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[91]               Shemos—Va’eira 9:18–21 àëYçé:è àøàåZúåîù                                                Shemos—Bo 12:3–4 ãYâ:áé àáZúåîù             [114]

                from the time it was founded until now. :íÖzÞÖ¼-ðÔ¼Ðîí£ÖðнÞÖeÌíóB'iÔí-öÌôÐñ            ‘On the tenth [day] of this month í¢ÓfÔíLÓðÒ¤ìÔñþ £NÖ¼ÞÓa
       19.Nowsend[word]andgather[shelter]yourlivestock flEÐòКÌô-³Óê ·ïѼÖíì¥ÔñÐLí †ÖzÔ¼Ðî .¬−                        they shall take— ó†ÓíÖñe¤ìКÌ−Ðî
                     and all that you have in the field. í¢ÓðÖOÔa £EÐñþ'ÓLÎê-ñÖk³§ÑêÐî         each man [shall take] a lamb for [his] family, ³Ò£ëÖê-³−ÞÑëÐñí'ÓNL−§Ìê
                                 Any man or beast í•ÖôÑíÐaÔíÐîó·ÖðÖêÞÖí-ñÖk                                  a lamb for each household. :³Ì−ÞÖaÔñí'ÓN
                    that is found [remains] in the field í†ÓðÖOÔëê¤Ñ®ÖnÌ−-þÓLÎê             4. If the [members of the] household are too few ‡³Ì−‡ÔaÔí¬¤Ô¼ÐôÌ−-óÌêÐî.ð
        and will not be brought into the house [indoors]— íÖ³Ð− flÔaÔí ·¹Ñ½ÖêÞÑ−ê¥GÐ î                          for the [eating of a] lamb ›íÓOÌô³B¤−ÐíÞÌô
                 20. He that feared the word of Adonoy íflÖîÒíÐ−þ¤ÔëÐc-³Óê ·êÑþÖiÔí.×
                                                                                                  To the entire community of Israel saying,  øÉîàÅììÅàÈøÀNÄéúÇãÂò-ìÈk-ìÆà eøÀaÇc
                          among Pharaoh’s servants, í¢Ò¼ÐþÔt−£ÑðÐëÔ¼ÞÑô                               “On the tenth [day] of this month.”  .LÆãÉçÇìøNÈòÞÆa
                 made his servants and his livestock flee eí£ÑòКÌô-³ÓêÐîî−'ÖðÖëμ-³Óê½−§ÌòÑí     [I.e.,] “Speak today, on the first of the month  ,LÓðÒìLêÒþÐa ,óBiÔíeþÐaÔc
                           into the houses [indoors]. :ó−ÞÌzÖaÔí-ñÓê                                      that they should take it (the lamb)  eíeìÖwÌiÓL
                                                                                                              on the tenth of the month. 18  :LÓðÒìÔñþNÖ¼Óa
                  21. But he whose heart did not heed B£aÌñó§ÖN-êG þ'ÓLÎêÞÔî .ê×
                                                                                                                             This. 19  .äÆfÇä
                                   It was founded.  .äÈãÀñÞÈeÄä                                 but not the korbon Pesach of future generations. 20  :³BþBc ìÔ½ÓõêGÐî
                       [íÖðнÖeÌí means] that it was founded.  ;íÖðÐqÔ−гÌpÓL                                  A lamb for [his] family. 21  .úÉáÈà-úéÞÅáÀìäÆN
                   Every word whose first root-letter is a ’−,  ,ð"e− dÖðB½Ð−³ÔlÌìÐzÓLíÖë−ÑzñÖ×Ðî           [Meaning one lamb] per family.  ;³ÖìÓêíÖìÖtÐLÌôÐñ
                       e.g., ðÒ½Ö− (founded), ðGÖ− (gave birth)  ,ðGÖ−,ðÒ½Ö− öBèÐk            Thus, if there were many [members in the family],  ,ö−ÌaeþÐôe−ÖíÓL−ÑþÎí
                            Ô ¼ÕðÖ− (knew), þÒ½Ö− (removed),  ,þÒ½Ö−,Ô¼ÒðÖ−                     one might think that one lamb [suffices] for all. 22  ?öÖle×ÐñðÖìÓêíÓN ñB×Ö−
                       when it is put in the ñѼÖtгÌí 22  form  ,³ÓñÓ¼ÔtгÌôê−ÌíÓLÐk                          The Torah, therefore, states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                         the letter ’î replaces the letter ’−,  ,ð"eiÔí óBšÐôÌa î"−ÖeÔíêÒëÖz                 “A lamb for each household.”  :³Ì−ÖaÔñíÓN
