Page 189 - SHMOT
P. 189
[179] Shemos—Beshalach 15:2 á:åè çìùáZúåîù Shemos—Bo 13:16 æè:âé àáZúåîù [154]
was the cause of my deliverance. í¢Ö¼eL−ÞÌñ−£Ìñ-−ÌíÐ−ÞÔî and for totafos between your eyes, E−¢Óò−Ѽö−¤Ña³Ò£õÖ¬B Þ¬Ðñe
for with a strong hand ðflÖ−šÓïÒ¤ìÐa−Ìkƒ
One hundred and five verses. öô−½ íòô− í"š
is it written −̳ÖþÐôÌïÐî, but ³ÖþÐôÌïÐî 47 ,³ÖþÐôÌïÐîêÖlÓê−̳ÖþÐôÌïÐî ëe³Ök
Haftarah: Yirmiyahu 46:13–28. .î"ô í−ôþ− ’í þëð þ¾ê þëðí ö−þ−¬õôî
and they are all followed by íÖ¼eL−Ìñ−Ìñ−ÌíÐ−Ôî 48 .íÖ¼eL−Ìñ−Ìñ−ÌíÐ−ÔîóÓíÖñ CeôÖ½óÖle×Ðî
so that the wording of the text fit, ,êÖþКÌnÔí öBLÐñëÑMÔ−Ðñ
That is the question of the wise son. .óÖ×ÖìöÑa³ÔñÑêÐL³êÒï−ÑþÎí
that −ÌfÖ¼ does not mean the same as −ÌfŠ¼ −ÌfŠ¼BôÐk−ÌfÖ¼ö−ÑêÓL
The Torah thus speaks of four [different] sons: :ó−ÌòÖëíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêðÓèÓòÐkíÖþB³ íÖþÐaÌc
nor does ³ÖþÐôÌïÐî mean the same as −̳ÖþÐôÌïÐî, ,−̳ÖþÐôÌïÐîBôÐk³ÖþÐôÌïÐîêGÐî
The dull one, 47 the wicked one, 48 ,¼ÖLÖþ,óÔz
but, rather, −ÌïÖ¼ is a noun 49 êeí þÖëÖcóÑL−ÌfÖ¼êÖlÓê
as in: “−ÌëÐLiÔí (the One Who dwells) in the heavens,” 50 ,óÌ−ÖôÖMÔa−ÌëÐLiÔíBôÐk the one who does not know what to ask 49 ,ñBêÐLÌñÔ¼ÑðB− Bò−ÑêÓLÐî
and the one who asks wisely. 50 :íÖôÐ×ÖìCÓþÓcñÑêBMÔíÐî
[or:] “−ÌòÐ×ÒL (the one who dwells) −ÌòÐ×ÒL
in the cracks of the rock,” 51 ,¼ÔñÓ½−ÑîÐèÔìÐa [16] And for totafos between your eyes. .EéÆðéÅò ïéÅaúÉôÈèB ÞèÀìe [æè]
[or:] “−ÌòÐ×ÒL (the one who dwells) in the bush.” 52 ,íÓòн−ÌòÐ×ÒL [³ÒõÖ¬Ò¬Ðñe refers to] tephillin. ;ö−ÌlÌõÐz
And the following is the praise [conveyed here]: ìÔëÓMÔíeíÓïÐî Since they consist of four compartments ó−ÌzÖëíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêóÑíÓLóÑLñÔ¼Ðî
“The ïÒ¼ and the íÖþÐôÌï of God dÖ −³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌfÖ¼ they are called ³ÒõÖ¬Ò¬— 51 Z³ÒõÖ¬Ò¬öÌ−eþК
were a deliverance for me,” 53 ,íÖ¼eL−Ìñ−ÌñíÖ−Öí êeí ¬Ô¬ in the Kathphi language is two ,óÌ−ÔzÐL−ÑõгÔ×Ða"¬Ô¬,,
and ³ÖþÐôÌïÐî is in the construct to the word ’í, 54 ,óÑMÔí³Ôë−ѳÐñ êeí šeëÖc³ÖþÐôÌïÐî ³Ôt in the Afriki language is two. 52 .óÌ−ÔzÐL−Ñš−ÌþÐõÔêÐa "³Ôt,,
as in: ’í ³ÔþÐïÓ¼Ðñ—“ to the help of God,” 55 ,’í ³ÔþÐïÓ¼ÐñBôÐk Menachem records it in his machberes BþÐaÌìóÑìÔòÐôe
[or:] ’í ³ÔþÐëÓ¼Ða—“ by the anger of God,” 56 ,’í ³ÔþÐëÓ¼Ða with: “(¹ÑhÔíÐî) and speak to the south” 53 ,óBþÖcñÓê¹ÑhÔíÐîó̼
[or:] óÖðÖêÖí−ÑòÐa³ÔþÐaÌcñÔ¼—“ because of the speech of men.” 57 .óÖðÖêÖí−ÑòÐa³ÔþÐëÌcñÔ¼ and: eõ−ÌhÔzñÔê—“ Do not speak” 54 eõ−ÌhÔzñÔê
