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[115]  Shemos—Bo 12:4–5 äYã:áé àáZúåîù  Shemos—Va’eira 9:16–18 çéYæè:è àøàåZúåîù  [90]

 then he shall take [a lamb] êe†íì¤ÔšÖñÐî  so that My Name will be declared −£ÌôÐLþ'ÑtÔ½öÔ¼§ÔôÐñe
 [together] with his neighbor, close by his house, B£³−Ña-ñÓêëÒ'þÖwÔíB§òÑ×ÐLe  throughout all the earth. :±ÓþÞÖêÖí-ñÖ×Ða
 according to the number of individuals. ³ ¢ÒLÖõÐò³¤Ô½Ð×ÌôÐa  Shevi’i (Seventh Aliyah)  éòéáù
 According to what the person eats B flñÐ×Öê−¤ÌõÐñL−Ìêƒ  17. But you are still oppressing My people −¢ÌnÔ¼Ðañ¤ÑñBzнÌô £EÐðB Þ¼ .ï−
 shall you make your count regarding the lamb. :íÞÓOÔí-ñÔ¼eqÒ£×Öz  refusing to send them out. :óÞÖìÐlÔL−£ÌzÐñÌëÐñ
 5. A flawless lamb, a yearling male í£ÖòÖL-öÓaþ'Ö×Öïó−§ÌôÖ³í'ÓN.í  18. Tomorrow at this time, I will cause it to rain þ flÖìÖô³¤Ñ¼Ök ·þ−̬ÐôÔô−¥ÌòÐòÌí .ì−
 must be in your possession. ó¢Ó×Öñí¤Ó−ÐíÌ−  a tremendously heavy hail. ð¢ÒêÐôð¤ÑëÖkð£ÖþÖa
              There was never anything like it in Egypt, óÌ− flÔþЮÌôÐa ·eíÒ·ôÖ×í¥Ö−Öí-ê ÞGþ·ÓLÎê
 they may [still] be excluded [from the group]  ¬Ñ¼ÔôгÌíÐñ ö−ÌñB×Ð−
            [17] But you are still oppressing my people.  ,éÄnÇòÀaìÅìBzÀñÄîEÀãB Þò [æé]
 and withdraw their association from it  epÓô−ÑíóÓí−ÑðÐ− CBLÐôÌñÐî
                    [−ÌôÔ¼ÐañÑñBzнÌô is] as Onkelos translates it:  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
 and be counted as [partners] of another lamb.  ;þÑìÔêíÓNñÔ¼ ³BòÖnÌíÐñe
                        “You are oppressing My people.”  ,−ÌnÔ¼ÐadÑa³ÔL−ÑëÐk
 However, if they do decide to withdraw their association  óÓí−ÑðÐ− CBLÐôÌñeêÖaóÌêCÔê
                     It (ñÑñBzнÌô) has the same root as íÖñ̽Ðô,  ,íÖl̽Ðô³ÔþÐïÌbÌô êeíÐî
 and be counted [as partners] of another lamb,  ,¬Ñ¼ÔôгÌíÐñe
       which is translated by Onkelos as: “a well-worn path.” 14  ,êÖL−ÌëÐkìÔþBê öÔò−ÌôÐbÐþÔ³ÐôÌc
 then this should be done “íÓOÌô ³B−ÐíÌô”—  íÓOÌô ³B−ÐíÞÌô
                  Chalchier in Old French—a trodden path.  ;þ"−šñš ïÔ¼ÔñÐëe
 [i.e.,] they should be excluded while the lamb still exists,  ,óÖiÔšíÓOÔí ðB¼Ða ,e¬Î¼ÔôгÌ−
         I have already explained at the end of Parshas Miketz  ±ÑwÌô−ÌíÐ−Ôî ¹B½Ða−ÌzÐLÔþ−ÑtþÖëÐ×e
 [that is to say,] while it is still alive  26  ó−ÌiÔìÔë B³B−ÐíÌa
                 that any word whose first root letter is C"ÓôÖ½  C"ÓôÖ½dÖðB½Ð−³ÔlÌìÐzÓLíÖë−ÑzñÖk
 and not once it has been slaughtered. 27  :¬ÔìÐLÌpÓMÌôêGÐî
              and intends to convey the ñѼÖtгÌí 15  conjugation  ,ñѼÔtгÌô öBLÐñÌaþÑaÔðÐñíÖêÖëê−ÌíÐî
 According to the number.  .úÇñÀëÄîÀa
                           one places the prefix letter ’³  LenÌLñÓL î"−ÖzÔíöѳBò
