Page 274 - El paraiso perdido
P. 274

PARADISE  LOST                                           LIBRO  XI

       The Huid skirts of that same wat’ry cloud.              Los bordes de esa  misma  nube de agua
       Lest it again dissolve and shower the Earth?"           Para que no diluvie nuevamente?”
         To whom th' Archangel:-‘Dextrously thou aim'st.       Dice el  Angel “Apuntas con destreza
       So willingly doth God remit  his iré:                   Pues Dios remite a gusto su  furor:
       Though late repenting him of Man depraved.              Dolido por los vicios de los hombres
       Grieved at his heart. when. looking down. he saw        Su corazón sufria al contemplar
       The whole Earth filled with violence; and all flesh     La Tierra violentada y toda carne
       Corrupting each their way; yet. those removed.          Corrompida, no obstante al extirparla.
       Such grace shall one just  man  find in  his sight   890   Tal gracia encuentra  un justo ante süs ojos
       That he relents.  not to blot out mankind.              Que  no aniquilara la humanidad
       And makes a covenant never to destroy                   Y  hace el trato de nunca destruir
       The Earth again by flood. ñor let the sea               La tierra por el agua,  ni que el  mar
       Surpass his bounds.  ñor rain to drown the world        Salte playas,  ni el  mundo vuelve a ahogarse
       With man  therein or beast: but, when he brings         Con sus hombres y bestias. Cuando envíe
       Over the Earth a cloud. will therein set                Una  nube a la tierra, allí pondrá
       His triple-coloured bow. whereon to look                El arco de color para mirarlo
       And cali to mind  his cov'nant.  Day and night.         Y recordar su trato.  Noche y día.
       Seed-time and harvest, heat and  hoary frost.           Sementera, cosecha, ardor y helada
       Shall hold their course. till fire purge all things new. 900   Seguirá hasta que el fuego purgue todo.   273
       Both  Heaven and  Earth. wherein  the just shall dwell.'  Cielos y Tierra donde viva el justo.”

                     The End o f the Elevent h Book
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