién deshará lo que esta hecho?
             Not God Omnipotent.  ñor Fate! Yet so                   Ni  Dios omnipotente ni  los hados
             Perhaps thou shalt not die: perhaps the fact            Quizas no morirás: quizas el hecho
            Is not so heinous now-foretasted  fruit.                 No sea tan terrible, ya probado
            Profan'd  first by  the Serpent. by him  First   930     Y profanado antes por la Sierpe.
            Made common and unhallowed ere our taste.                Manchado, antes que tu y  yo lo probáramos
            Ñor yet on him  found deadly: he yet lives—              No le ha sido letal  porque ella  vive
            Uves, as thou saidst. and gains to live. as Man.         Y  ha logrado vivir como los hombres
            Higher degree of Ufe:  inducement strong                 Con  vida superior:  fuerte razón
            To us. as likely. tasting. to attain                     De que también comiendo alcanzaremos
            Proportional ascent; which cannot be                     Proporcional ascenso que sera
            But to be Gods. or Angels. demi-gods.                    Ser dioses, semidioses o ser ángeles.
     216    Ñor can  I  think that God. Creator wise.                Ni puedo yo pensar que Dios, tan sabio.
            Though threat'nmg. will  in earnest so destroy           Nos quiera destruir, aunque amenace.
            Us.  his prime creatures. dignified so high.   940       Sus creaturas más altas, elevadas
            Set over all  his works: which. in our fall.             Sobre el  resto, que en  nuestra destrucción
            For us created.  needs with  us musí fail.               Se hundirá pues lo hizo por nosotros
            Dependen!  made So God shall  uncreate.                  Y  nos sirve. Así Dios desharía
            Be frustate. do. undo. and  labour lose-                 Lo que ha hecho, frustando su trabajo:
            Not well conceived of God: w ho.  though his power       En  Dios no es concebible, aunque bien  puede
            Creation could  repeat. yet would be loth                Sus obras repetir aunque no es lógico
            Us to abolish.  lest the Adversan                        Abolimos,  no sea que el Contrario.
            Triumph and say: “Fickle their state whom God            Se burle: "¡Cuanto cambian  los que Dios
            Most favours; who can please him  long? Me First         Favorece! ¿Quién va a agradarle? !A’mi
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