The word ³ÖþÐôÌïÐî is from the same root as “þBôÐï̳êG” 58 ,þÒôÐï̳ êG öBLÐñ³ÖþÐôÌïÐî öBLÐñe [¹ÑhÔíÐî and eõ−ÌhÔz being] terms for speaking, ,þeaÌc öBLÐñ
[or:] “ó−Ì®−ÌþÖ¼þ−ÌôÐï”—“ The cutting down of the evil ones” 59 ,ó−Ì®−ÌþÖ¼þ−ÌôÐï corresponding to: “and a reminder between your eyes” 55 ,E−Óò−Ѽö−Ña öBþÖkÌïÐñe BôÐk
[þ−ÌôÐï] being a term for mowing down and cutting off. íÖ³−ÌþÐ×e Ôìe½−Ìk öBLÐñ which is said in the first section, ,íÖòBLêÌþíÖLÖþÖtÔëíÖþeôÎêÖí
[Thus the meaning here is] “The strength BfŠ¼ for whoever sees them tied between the eyes, ,óÌ−Ôò−ѼÖíö−Ñaó−ÌþeLКóÖ³Bê íÓêBþÖíÓL
and retribution of our God eò−ÑíGÍêñÓLB³ÖôКÌòÐî will remember the miracle ½ÑpÔí þBkÐïÌ−
was a deliverance for us.” .íÖ¼eL−Ìñ eòÖñíÖ−Öí and speak about it. 56 :Ba þÑaÔð−Ìî
Do not wonder about the use of −ÌíÐ−Ôî (lit. “it will be”) ,−ÌíÐ−Ôî öBLÐññÔ¼dÔôгÌzñÔêÐî
that it does not say íÖ−Öí (“it was”), 60 ,íÖ−ÖíþÔôÍêÓòêHÓ L
for there are verses ³BêÖþКÌô eòÖñLÑiÓL
that express themselves in this way, ,íÓï öBLÖñÐaó−ÌþÐaÔðÐô
47 I.e., according to Onkelos who translates it as “my praise,” it should have read −̳ÖþÐôÌïÐî. 48 I.e., according to
Onkelos why is praise the cause of the deliverance? (B.R., S.C.) 49 I.e., a noun without any suffix; the letter ’− is
part of the root-word. 50 Tehillim 123, 1. 51 Ovadiah 3. 52 Devarim 33, 16. 53 Unlike Onkelos who explains
íÖ¼eL−ÞÌñ−Ìñ−ÌíÐ−ÞÔîdÖ−³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌfÖ¼ as two separate statements: 1) ’í êÖñ−ÌìÐc−ÌzÐìÔaоe³Ðî−ÌtКֳ—“ The awesomeness of God is my
strength and my praise.” 2) š−ÌþÖõÐñ−ÌñíÖîÎíÔîí−ÑþÐô−ÑôÐaþÔôÎêÔî—“ He thought, and that was my deliverance,” Rashi explains
it as one statement. 54 I.e., the íÖþÐôÌï of ’í. 55 Shoftim 5, 23. 56 Yeshaiyahu 9, 18. 57 Koheles 3, 18. Thus we 47 V. 14. 48 12, 25. 49 V. 8. 50 Devarim 6, 20. 51 A contraction of the two words ¬¬ and ³õ. 52 Totalling four,
have three examples of íÖþÐôÌï type words where the ’í becomes a ’³ in the construct state: 1. íÖþÐïÓ¼=³ÔþÐïÓ¼,2. íÖþÐëÓ¼=³ÔþÐëÓ¼, representing the four comparments of tephillin. 53 Yechezkel 21, 2. 54 Michah 2, 6. 55 Above, v. 9. 56 Thus
3. íÖþÐëÌð=³ÔþÐëÌc. 58 Vayikra 25, 4 “You shall not prune.” 59 Yeshaiyahu 25, 5. 60 According to Onkelos. SHMOT 6 ³îõ¬î¬ (talk) refers to tephillin since they cause people to speak of the miracle. # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-