Page 33 - El paraiso perdido
P. 33
And strength. and art, are easily outdone Del arte y del vigor son superados
By Spirits repróbate, and in an hour Por demonios que logran en un rato
What in an age they, with incessant toil
Lo que ellos en un siglo, sin parar.
And hands innumerable, scarce perform.
Con brazos incontables no consiguen.
Nigh on the plain. In many cells prepared. 700
En numerosas celdas de aquel llano.
That undemeath had veins of liquid fire
Con canales de fuego subterráneo
Sluiced from the lake, a second multitude Proveniente del lago, otro escuadrón
With wondrous art founded the massy ore, Fundía el mineral con arte eximio
Severing each kind, and scummed the bullion-dross: Separando metales y la escoria.
A third as soon had formed within the ground Otro grupo formó bajo la tierra
A various mould. and from the boiling cells
Un molde, y de las celdas bullidoras
By strange conveyance filled each hollow nook; Por conducciones, llena cada hueco:
As in an organ, from one blast of wind,
Como un viento, soplado por el órgano.
To many a row of pipes the sound-board breathes. Inspira a muchos tubos su sonido.
Anón out of the earth a fabric huge 710 En seguida una mole de la tierra
Rose like an exhalation. with the sound Como una exhalación surge al sonido
Of dulcet symphonies and voices sweet, De sinfonías y de dulces voces
Built like a temple, where pilasters round Cual templo, con pilastras circulares
Were set. and Doric pillars overlaid Y dóricas columnas superpuestas.
With golden architrave; ñor did there want
Con dorado arquitrabe, y no faltaban
Cornice or frieze, with bossy sculptures graven: Ni cornisas, ni frisos, ni esculturas.
The roof was fretted gold. Not Babylon Con tejados de oro. Babilonia
Ñor great Alcairo such magnificence O el Cairo con igual magnificencia
Equalled in all their glories, to enshrine No pudieron gloriarse para honrar
Belus or Serapis their gods. or seat 720 A Belus o a Serapis o dar tronos
Their kings. when Egipt with Assyria strove
A sus reyes, luchando Egipto y Siria
In wealth and luxury The ascending pile En lujo y en riqueza. Aquella mole
Stood fixed her stately height; and straight the doors
Su estatura afirmaba. Rectas puertas
Opening their brazen folds. discover, wide De bronce abren sus pliegues descubriendo
Within, her ampie spaces o'er the smooth Ancho espacio interior sobre los suaves
And level pavement: from the arched roof, Y lisos pavimentos. De los arcos
Pendent by subtle magic, many a row
Pendientes sutilmente muchas filas
Of starry lamps and blazing cressets, fed
De luces y fanales encendidos
With naphtha and asphaltus, yielded light
Con nafta y con asfalto daban luz
As from a sky. The hasty multitude 730
Celestial. La acuciante multitud
Admiring entered: and the work some praise. Admirándose entraba y alababa
And some the architect: his hand was known Trabajo y arquitecto, ya famoso
In Heaven by many a towered structure high, En el Cielo por torres y estructuras.
Where sceptred Angels held their residence.
Residencia de ángeles con cetro.
And sat as Princes, whom the supreme King
De príncipes a quienes el Gran Rey
Exalted to such power. and gave to rule. Exaltó a tal poder y dió ei regir.