Page 225 - El paraiso perdido
P. 225
Was known in Heaven: for what can scape the eye
OfGod all-seeing. or dcceive his heart En el Cielo se supo pues ¿Qué escapa
Omniscient? who. in all ihings wise and just. A Dios que lo ve todo, o quién engana
Hindcrcd not Satan to attcmpt thc mind A quien todo lo sabe? Sabio y justo
Of Man. with strengih entire and free will armed A Satán no impidió tocar la mente
Complete to have discovered and repulsed 10 Del hombre que era fuerte y era libre
Whatever wiles of foe or seeming friend. Para haber descubierto y repelido
For still they knew, and ought to have still Astucias de enemigo o falso amigo.
remembered. Sabían y debieron recordar
The high ¡njuction not to taste that fruit. El mandato de no comer el fruto
Whoever tempted: which they not obeying Tentara quien tentara. Al no acatarlo
Incurred (what could they less?) the penalty. Incurrieron (¿Qué menos?) en la pena
And. manifold in sin. descreed to fall. Y es justo que en mas culpas incidieran.
Up into Heaven froni Paradise in haste Del Edén hacia el Cielo, a toda prisa.
Th' Angelic guards ascended, mute and sad I.os ángeles subieron, tristes, mudos.
For Man; for of his State by this they knew. Por el hombre, conscientes de su estado.
Mach wondering how the subtle Fiend had stol’n 20 Pensando cómo pudo Satanás
Entrance unseen. Soon as th‘ unwelcome news Entrar sin que le vieran. Tales nuevas
From Earth arrived al Heaven-gate. displeased Al llegar hasta el Cielo molestaron
All were who heard: dim sadness did not spare A todos. La tristeza no eximió
That time celestial visages. yet. mixed Esta vez a esos rostros que expresaban
With pity. violated not their bliss. Compasión, sin perder el sumo gozo.
About the new-arrived. in multitudes. A los recién llegados, multitudes
Th’ ethereal people ran. to hear and know De ángeles rodean para oir
How all befell. They towards the throne supreme. Qué pasó. Ellos van al alto Trono
Accountable. made haste. to make appear. A dar cuenta con prisas, y mostrar
With righteous plea. their utmost vigilance. 30 Con justicia su extrema vigilancia
And easily approved; when the Most High Y fueron aprobados. El Altísimo
Eternal Father. from his secret cloud Padre Eterno, de su secreta nube
Amidst. in thunder uttered thus his voice:- Habló con voz y truenos de este modo:
’Assembled Angels. and ye Powers returned "Espíritus. Poderes que volvéis
From unsuccessful charge. be not dismayed De un encargo fallido, tened ánimo.
Ñor troubled at these tidings from the Earth No os turben estas nuevas de la Tierra
Which your sincerest care could not prevent. Que no pudo evitar vuestro cuidado:
Foretold so latelv what would come to pass. Ya se os dijo que asi sucedería
When first this Tempter crossed the gulf from Hell. Cuando el golfo infernal cruzó Satán:
I told ye then he should prevail, and speed 40 Que vencería os dije y que -con prisa
On his bad errand-Man should be seduced. En su misión- al hombre engañaría
And llattered out of all, believing lies Con halagos, creídas las mentiras
Against his Maker; no decrce of mine Contra su C reador, sin que un decreto
Concurring to necessitate his fall. Concurriera a forzarlo en su caída
Or touch with lightest moment of impulse Ni tocase de forma mas ligera