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[177]              Shemos—Beshalach 15:1  à:åè çìùáZúåîù                                             Shemos—Beshalach 13:18 çé:âé çìùáZúåîù            [156]

               horse and its rider He threw into the sea. :óÞÖiÔëí'ÖôÖþB£ëÐ×Ò ÞþÐî½e'½                    by way of the Reed Sea Desert, ¹e¢½-óÔ−þ£ÖaÐðÌnÔíCÓþ'Óc
                                                                                                      and the B’nei Yisrael went up armed ñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−-−ÞÑòÐëe'ñÖ¼ó−§ÌLŠôÎìÞÔî
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                     “For (³eêÑè) gloriously has He done.” 23  ,íÖNÖ¼ ³eêÑb−ÌkBôÐk
                                                                                                                          Reed Sea. 8  .óeñ-íÇé
                      Similarly, everywhere in the Shira 24  íÖþ−ÌMÔíñÖköÑ×Ðî
                                                                                                  As if it were written ¹e½ óÔ−Ðñ—to the Reed Sea.  ,¹e½ óÔ−ÐñBôÐk
                      you will find repetitive expressions,  ,íÖñeõÐ×êÖ®ÐôÌz
                                                                                                             ¹e½ is a term meaning a marsh  óÔèÎê öBLÐñ êeí ¹e½Ðî
                  [e.g.,] “the strength and retribution of God  dÖ−³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌfÖ¼
                                                                                                                    in which reeds grow,  ,ó−ÌòÖšBaó−ÌñÑðÐbÓL
                      was the cause of my deliverance.” 25  ,íÖ¼eL−Ìñ−Ìñ−ÌíÐ−Ôî
                                                                                                       as in “she put him (¹eqÔa) in the reeds.” 9  ,¹eqÔaóÓNÖzÔîBôÐk
                       [or:] “Adonoy is the master of war  íÖôÖìÐñÌôL−Ìê’í
                                                                                                  [or:] “The flags (¹e½Öî) and reeds will wither.” 10  :eñÑôÖš ¹e½ÖîíÓòÖš
                               Adonoy is His name.” 26  ,BôÐL’í
                     And so on [in the rest of the verses].  .óÖlek öÑ×Ðî                                                   Armed.  .íéÄLËîÂçÇå
                       —From an old Rashi manuscript)  .(öÖLÖ−−"ÌMÔþÐa                                       The word ó−̾eôÎì means armed.  ;ó−Ìò−ÖieïÐôêÖlÓêó−ÌLeôÎìö−Ñê
                               Another explanation: 27  þÑìÔêþÖëÖc                               (Because He took them on a round-about route  öÖ³Öa−̽ÎíÓL−ÌõÐñ)
                For He is most high, He transcends all songs.  ³Bþ−ÌMÔíñÖkñÔ¼,íÖêÖèíÒêÖè−Ìk                  in the desert, He caused them  óÓíÖñóÔþÖb êeí þÖaÐðÌnÔa
                       and as much as I may praise him,  ,Ba ½ÑlÔšÎêÓMíÔôñÖ×Ðî                                         to go up armed.  ,ó−ÌLeôÎìeñÖ¼ÓL
                   there is still more in Him [to be praised]  ,³ÓõÓ½Bz Ba LÑ− ðB¼                                For had He taken them  íÖ−ÖíelÌêÓL
                     and not like a king of flesh and blood  óÖðÖîþÖNÖaCÓñÓô³ÔcÌôÐ×êGÐî                           by way of settled areas  ,ëeMÌ−CÓþÓð
        who is praised and does not possess [those attributes]. 28  :Ba ö−ÑêÐî B³Bê ö−̽ÐlÔšÐnÓL      they would not have armed themselves  óÓíÖñó−ÌLÖneìÐôe−ÖíêG
                                                                                                                    with all their needs,  ,ö−Ì×−ÌþÐvÓMíÔôñÖk
                               Horse and its rider—  .BáÀëÉ ÞøÀå ñeñ
                                                                                                 but, rather, as one traveling from place to place,  óBšÖôÐñ óBšÖnÌôþÑëB¼ÓLóÖðÖêÐkêÖlÓê
                               both tied to each other  ,íÓïÖëíÓïó−ÌþeLКóÓí−ÑòÐL
                                                                                              whose intention it is to obtain what he needs there.  ,CÑþ֬ЮÌiÓMíÔôóÖL ³BòКÌñBzмÔðÐëe
                     and the water brought them up high  óeþÖñöÖ³Bê ö−ÌñμÔôóÌ−ÔnÔíÐî
                                                                                                     But when he sets out into the wilderness  þÖaÐðÌnÔñLÑþBt êeíÓLÐkñÖëÎê
