Page 252 - El paraiso perdido
P. 252

P A R A D I S E   L O S T
                              B O O K   X I
                          T H E   A R G U M E N T

       The Son o f Goci presents to hisfather the prayers of our first
       parenls  now repenting,  and intercedes for them.  God accepts
       them, huí declares that they musí no longer abide in Paradise;
                                                                                  L I B R O   X I
       sends Michael  with  a  batid of Cherubim  to dispossess them,
       bul Jirsi  to  reveaI  to Adam future  things:  Michael’s  coming   Penitentes estaban,  humillados.
       down.  Adam shows to Eve certain ominous signs: he discerns      Rezando, pues del Trono de Piedad.
       Michael's  approach;  goes  oul  to  meel  him:  the  Angel      La Gracia Preveniente había quitado
       denounces  their departure.  Eve's  lamentalion.  Adam pleads,   Su corazón de piedra y puesto otro
       bul submits: the Angel leads him up to a high hill; sets befare   De carne,  renovado, que anhelaba
       him in  visión  what shall happen lili the Elood.                Lo indecible, oraciones que el  Espíritu
                                                                        Inspiraba, subiendo más veloces
         THUS they,  in  lowliest plight.  repentant stood              Que discursos forzados.  Mas su  porte
       Praying; for from the mercy-scat above                           No es de vil suplicante,  ni  mas bajo
       Preven ient gracc dcscending had removed                         Su  ruego que el del  par antiguo aquél
       The stony from  their hearts. and  made new flesh                De las fábulas viejas (éstos más)
       Regenérate grow  instead. that sighs now breathed                De Pirra y Deucalion. que por salvar
       Unutterable. which the Spiril of prayer                          A los hombres ahogados, en  la ermita
       Inspired, and winged for Heavcn with speedier flight             De Themis. los dos rezan.  Van al Cielo
       Than  loudest oratory: yet their port                            Sus ruegos:  no se pierden; ni  los vientos
       Not of mean suitors; ñor important less                          Los dispersan o frustran: atrav iesan
       Seemed their petition than  when th' ancient  pair   10          Las puertas celestiales; luego, envueltos
       In  fables oíd. less ancient  yet than  these.                   En  incienso que sube del altar,
       Deucalion and chaste Pyrrha. to restore                         Se muestran junto al Gran  Intercesor
       The race of mankind drowncd. beforc the shrine                  Ante el Trono del  Padre: Alegre, el  Hijo
       Of Themis stood devout. To Heaven their prayers                  Los presenta y comienza a interceder
       Flew  up. ñor missed the wav. by envious winds                  "Padre,  mira los frutos que han  brotado
       Blown vagabond or frústrate:  in they passsed                   De tu gracia en el  Hombre- estos suspiros
       Dimensionlcss through  heavcnlv  doors: then. ciad
       With  incense, where the golden altar fumed.
       B>  their great  Intercessor. carne in sight
       Beforc the Father’s throne.  Them  the glad Son   20
       Presenling. thus lo intercede began:-
         See.  Father. what  first  fruits on  Earth are sprung
       From  thv  implanted grace in  Man-these sighs
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