                                 as in íÖðнÖeÌí or íÖðÐñÖeÌí 23  dÖðÐñÖeÌí,íÖðнÖeÌíBôÐk      [4] If the household [members] are too few  úÄéÇaÇäèÇòÀ îÄé-íÄàÀå [ã]
                           ¼ÔðÖeÌiÔî—“it became known,” 24  ,¼ÔðÖeÌiÔî                                                  for the lamb.  .äÆOÄî úBéÀäÞÄî
               [or] ¹Ñ½B−ÐñðÑñÖeÌiÔî—“There was born to Yoseif,” 25  ¹Ñ½B−ÐñðÑñÖeÌiÔî                            [I.e.,] If they are too few  ó−ּ̬eô e−ÐíÌ−óÌêÐî
                                   [or] “With words  ó−ÌþÖëÐðÌa                                               to be sufficient for one lamb,  ,ðÖìÓêíÓOÌô ³B−ÐíÌô
                  will a servant þÓ½ÖeÌ−êG—not be rebuked.” 26  :ðÓëÖ¼þÓ½ÖeÌ−êG                          so that they are unable to eat it [all]  BñÐ×ÖêÐñ ö−ÌñB×Ð−ö−ÑêÓL
                       [19] Send [word] and gather.  .æÅòÈäçÇìÀL [èé]                          and will thus come to [the transgression of] þÖ³Bò, 23  ,þÖ³Bò −Ñð−ÌñêÒëÖ−Ðî
                       ïѼÖíìÔñÐL is as Onkelos translates it:  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk                        then “Let him and his neighbor take, etc.,” 24  ,’îèî BòÑ×ÐLe êeí ìÔšÖñÐî
                             “send [word] and gather.”  ,LBòÐkìÔñÐL                       That is the implication here according to its plain meaning.  .B¬eLÐõ−ÌõÐñB¼ÖôÐLÔôeíÓï
       Similarly: “The inhabitants of Geibim (eï−̼Ñí) gathered,” 27  eï−̼Ñíó−ÌëÑbÔí−ÑëÐLB− öÑ×Ðî  However, there is also an exposition [of the Sages]:  ,LÖþÐðÌôBaLÑ− ðB¼Ðî
               [or:] “(eï−̼Ñí) gather! children of Binyamin. ”  :ö−ÌôÖ−ÐòÌë−ÑòÐaeï̼Öí                       [This verse intends] to teach  ðÑnÔñÐñ
                And will not be brought into the house.  .äÈúÀéÇaÇäóÅñÈàÞÅéàGÀå           18 Mechilta.  19 “íÓfÔí—this one,” to the exclusion of what? (S.C.)  20 Mechilta, Pesachim 96a. The Talmud explains
                      ¹Ñ½ÖêÑ− is a term meaning gathering in.  :êeí íÖ½ÖòÐ×Ôí öBLÐñ       that although regarding þew−Ìa (the checking of the animal as to its fitness for korbon Pesach) both the korbon Pesach
                                  [20] Made flee.  .ñéÄðÅä [ë]                            in Egypt and the one of future generations required four days, nevertheless only the one in Egypt needed to be
                                                                                          acquired four days before its slaughter.  21 What is the difference between ³BëÖê³−ÑëÐñíÓN and ³Ì−ÔaÔñíÓN?  22 Regardless
              ½−ÌòÑí means caused to flee from the word “½ÖòÖiÔî.” 29  :íÓLô ½ÖòÖiÔî öBLÐñ,Ôì−ÌþÐëÌí  whether each member would receive a sufficient amount (a ³Ì−ÔïÐk—size of an olive) to fulfill the mitzvah of korbon
                                                                                          Pesach.  23 The prohibition against leaving any part of the korbon beyond the time alotted for it to be eaten.  24 I.e.,
       22 See note 15.  23 Hoshea 2, 5.  24 Esther 2, 22.  25 Bereishis 46, 20.  26 Mishlei 29, 19.  27 Yeshaiyahu 10,  he may then combine his and his neighbor’s families so that there would be a sufficient number of people eating
       31.  28 Yirmiyahu 6, 1.  29 Above, 4, 3.                                        #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 4 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan   #26015-



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