Page 59 - El paraiso perdido
P. 59

PARADISE LOST                                         LIBRO  II
            Confusedly, and which thus must ever fight,              Confusos que asi deben  luchar siempre
            Unless th’Almighty  Maker them ordain                    Si el Supremo Hacedor no los ordena
            His dark  materials to create more worlds-               Como oscura materia de otros mundos:
            lnto this wild abyss the wary Fiend                      Hacia este fiero abismo al Adversario
            Siood on the brink of Hell and  looked a while.          Mira en  pie sobre el  borde del Infierno
            Pondering his vovage: for no narrow frith                Sopesando su  viaje: Un  mar no estrecho
            He had to cross.  Ñor was his car less pealed   920      Tendría que cruzar. Sonaban  muchos
            With  noises loud and ruinous (to compare                Fragores ruinosos (comparando
            Great things with small) than when  Bellona storms       Lo grande con lo chico) cual  Belona
            With all  her battering engines bent to rase             Dispuesta a demoler con sus inventos
            Some capital city: or less than  if this frame           Alguna capital, o poco menos
            Of Heaven were fading and thcse elements                 Que si  fallara el Cielo y estos átomos.
            In  mutiny had  from  her axle torn                      En  motín, arrancaran de sus ejes
            The sleadfast Earth.  At  last  his sail-broad vans      La inconmovible Tierra. Al fin sus alas
            He spreads for flight. and. in the surging smoke         Abre al viento y en  humos agitados
            Uplifted. spurns the ground; thence many a league.       Se eleva, deja el  piso.  Muchas leguas
            As in a cloudy chair. ascending rides   930              Como en silla de nubes va subiendo
            Audacious: but. that seat soon  failing.  meets          Audaz, pero, al  fallarle,  va a caer
            A  vast vacuity. All  unawares.                          En  la vasta oquedad. Sin esperarlo.
            Fluttering his pennons vain. plumb-down  he drops        Aleteando en vano, cae a plomo
            Ten thousand  fathom deep, and to this hour              Diez mil  profundas brazas y hasta ahora
            Down had been  failing, had  not. by ill chance.        Cayera si. por culpa de un albur.
            The strong rebuff of some tumultuous cloud.              El golpe de una nube turbulenta
            Instinct with  fire and  nitre. hurried him             Con  nitrógeno y fuego,  no lo lanza
            As many miles aloft: that fury stayed.                  Otro tanto hacia arriba. Se detiene
            Quenched  in a boggy  Svrtis. neither sea.               En Syrtes pantanosa que ni es mar
            Ñor good dry land:  nigh foundered, on  he fares.   940   Ni tierra: casi  hundido continua
            Treading the crude consistence.  half on foot,           Por cruda consistencia.  Parte a pie
            Half flying: behoves him  now both oar and sail.         Parte en vuelo. Quisiera vela y remos.
            As when a grvphon through the wilderness                 Igual que cuando un grifo en el desierto
            With winged course. o'er hill or moory  dale.           Con alada carrera por las charcas
            Pursues the Arimaspian. who by stealth                   Persigue al Arismaspia que con  hurto
            Had from  his wakeful custody purloined                  Arrebató a su guardia vigilante
            The guardcd gold: so eagerly the Fiend                  El oro custodiado. Así el Contrario
            0 ‘er bog or steep. through strait. rough. dense, or rare.  Por tollas,  rocas, bosques y desiertos.
            With  head. hands. wings. or feet.  pursues his way.    Con alas,  manos, pies sigue su ruta
            And swims, or sinks. or wades. or creeps. or ílies.   950   Y  nada, se hunde, arrastra, cruza o vuela.
            At length a universal hubbub wild                       Un salvaje tumulto universal
            Of stunning sounds. and voiccs all confused.            De confundidas voces y sonidos
            Borne through the hollow dark. assaults his car         Por la hueca negrura, da en su oído
            Whith  loudest vehemence:  thither he plies.            Con  fuerte vehemencia.  Hacia allí  marcha
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