 [³Ô½Ð×ÌôÐa means: according to] the number.  ,öBaоÓì  in the middle of the root letters 16  ,þÖw−̼ñÓL ³Bi̳Bê ¼Ô®ÐôÓêÐa
 Similarly: EÐkÐþÓ¼Öí³Ô½Ð×Ìô [means the number of the evaluation].  :EÐkÐþÓ¼Öí³Ô½Ð×ÌôöÑ×Ðî  as in this case (ñÑñBzнÌô)  ,Bï öBèÐk
 According to what the person eats. 29  .BìÀëÈàéÄôÀ ì  and for example  öBèÐ×e
 Each according to his fitness to eat, 30  ,íÖñ−Ì×ÎêÔñ −eêÖþÖí  ëÖèÖìÓíñÑaÔzнÌ−Ðî—“the grasshopper will drag itself,” 17  ëÖèÖìÓíñÑaÔzÐ ½Ì−Ðî
 to exclude the sick and the old  öÑšÖïÐñe íÓñBìÐñ¬ÖþÐt  ñÑaÔzнÌ− having the root ñÒëÖ½—carry a load, [or]  ,ñÒëÖ½³ÔþÐïÌbÌô
 who cannot eat a kezayis (a piece the size of an olive). 31  :³Ì−ÖfÔk ñB×ÍêÓñ ñB×Ö− Bò−ÑêÓL  eò−ÑñÖ¼þÑþÖzÐN̳−Ìk—“that you would make yourself our ruler” 18  eò−ÑñÖ¼þÑþÖzÐN̳−Ìk
 Shall you make your count.  :eqÉëÈz  þÑþÖzÐN̳ having the root of  ³ÔþÐïÌbÌô
 [As Onkelos translates it:] öeòÐôгÌz—you will count yourselves.  :öeòÐôгÌz  ð−ÌèÖòÐîþÔN—“a prince and a nobleman,”  ,ð−ÌèÖòÐîþÔN
 [5] Flawless.  .íéÄîÈú [ä]  [or] ³−ÑîÎíñÔkÔzÐNÌô—“I was reflecting.” 19  :³−ÑîÎíñÔkÔzÐNÌôöÑ×Ðî
 Without a blemish 32  :óeô êGÐa  [18] Tomorrow at this time.  .øÈçÈîúÅòÈk [çé]
              [þÖìÖô³Ñ¼Ök means] at the same time tomorrow. 20  ;þÖìÖôÐñ³êÒfÔí³Ñ¼Ök
 A yearling  .äÈðÈL-ïÆa
 Its entire [first] year it is called a íÖòÖLöÓa,  ,íÖòÖLöÓa −eþÖšB³ÖòÐLñÖk  He scratched a mark in the wall  ZñÓ³BkÔaíÖ¬−ÌþÐNBñ¬ÔþÖN
 as if to say: it was born this year.  :Bï íÖòÖLÐaðÔñBpÓLþÔôBñÐk  [and said,] “Tomorrow when the sun reaches here  ,öêÖ×ÐñíÖnÔìÔ¼−ÌbÔzÓLÐkþÖìÖôÐñ
                            the hail will come down. 21  :ðÖþÖaÔíðÑþÑ−
 25 I.e., as members of the group who will be eating this particular lamb.  26 Accordingly, íÓOÌô ³B−ÐíÌô is read as if it had
 been written íÓOÌô ³B−ÐìÌô—while it is a lamb that is still alive (S.C.).  27 Mechilta, Pesachim 89a.  28 Vayikra 27, 23.  14 Bamidbar 20, 19.  15 ñ¼õ³í—the reflexive conjugation, where the verb conveys the subject acting upon itself.
 29 This could not mean “according to what each plans to eat” because the korbon Pesach is ¼ÔëBOÔíñÔ¼ñÔ×ÍêÓò—“ eaten  16 Unlike other verbs, where the ’³ is placed ahead of the root-letters, e.g. the root ¾ëñ (dress) would be LÑaÔñгÌí—he
 only after one is satiated.” Therefore, Rashi explains. . . . .(M.)  30 I.e., The korbon Pesach is prepared according to  dressed himself.  17 Koheles 12, 5.  18 Bamidbar 16, 13.  19 Daniel 7, 8.  20 But how could this be known
 the amount of individuals who will partake of it.  31 Mechilta.  32 Ibid.  SHMOT  4  without clocks?—  21 Sh. Rab. 12, 2.  #                                                       #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Bl
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