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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black
 [151]  Shemos—Bo 13:11–12 áéYàé:âé àáZúåîù  Shemos—Beshalach 15:4  ã:åè çìùáZúåîù  [182]

 as He swore to you and to your fathers; E−¢Ó³ÒëÎêÞÔñÐî £EÐñ¼'ÔaÐLÌòþ§ÓLÎêÞÔk  4. Pharaoh’s chariots and army B£ñ−ÑìÐîíÒ§¼ÐþÔt³Ò'ëÐkÐþÔô.ð
 and He will have given it to you. :CÞÖñd£ÖòÖ³Ðòe  He hurled into the sea; ó¢ÖiÔëí¤ÖþÖ−
 12. [At that time] you must pass on, [set aside] 'ÖzÐþÔëμÞÔíÐî .ë−  his elite officers were sunk in the Reed Sea. :¹e Þ½-óÔ−Ðëe'¼ÐaŠ¬î−£ÖLÌñÞÖLþ'ÔìÐëÌôe
 every one that [is first to] open the womb, to Adonoy. íÒ¢Öîí−ÞÔñóÓì£Óþ-þÓ¬ÞÓt-ñÖ×
  SHMOT                An alternate explanation of BôÐL’í:  ,BôÐL’íþÑìÔêþÖëÖc
 He swore to you.  .EÀìòÇaÀLÄð  Even while He wages war  ,î−ÖëÐ−BêÑôóÑšBòÐîóÖìÐñÌò êeíÓLíÖ¼ÖLÐa¹Ôê
 And where did He swear this to you?  ?EÐñ¼ÔaÐLÌòöÖ×−ÑíÐî  he retains His attribute [expressed by “íîí−”]  B³ÖcÌôÐë êeí ïÑìBê
 [when He said,] “I will bring you  óÓ×гÓê−̳êÑëÑíÐî  to be compassionate to His creatures  î−ÖêeþÐañÔ¼óÑìÔþÐñ
 to the land  ±ÓþÖêÖíñÓê  by feeding all the inhabitants of the world;  ;óÖñB¼ −ÑêÖañÖk³Óê öeïÖñÐî
 about which I raised My Hand [as an oath], etc.”  :’BèÐî−̳êÖNÖòþÓLÎê  not as is the practice of earthly kings  íÖôÖðÎê−Ñ×ÐñÔô³ÔcÌôÐ×êGÐî
 And He will have given it to you. 26  .CÞÈìdÈðÈúÀðe  that when he is occupied by war  íÖôÖìÐñÌnÔašÑ½B¼ êeíÓLÐk
 You should consider it  E−Óò−ѼÐëêÑíÐz  he turns away from all his other functions  ó−ֽ̚μñÖkÌôBôЮԼíÓòBt
 as if He had given it to you on the same day 27  ,óBiÔëBaEÐñdÖòÖ³Ðò el−ÌêÐk  and does not have the power to do both. 84  :BïÖî Bï ³BNμÔñÔìÒ×Baö−ÑêÐî
 and do not consider it  E−Óò−ѼÐë−ÌíÐzñÔêÐî  [4] He hurled into the sea.  .íÈiÇáäÈøÈé [ã]
 as if it were an inheritance from your ancestors.  28  :³BëÖê³ÔMeþ−Ìk  [óÖiÔëíÖþÖ− is translated by Onkelos:] êÖnÔ−Ðë−ÌcÔL,  ,êÖnÔ−Ðë−ÌcÔL
 [12] You must set aside.  .ÈzÀøÇáÂòÞÇäÀå [áé]  −ÌÌcÔL having the meaning of hurling.  ,í−ÖiÌþÐ− öBLÐñ−ÌcÔL
 Ö zÐþÔëμÔíÐî is a term denoting setting aside  ,íÖLÖþÐõÔí öBLÐñêÖlÓêÖzÐþÔëμÔíÐîö−Ñê  Similarly it says: íÓþÖiÌ−íÒþÖ−Bê , 85  ,íÓþÖiÌ−íÒþÖ−Bê,þÑôBê êeí öÑ×Ðî
 similarly it says:  ,þÑôBê êeí öÑ×Ðî  where Onkelos translates it −ÌðÐzÐLÌ−íÖêÖðÐzÐLÌêBê 86  (from −ÌðÐL),  ,−ÑðÐzÐLÌ−íÖêÖðÐzÐLÌê Bê ½eñКÐòeê óÑèÐþÔ³Ðô
