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#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black
[97] Shemos—Bo 10:1–3 âYà:é àáZúåîù Shemos—Bo 11:2–4 ãYá:àé àáZúåîù [108]
BO àá and let each man request [borrow] from his friend, eí †Ñ¼Ñþ³¤ÑêÑô| L−¤Ìêe„ñÎêÐLÌ−Ðî
10 1. Adonoy said to Moshe, í flÓLô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî.ê é and each woman from her friend, d flÖ³e¼Ðþ³¤ÑêÑô ·íÖMÌêÐî
“Go in to Pharaoh í¢Ò¼ÐþÔt-ñÓêêÒ£a articles of silver and articles of gold.” :ëÞÖíÖï−'ÑñÐ×e ¹Ó½£Ó×-−ÑñÐk
for I have hardened his heart ·BaÌñ-³Óê−ÌzÐð¥ÔaÐ×Ìí−„ÌòÎê-−ÞÌk 3. Adonoy gave the people favor ó£Ö¼Öíö'Ñì-³ÓêíÒ§ÖîíÐ−ö«ÑzÌiÔî.è
and [also] the hearts of his servants, î− flÖðÖëμë¤Ññ-³ÓêÐî in the eyes of the Egyptians. óÌ−¢ÖþЮÌô−¤Ñò−ѼÐa
so that I will be able to set [perform] −§Ì³ÌLöÔ¼ †ÔôÐñ Moshe too was very great ·ðÒêÐôñB¥ðÖbí †ÓLô L−¤ÌêÖí|ó¤Ôb
these [miraculous] signs in their midst. :B ÞaÐþÌšÐaíÓl£Ñê−'Ô³Ò³Ò Þê in the land of Egypt, óÌ− flÔþЮÌô±Ó þ¤ÓêÐa
2. And so that you may relate »þÑtÔ½ÐzöÔ¼”ÔôÐñe .ë [both] in the eyes of Pharaoh’s servants íÒ£¼ÐþÔõ-−ÞÑðÐëÔ¼−'Ñò−ѼÐa
in the ears of your son and grandson †EÐòÌa-öÓëe •EÐòÌë−·ÑòÐïÖêÐa and in the eyes of the people. ô :óÞÖ¼Öí−'Ñò−ѼÐëe
how I made a mockery of the Egyptians, óÌ− flÔþЮÌôÐa ·−ÌzÐñ ·ÔlԼгÌíþ¥ÓLÎ곤Ñê Revi’i (Fourth Aliyah) éòéáø
and the miraculous signs I performed among them. ó¢Öë−ÌzÐô¤ÔN-þÓLÎê−£Ô³Ò³Ò Þê-³ÓêÐî 4. Moshe said, “This is what Adonoy has said, íÒ¢ÖîíÐ−þ¤ÔôÖêíÒ£kí flÓLô þÓôêÒ¤iÔî.ð
You will then know that I am Adonoy.” :íÒÞÖîíÐ−−'ÌòÎê-−ÞÌkó£ÓzмÔð−ÞÌî About the time of midnight, íÖñÐ− flÔlÔí³Ò¤®ÎìÞÔk
and they said to him, î− †ÖñÑêe¤þÐôêÒÞiÔî
He fulfilled in them, ,óÓíÖaó−ÑiÌš
“This is what Adonoy, God of the Hebrews, has said, ó− flÌþÐë̼ÞÖí−¤ÑíGÍê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þ¥ÔôÖê-íÒ Þk [but the promise:] ‘And afterwards öÑ×−ÑþÎìÔêÐî
they will leave with great wealth,’ 5 ñBðÖbLŠ×ÐþÌaeêЮÑ−
He did not fulfill in them.” 6 :óÓíÖaó−ÑiÌšêG
[1] Adonoy said to Moshe äÆLî-ìÆà'äøÆîàÉiÇå [à] [4] Moshe said, “This is what Adonoy has said.” 7 .'ä øÇîÈàäÉkäÆLî øÆîàÉiÇå [ã]
