Page 276 - El paraiso perdido
P. 276

P A R A D I S E   L O S T
                             B O O K   X II
                         T H E   A R G U M E N T

      The Angel Miehael continues. from ¡he Flood.  to relate what
      shall  succeed:  liten  in  the  mentiort  of Abraham,  comes  by
      ilegrees to e.xplain who that Seed of tlie H ornan shall be which
      was  promiseci  Adam  and  Ere  in  the  Fall:  his  incarnation,
                                                                               L I B R O   X II
      death.  resurrección.  and ascensión; the State of the Church lili
      his second eoming. Adam. greatly satisfied and reeomforted by   Cual quien detiene el paso a mediodía
      diese relalions and promises,  descernís the liill with  Miehael;   Aun con  prisa, asi el Angel se detuvo
      wakens  Eve.  xvho  all  this  u hile  liad  slept.  bul  with  gentle   Entre el  mundo caído y el que nace
      dreams  composed  to  quietness  of  mind  and  submission,   Para que Adán -quizá- pregunte algo.
      Miehael in  either hand leads them  out  of Paradi se,  the jiery   Luego pasa a otra cosa dulcemente:
      sword  waving  behind  them.  and  the  Cherubim  taking  their   “Ya has visto cómo nace y mucre un  mundo
      stations to guard the place.                                  Y que el  hombre parece de otro origen.
                                                                    Aún tienes que ver mucho, mas percibo
        As one who. in his journey. bates at  noon.                 Que la vista te falla: lo divino
      Though bent on speed. so here the Archangel paused            Consume los sentidos de los hombres.
      Betwixt the world destroyed and world restored.               En adelante  narrare el futuro
      If Adam aught  perhaps might interpose:                       Por ello presta oídos y está atento:
     Then. with  transition sweet. new speech  resumes:-            Esta estirpe segunda, siendo pocos.
        Thus thou  hast seen one world begin and end.              Con el  temor del juicio aún reciente
      And  Man as from a second stock proceed.                      En sus mentes, temiendo a la  Deidad.
     Much thou  hast >et to see: but  I  perceive                   Procurando lo justo y lo que es recto
     Th>  mortal sight to fail: objects divine                     Se multiplicarán y vivirán
     Musí needs impair and weary human sense:   10                 Trabajando y cogiendo muchos frutos.
     Henceforth w hat  is to come I will  relate:                  Trigo, vino y aceite; y. del ganado.
     Thou.  therefore. give due audience. and attend.              Ofrecerán corderos y cabritos
        This second source of men. while yet but few.              Con ofrendas de vino y santo gozo
     And while the dread of judgement past remains                 Viviendo sin  pecado y habitando
     Fresh in  their minds.  fearing the Deity,
     With some regard to what  isjust and right
     Shall  lead their li\es. and multiph  apace.
     Labouring the soil. and  reaping plenteous crop.
     Corn.  wine. and oil: and.  from  the herd or flock
     Oft sacrificing bullock.  lamb. or kid.   20
     V\ nh  large wine-offerings poured. and sacred feast,
     Shall spend their da\s in joy unblamed. and dwcll
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