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[89]               Shemos—Va’eira 9:12–16 æèYáé:è àøàåZúåîù                                                Shemos—Bo 12:5–6 åYä:áé àáZúåîù             [116]

                        and he did not listen to them ó¢ÓíÑñÎê¼£ÔôÖLê'GÐî                             You may take it from sheep or goats. :eì ÞÖwÌzó−£Ìf̼ÞÖí-öÌôe ó−'ÌNÖëÐkÔí-öÌô
                  just as Adonoy had spoken to Moshe. ô :íÞÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÓaÌcþ§ÓLÎêÞÔk               6. You shall hold it in safekeeping ³Óþ flÓôÐLÌôÐñ ·óÓ×Öñí¥Ö−ÖíÐî.î
                          13. Adonoy said to Moshe, í flÓLô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî .è−
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
       “Rise early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh, í¢Ò¼ÐþÔõ−¤ÑòÐõÌñë£ÑvÔ−гÌíÐîþÓšÒ flaÔaó¤ÑkÐLÔí
                                   and say to him, î− †ÖñÑê ¤ÖzÐþÔôÞÖêÐî                                       From the sheep or goats.  .íéÄfÄòÞÈä-ïÄîe íéÄNÈáÀkÇä-ïÄî
       ‘This is what Adonoy, God of the Hebrews, has said, ó− flÌþÐë̼ÞÖí−¤ÑíGÍê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þ¥ÔôÖê-íÒ Þk            Either one or the other, 33  ,íÓfÌôBêíÓfÌôBê
                                                                                                               for a goat is also called íÓN 34  ,íÓN −eþÖšïѼ¹ÔêÓL
            “Send out My people and let them serve Me. :−ÌòÞŠðÐëÔ¼ÞÔ−Ðî−£ÌnÔ¼-³Óêì'ÔlÔL
                                                                                                        as it is said: “And a íÓN of the goats.” 35  :ó−Ìf̼íÓNÐîþÔôÍêÓpÓL
                         14. For this time, I will send Ôì•ÑñÒL−·ÌòÎê³êÕ†fÔíóÔ¼¤ÔtÔa| −¤Ìk .ð−
                                                                                                     [6] You shall hold it in safekeeping.  .úÆøÆîÀLÄîÀìíÆëÈìäÈéÈäÀå [å]
               all My plagues against your [very] heart. EÐaÌñ-ñÓê ·−Ô³ÒõÞÑbÔô-ñÖk-³Óê
                                                                                                     This term (³ÓþÓôÐLÌôÐñ) refers to “examining,”  ,þewÌa öBLÐñeíÓï
         [They will strike] your servants and your people, E¢ÓnÔ¼Ðëe E−£ÓðÖëμÞÔëe               for it requires examination against any blemish  óenÌô þewÌa öe¼ÖhÓL
                              so that you will know ¼ flÔðÑzþe¤ëμÞÔa                                      for four days before its slaughter. 36  .íÖ¬−ÌìÐLóÓðBš ó−ÌôÖ−íÖ¼ÖaÐþÔê
               that there is none like Me in all the earth. :±ÓþÞÖêÖ í-ñÖ×Ða−ÌòÒ £ôÖkö−'Ñê−§Ìk            Why was it necessary to acquire it  B³Öì−ÌšÐñó−ÌcКÌííÖô−ÑòÐtÌôe
                                                                                                            four days before its slaughter—  ,ó−ÌôÖ−íÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêB³Ö¬−ÌìÐLÌñ
          15. For now I [could] have extended My hand, − flÌðÖ−-³Óê−ÌzÐì¤ÔñÖL ·íÖzÔ¼−¥Ìk .î¬
                                                                                                               something not commanded  öÑ×íÖeÌ®êHÓMíÔô
       and struck you and your people with the pestilence, þÓë¢ÖcÔa £EÐnÔ¼-³ÓêÐî §EгB ÞêC'ÔêÖî
                                                                                                     regarding the Pesach of later generations?  ?³BþBc ìÔ½ÓõÐa
        and you would have been obliterated from the earth. :±ÓþÞÖêÖí-öÌôð£ÑìÖkÌzÔî               [In response] R. Masia b. Cheresh would say:  ,þÑôBê LÓþÓìöÓaêÖ−гÔô−ÌaÔþíÖ−Öí
       16.Nevertheless,forthisreasonIhaveletyousurvive— E− flÌzÐðÔôͼÞÓí ·³êÒïþe'ëμÞÔaó †ÖñeêÐî .ï¬  Scripture says: “And I passed over you and saw you  CÑêÐþÓêÖîCÌ−ÔñÖ¼þÒëͼÓêÖîþÑôBê êeí −ÑþÎí
                          to show you My strength— −¢ÌìÒk-³Óê ¤EÐ³Ò ÞêÐ þÔíþe£ëμÞÔa              and behold your time was a time of love”—  37  ó−ÌðBc ³Ñ¼CÑz̼íÑpÌíÐî