                      and then threw them to the depths  šÓôB¼ÖñóÖ³Bê ö−Ìð−ÌþBôe
                                                                                                     he must prepare for himself all his needs.  .CÓþBvÔíñÖkBñöÑnÔïÐñC−ÌþÖ®
                      and, yet, they did not come apart. 29  :ö−ÌðÖþÐõÌòöÖò−ÑêÐî
                                                                                                               This verse was written only  óÌê−ÌkëÔzÐ×ÌòêGíÓïêÖþКÌôe
                                       He threw.  .äÈîÈø
                                                                                                      to make it understandable to the ear— 11  ,öÓïBêÖí³ÓêþÑaÔNÐñ
                               [íÖôÖþ means] He threw.  ,C−ÌñÐLÌí
                                                                                                                    so that you not say:  dÔôг̳êHÓL
                     Similarly: “(î−ÌôÐþe) They were thrown  î−ÌôÐþe öÑ×Ðî
                                                                                                            during the war against Amaleik  šÑñÖôμ³ÓôÓìÐñÌôÐa
                             into a burning furnace.” 30  .êÖþeò öezÔê êBèÐñ
                                                                                              and the wars against Sichon and Og, and Midian,—  öÖ−ÐðÌôe èB¼Ðî öBì−̽³ÓôÓìÐñÌôÐëe
                            There is a Midrash Aggada:  :íÖðÖbÔêLÔþÐðÌôe
                                                                                                         from where did they have weapons  ,ö−Ì−Ôï−ÑñÐkóÓíÖñe−ÖíöÖ×−ÑíÑô
                    One verse states íÖôÖþ—thrown upwards,  ,íÖôÖþþÑôBê ðÖìÓê ëe³Ök
                                                                                                that enabled Israel to defeat them by the sword?  .ëÓþÖìÓañÑêÖþÐNÌ− óekÌíÓL
          whereas another verse states íÖþÖ−—thrown downwards.  ,íÖþÖ−þÑôBê ðÖìÓê ëe³Ö×Ðî
                                                                                                          —From an old Rashi manuscript.)  (.öÖLÖ−−"ÌMÔþÐa
              This teaches that they went up to the heights 31  óeþÖñ ö−ÌñB¼ e−ÖíÓLðÑnÔñÐô
                                                                                                                   Likewise, it is written:  þÑôBê êeí öÑ×Ðî
                           and went down to the abyss;  ,óBíгÌñö−ÌðÐþB−Ðî
                                                                                                            “You shall pass by with arms.” 12  ,ó−ÌLŠôÎìeþÐëÔ¼ÔzóÓzÔêÐî
            as in: “who (íÖþÖ−) threw down the cornerstone?” 32  ,dÖ³ÐòÌtöÓëÓêíÖþÖ−−ÌôBôÐk
                                                                                                         Similarly, Onkelos translates [ó−̾ŠôÎì]  ½eñКÐòeê BôÐbÐþÌzöÑ×Ðî
                             —from above to below. 33  :íÖhÖôÐ ñíÖñмÔôÐñÌô
                                                                                                            ö−ÌïÐþÖïÐô—armed, as [he translates]  BôÐk ,ö−ÌïÐþÖïÐô
       23 Yeshaiyahu 12, 5.  24 To express the superhuman acts of God.  25 V. 2.  26 V. 3.  27 íÖêÖbíÒêÖè−Ìk refers back  8 ¹e½ óÔ−þÖaÐðÌôÔí according to some means “the Reed Sea Desert,” i.e., the name of the desert. See Targum Yonasan and
       to ’íÔñíÖþ−ÌLÖê and conveys the idea that: ’íÔñíÖþ−ÌLÖê—I may sing to God without concern that I may be exaggerating  Ibn Ezra. Rashi, however, translates it like Onkelos, viz., þëðôí μþð—“by way of the desert”—¹î½ ó−—“to the Reed
       because íÖêÖèíêÖè−Ìk.  28 Mechilta.  29 Ibid.  30 Daniel 3, 21.  31 íÖôÖþ is derived from óBþ—heights.  32 Iyov 38, 6.  Sea.”  9 Above, 2, 3.  10 Yeshaiyahu 19, 6.  11 I.e., to prepare the reader for a difficulty he may encounter later.
       33 Mechilta.                                                                       12 Yehoshua 1, 14.                                                                                             #                                                             #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-
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