“Go in to Pharaoh— .äÉòÀøÇt-ìÆààÉa While still standing before Pharaoh íÒ¼ÐþÔõ−ÑòÐõÌñBðÐôÖ¼Ða
and warn him.” :Bë íÑþгÔíÐî this prophecy was told to him ,Bï íÖêeëÐòBñíÖþÐôÍêÓò
I will be able to set. .éÄúÄL because once he left his (Pharaoh’s) presence î−ÖòÖõÐlÌôêÖ®ÖiÓMÌô−ÑþÎíÓL
he did not see his face ever again. 8 :î−ÖòÖt ³BêÐþ¹−̽Bí êG
−̳ÌL is the same as −ÌôeN (another version: −Ìô−ÌN), Z−ÌôeN
[meaning:] “that I will set.” :−ÌòÖê³−ÌLÖêÓL About the time of midnight. .äÈìÀéÇlÇäúÉöÂçÞÇk
[íÖñÐ−Ôñ³Ò®ÎìÔk lit. means:] when the night is divided. :íÖñÐ−ÖlÔíšÑñÖìÑíÐk
[2] I made a mockery. .éÄzÀìÇlÇòÀúÄä
³B®ÎìÔk being the same form as ³BñμÔa (When [it] went up) 9 ³BñμÔaBôÐk.³Ò®ÎìÞÔk
[−ÌzÐñÔlԼгÌí means] I have mocked, ,−ÌzКÔìÌN
as in: “For (ÐzÐñÔlԼгÌí) you have mocked me;” 1 −ÌaÐzÐñÔlԼгÌí−ÌkBôÐk or (³BþÎìÔa) when they became angry at us. 10 eòÖaóÖtÔê ³BþÎìÔa
[or:] “Is it not so, when (ñÑlԼгÌí) he mocked them?” 2 óÓíÖañÑlԼгÌíþÓLÎêÔkêGÎí This is its (íÖñÐ−Ôñ³Ò®ÎìÔk) plain meaning B¬eLÐõeíÓï
which is said regarding the Egyptians. ,ó−ÌþЮÌnÔa þeôÖêÖí so that it fits within its context, ,î−ÖòÐõÖêñÔ¼BëÐMÔ−Ðñ
for ³B®Îì is not the noun of −Ì®Ñì. 11 .−Ì®ÑìñÓLþÖëÖcóÑL ³B®Îìö−ÑêÓL
It does not mean doing and acting ,ó−ÌñÖñμÔôe ñÔ¼Bt öBLÐñ Bò−ÑêÐî
Our Sages [however] explained it (íÖñÐ−Ôñ ³B®ÎìÔk) eíeLÖþÐð eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
for if that were the case öÑkóÌêÓL
as: about the time of midnight. ,íÖñÐ−ÔlÔí−̮ΠìÔkBôÐk
it should have been written −ÌzÐñÔñîÒ¼, ,−ÌzÐñÔñB¼ ëBzÐ×ÌñBñíÖ−Öí
And they [go on to] say eþÐôÖêÐî
as in: “(ñÑñB¼Ðî) Do to them BôÖññÑñB¼ÐîBôÐk
as (ÖzÐñÔñB¼) you have done to me,” 3 −ÌñÖzÐñÔñB¼ þÓLÎêÔk that Moshe used the word ³B®ÎìÔk ,"³Ò®ÎìÔk,, íÓLô þÔôÖêÓL
[or:] “which (ñÔñîÒ¼) he has done to me.” 4 :−ÌññÔñB¼ þÓLÎê 5 Ibid. 6 Berachos 9a. 7 How was it that Moshe now spoke to Pharaoh—did he not tell him (10, 29) “I will
not see your face again”?! 8 Sh. Rab. 18, 1. 9 I Shmuel 9, 26. 10 Tehillim 124, 3. 11 If it were a noun, ³B®ÎìÔk
would mean at approximately midnight which could not be the case here because God certainly does not need to
1 Bamidbar 22, 29. 2 I Shmuel 6, 6. 3 Eichah 1, 22. 4 Ibid. 12. speak in approximations.