                                                                                                       “the time has come [to fulfill] the oath  íÖ¼eëÐLíÖ¼−ÌbÌí
                                                                                                            that I will redeem his children.”  ,î−ÖòÖa³ÓêñÔêÐèÓêÓL
                             [14] All My plagues. 12  .éÇúÉôÞÅbÇî-ìÈk-úÆà [ãé]
                                                                                                              But they possessed no mitzvos  ³BЮÌôóÖðÖ−Ðëe−ÖíêGÐî
                  We learn from here that makas bechoros 13  ³BþekÔa³ÔkÔnÓLöêÖkÌôeòÐðÔôÖñ
                                                                                                                with which to be occupied  óÓíÖašÑqԼгÌíÐñ
                         is equivalent to all the plagues.  :³BkÔnÔíñÖkðÓèÓòÐkíÖñešÐL
                                                                                                              in order to merit redemption  ,eñÎêÖbÌiÓL−ÑðÐk
                                   [15] For now.  äÈzÇòéÄk [åè]                                    as it is said “And you are naked and bare.” 38  ,íÖ−ÐþÓ¼Ðî óBþѼÐzÔêÐîþÔôÍêÓpÓL
                    I [could] have extended my hand, etc.  .'åâå éÄãÈéúÆàéÄzÀçÇìÈL                            So He gave them two mitzvos  ,³BЮÌô−ÑzÐLóÓíÖñöÔ³ÖòÐî
                          I.e., “for had I wished, [then]  ,−̳−Ì®Öþ el−Ìê−Ìk                       [regarding] the blood of the [korbon] pesach  ìÔ½ÓtóÔc
              when My hand was [striking] at your livestock  EÐòКÌôÐë−ÌðÖ−íÖ³Ð−ÖíÓLÐk                       and the blood of circumcision,  ,íÖñ−ÌôóÔðÐî
                      when I struck them with pestilence,  ,þÓëÓcÔaó−̳−ÌkÌíÓL                      for that night they circumcized themselves;  ,íÖñÐ−ÔlÔí B³BêÐëeñÖnÓL
                      I would have sent it and struck you  EгBê −̳−ÌkÌíÐîÖí−ÌzÐìÔñÐL             as it is said: [“when I passed over you I saw]  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
               and your people together with the animals—  ,³BôÑíÐaÔíó̼EÐnÔ¼³ÓêÐî                       you wallowing in your bloods (pl.),”  CÌ−ÔôÖðÐa³Ó½Ó½BaгÌô
         and you would have been obliterated from the earth.  ,±ÓþÞÖêÖí-öÌôðÑìÖkÌzÔî           referring to two bloods (Pesach and circumcision).  ,ó−ÌôÖð−ÑòÐLÌa
         but it is for this reason that I have let you survive, etc.  :’îèî E−ÌzÐðÔôͼÞÓí³êÒï þeëμÞÔañÖëÎê     It is also said: “As for you,  Ð zÔêóÔbþÑôBêÐî
                                                                                                       because of the blood of your covenant  Cѳ−ÌþÐaóÔðÐa
       12 How can the plague of hailstones be referred to as “all my Plagues”?  13 Makas bechoros refers to the killing of
       the firstborn, which is actually the tenth and last of the plagues. There is much discussion in the commentaries  I released your prisoners  CÌ−Ôþ−̽Îê−ÌzÐìÔlÌL
       as to the makas bechoros in this sequence. Some of the proposed solutions to this question are: 1) Rabbeinu Tam
       of Orleans, Mizrachi: ³BþB×Ða³ÔkÔô, here, refers to the ripening fruits (from the word ó−Ìþek−Ìa) that were destroyed by  33 I.e., the letter ’î of öôî does not signify “and,” but “or.”  34 And a íÓN is what is required for korbon Pesach. See
       the hail. See Rashi below, v. 31 íþî¼¾í −× í"ð. 2) Gur Aryeh: ³îþî×ë ³×ô does refer to the killing of the firstborn. God  above, v. 3. (B.Y.)  35 Devarim 14, 4.  36 Mechilta, Pesachim 96a.  37 Yechezkel 16, 8.  38 Ibid 7. I.e., you have
       warned Pharaoh that if he remains stubborn he will eventually suffer ³îþî×ë ³×ô.  #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta   #2601

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