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P. 102
[113] Shemos—Bo 12:2–3 âYá:áé àáZúåîù Shemos—Va’eira 9:21–25 äëYàë:è àøàåZúåîù [92]
[as] the head [beginning] of months. ó−¢ÌLÖðÏìLêÒ¤þ the word of Adonoy, íÒ¢ÖîíÐ−þ¤ÔëÐc-ñÓê
It shall be to you the first ó flÓ×Öñ ·êeí öB 'LêÌþ left his servants and his livestock in the field. ô :íÞÓðÖOÔaeí£ÑòКÌô-³ÓêÐîî−'ÖðÖëμ-³ÓêëÒ§ïμÞÔiÔî
of the months of the year. :íÞÖòÖMÔí−£ÑLÐðÖìÐñ 22. Adonoy said to Moshe, í †ÓLô-ñÓêí•ÖîÒíÐ−þÓôêÒ·iÔî .ë×
3. Speak to the entire community of Israel saying, þÒ flôêÑñ·ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−³¥Ôðμ-ñÖk-ñÓêe†þÐaÔc.è “Extend your hand toward the heavens, óÌ− flÔôÖMÔí-ñÔ¼ ·EÐðÞÖ−-³Óêí¥Ñ¬Ðò
and there will be hail ð£ÖþÖë−'Ìí−Ìî
on man and on beast, íÖô†ÑíÐaÔ í-ñÔ¼Ðîó¤ÖðÖêÞÖí-ñÔ¼
and Sivan, the third. :−ÌL−ÌñÐLöÖî−̽
and upon all the vegetation in the land of Egypt.” :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÐaí£ÓðÖOÔíëÓN'Ѽ-ñÖkñ§Ô¼Ðî
This. 8 .äÆfÇä
23. Moshe extended his rod toward the heavens, ›óÌ−›ÔôÖMÔí-ñÔ¼ ‡eí‡ÑhÔô-³Óêí¤ÓLô ¬·ÑiÔî .è×
Moshe had difficulty regarding the renewal of the moon ,íÖòÖëÐlÔíðÔñBô ñÔ¼íÓLô íÖMԚгÌò
how much of it must be visible íÓêÖþÑz þe¼−ÌL Bï−ÑêÐa and Adonoy sent thunder and hail, ð flÖþÖëe ·³GÒšö¥Ô³Öòí†ÖîÒí−ÞÔî
so that it be fit to be consecrated. 9 ,LÑcÔšÐñíÖ−eêÐþíÓ−Ðí̳Ðî and fire came streaming down upon the earth. íÖ®Ðþ¢ÖêL£Ñê-CÔñÎíÞÌzÔî
He (God) then showed him with His “finger” ¼ÔaЮÓêÐaBñíÖêÐþÓíÐî Adonoy caused it to rain hail on the land of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Ó þ'Óê-ñÔ¼ð£ÖþÖaíÒ§ÖîíÐ−þ«Ñ¬ÐôÔiÔî
the moon in the sky, and said to him, ,Bñ þÔôÖêÐîÔ¼−ÌšÖþÖaíÖòÖëÐlÔí³Óê
24. There was hail and fire [lightning] flashing ³£ÔìÔwÔñгÌôL–ÑêÐîð flÖþÖë−¤ÌíÐ−Ôî .ð×
“When you see it like this, sanctify it.” 10 .LÑcÔšÐîíÑêÐþíÓïÖk
among the hailstones. ð¢ÖþÖaÔíCB¤³Ða
But how could He show it to him— ?eíÖêÐþÓíðÔ®−Ñ×Ðî
did He not speak with him only by day, ,óBiÔëêÖlÓêBn̼þÔaÐðÌòíÖ−ÖíêGêGÎíÔî It was an extremely heavy [downfall]. ðÒ flêÐôð¤ÑëÖk
as it is said: “And on the day that God spoke,” 11 ,’í þÓaÌc óB−Ða−ÌíÐ−ÔîþÔôÍêÓpÓL There had never been anything like it ·eíÒ·ôÖ×í¥Ö−Öí-ê ÞGþ …ÓLÎê…
[or:] “on the day that He commanded him,” 12 ,B³ÒeÔ® óB−Ð a in all the land of Egypt óÌ− flÔþЮÌô±Óþ¤Óê-ñÖ×Ða
[or:] “from the day that God commanded and beyond?” 13 ?íÖêÐñÖíÖî’ííÖeÌ®þÓLÎê óBiÔíöÌô
since it became a nation. :−BÞèÐñí'Ö³Ð−ÞÖíï£ÖêÑô
