Page 273 - El paraiso perdido
P. 273
Which now abated: for the clouds were fled, Que descendía ya. No había nubes-
Driven by a keen nonh wind. that. blowing dry. Empujadas por viento norte, seco
Wrinklcd the face of delugc. as decayed: Que arrugaba las aguas, rostro anciano.
And the clear sun on his wide wat’ry glass Y el claro sol en acuoso espejo
Gazed hot. and of the fresh wave largclv drew. Ardía y se sorbía frescas olas
As after thirst: which made their fiowing shrink Sediento. Descendía el oleaje
From standing lake to tripping ebb. that stole De ser lago a marea que resbala
With soft foot towards the deep. who now had stopped Con suave pie al abismo que ha cerrado
His sluices. as the Heaven his Windows shut. Sus puertas, como el Cielo sus ventanas.
The ark no more now floats. but seems on ground, 850 El arca ya no Ilota. Está en la tierra
Fast on the top of some high mountain fixed. En algún alto pico detenida:
And now the tops of hills as rocks appear. Las cumbres aparecen como rocas.
With clamour thence the rapid currents drive Las corrientes descienden con clamor
Towards the retreating sea their furious tide. Furiosas hacia el mar que se retira.
Forthwith from out the ark a raven fiies. Enseguida del Arca sale un cuervo
And. after him. the surer messenger. Y tras él. más seguro mensajero.
A dove. sent forth once and again to spv La paloma, que busca por dos veces
Green tree or ground whereon his foot may light; Verde rama o la tierra en que posar.
The second time returning, in his bilí En su pico, al volver segunda vez.
An olive-leaf he brings. pacific sign. 860 Trae un ramo de olivo en son de paz.
Anón dry ground appears. and from his ark Ya aparece lo seco y de su arca
The ancient sire descends. with all his train; El anciano y su séquito descienden.
Then. with uplifted hands and eyes devout, Con manos levantadas y ojos santos
Grateful to Heaven. over his head beholds -Agradecido- ve sobre su frente
A dewy cloud. and in the cloud a bow Una nube y en ella el arco ins
Conspicuous with three listed colours gay. Brillante, con tres listas de color:
Bctokening peace from God. and cov'nant new. La paz con Dios y la alianza nueva.
Whaeat the heart of Adam, erst so sad. El corazón de Adán, antes tan triste.
Greatly rejoiced; and thus his joy broke forth:- Se alegra enormemente e irrumpe asi:
’O thou. who future things canst represent 870 “Tú que puedes mostrarme lo futuro
As present. Heavenly Instructor. I revive En presente. Maestro, yo revivo
At this last sight. assured that man shall live. Ante el signo: los hombres vivirán
With all the creatures. and their seed preserve. Con todo lo creado.¡Se preservan!
Far less I now lament for one whole world Lamento menos, ya. que todo un mundo
Of wicked sons destroved than I rejoice De malos se destruya porque gozo
For one man found so perfect and so just Que haya un hombre tan justo > tan perfecto
That God vouchsafes to raise another world Que Dios conceda hacer un mundo nuevo
From him and all his anger to forget. Por él y que se olvida de su ira
But say. what mean those coloured streaks in Heaven, ¿Pero qué significan los colores
Distended as the brow of God appeased? 880 Cuando Dios apacigua su semblante?
Or serve they as a flowery verge to bind ¿Son anillo de llores que rodea