But [the answer is] it was near sunset íÖnÔìÔí³Ô¼−ÌšÐLÌñ CeôÖ½êÖlÓê
25. The hail struck throughout the whole land of Egypt, óÌ−†ÔþЮÌô±Óþ¤Óê-ñÖ×Ðað•ÖþÖaÔíC·ÔiÔî .í×
[when] this section was told to him (Moshe) Bï íÖLÖþÖõBñíÖþÐôÓêÓò
and He pointed it out to him at nightfall. 14 :íÖ×ÑLÎìó̼eíÖêÐþÓíÐî [killing] all that was in the field [outdoors]— í flÓðÖOÔaþ¤ÓLÎê-ñÖk³Ñêƒ
[3] Speak to the entire community. 15 .úÇãÂò-ìÈk-ìÆà eøÀaÇc [â] both man and beast. í¢ÖôÑíÐa-ðÔ¼Ðîó£ÖðÖêÞÑô
But did Aharon speak? ?þÑaÔðÐôöÒþÎíÔê−Ì×Ðî
Has it not already been stated þÔôÍêÓòþÖëÐ×êGÎíÔî
“You (Moshe) speak?” 16 ?þÑaÔðгíÖzÔê [22] Toward the Heavens. 30 .íÄéÇîÈMÇä-ìÇò [áë]
But [the answer is] êÖlÓê [óÌ−ÔôÖMÔíñÔ¼ means] toward the heavens. .óÌ−ÔôÖMÔíðÔ®Ðñ
they bestowed honor on each other ,íÓïÖñíÓï ðBëÖkö−ÌšÐñBì But the midrashic explanation is: :íÖðÖbÔêLÔþÐðÌôe
and said to one another: íÓïÖñíÓïó−ÌþÐôBêÐî God lifted Moshe over the heavens. 31 32 :óÌ−ÖôÖMÔíöÌôíÖñмÔôÐñíÓLôÐñí"ÖaÖwÔí Bí−ÌaÐèÌí
“Teach me [what to say].” ,−ÌòÑðÐnÔñ [24] Flashing Among the Hailstones. .ãÈøÈaÇä CBúÀaúÇçÇwÇìÀúÄî [ãë]
The message would then emanate from both, óÓí−ÑòÐLö−ÑaÌôêÑ®B− þeaÌcÔíÐî [This was] a miracle within a miracle; .½Ñò CB³Ða½Ñò
as if both were speaking. 17 :ó−ÌþÐaÔðÐôóÓí−ÑòÐL el−ÌêÐk the fire and the hail intermingled, ,ö−ÌëÖþB¼ÐôðÖþÖaÔíÐîLÑêÖí
yet the hail is water! 33 êeí óÌ−ÔôðÖþÖaÔíÐî
8 Why was it necessary that Moshe be shown the new moon? 9 For a discussion of exactly how much after the But so to do the bidding of their Creator óÖòBš öB®Ðþ ³BNμÔñÐî
molad the new moon may be consecrated, see Rosh Hashanah 20b. 10 I.e., when the new moon reaches this stage they made peace between themselves. 34 :óÓí−Ñò−Ña óBñÖLeNÖ¼
you may declare a new month. 11 Above, 6, 28. 12 Vayikra 7, 38. 13 Bamidbar 15, 23. 14 This midrashic
explanation of Rashi assumes that God actually showed Moshe the moon in the sky. The Rambam, however, 30 Lit. upon the heavens. 31 I.e., God gave Moshe powers in the heavens, as well as the earth. (S.C.) 32 See
(Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh 1, 1) suggests that Moshe was shown the moon in a prophetic vision. 15 eþÐaÔð is the Tanchuma 15. 33 The two miracles were: 1) The fire, which normally tends to rise, came down. 2) The water did
plural, i.e., “You both speak.” 16 Above, 7, 2 and below, 31, 13. 17 Mechilta. not extinguish the fire. (M.) 34 Sh. Rab. 12, 17. # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- |