 “óÓzÐþÔëμÔíÐî—You shall set aside  óÓzÐþÔëμÔíÐî  and the letter ’³ is used in these words (−ÌðÐzÐLÌ−íÖêÖðÐzÐLÌê)  elÑêÐa³ÓLÓnÔLÐô î−"ÖzÔíÐî
 his inheritance for his daughter.” 29  :îzÌëÐñ B³ÖñÎìÔò³Óê  in place of (i.e., indicating) the ñÔÔÐtгÌ− (reflexive) form.  :ñÔ¼ÐtгÌ− [î"−Öz] óBšÐôÌa
 That is dropped (born) by animals. 30  .äÈîÅäÀaøÆâÆL  Elite.  .øÇçÀáÄîe
 One prematurely born where the mother “drops” him  BnÌêezÔþÖèÐMÓLñÓõÑò  [þÔìÐëÌôe] is a noun  þÖëÖcóÑL
 and sends him out before his time.  ;Bz̼êGÐëezÔìÖñÐLe  [having the same form] as ëÖkÐLÌô,ëÖkÐþÓô 87  ,ëÖkÐLÌô,ëÖkÐþÓôBôÐk
 Scripture teaches you [that though it will not survive]  ëe³ÖkÔíEÐðÓnÌñÐî  and LÓðÒšêÖþКÌô. 88  :LÓðÒšêÖþКÌô
 that it is sanctified as a first-born  íÖþB×ÐëÌa LBðÖš êeíÓL  Were sunk. 89  .eòÀaËè
 in so far as exempting the one born afterwards.  31  ;î−ÖþÎìÔêêÖaÔí³Óê þB¬ÐõÌñ  The term íÖ¼−ÌëЬ always denotes sinking in a muddy place,  ,¬−̬ óBšÐôÌëêÖlÓêíÖ¼−ÌëЬö−Ñê
 Although even one not born prematurely  ñÓõÑòö−ÑêÓL¹ÔêÐî  as in “−ÌzмÔëÖ¬ I am sunk in muddy depths.” 90  ,íÖñe®ÐôöÑî−Ìa−ÌzмÔëÖ¬BôÐk
 is also referred to as þÓèÓL  ,þÓèÓL −eþÖš  [or:] “Yirmiyahu (¼ÔaЬÌiÔî) sank in the mud.” 91  .¬−ÌhÔaeíÖ−ÐôÐþÌ−¼ÔaЬÌ−Ôî
 as in E−ÓõÖñÎêþÔèÐL—“ those born of your herds,” 32  ,E−ÓõÖñÎêþÔèÐLBôÐk  This indicates that the sea turned to mud  ,¬−̬óÖiÔííÖNμÔpÓLðÑnÔñÐô
 nevertheless,  ñÖëÎê  to pay them (the Egyptians) back in kind,  ,óÖ³ÖcÌôÐkóÓíÖñ ñBôÐèÌñ
 here it refers only to one of premature birth  ,ñÓõÑpÔíñÔ¼ðÑ nÔñÐñêÖlÓêêÖëêGíÓï  for they had subjugated Yisrael  ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−³ÓêeðÐaмÌMÓL
                     with mortar (mud) and with bricks. 92  :ó−ÌòÑëÐñÌëe þÓôÒìÐa
 26 This seems repetitious of EÎê−ÌëÐ−−ÌkíÖ−ÖíÐî—“ when He will bring you.”  27 I.e., The same day that you fulfill the
 mitzvah.  28 Mechilta.  29 Bamidbar 27, 8.  30 What is the difference between óÓìÓþþÓ¬ÓtñÖk and íÖôÑíÐaþÓèÓLþÓ¬ÓtñÖ×Ðî?
 31 An animal born after the mother animal has previously miscarried is exempt from the sanctification of the  83 I Shmuel 17, 45.  84 Mechilta.  85 Below, 19, 13.  86 “Or he will be hurled down.”  87 Vayikra 15, 9.  88 Ibid
 first-born.  32 Devarim 7, 13. There the Torah speaks of E−ÓõÖñÔêþÔèÐL in terms of blessings. It therefore obviously does  23, 3.  89 e¼ÐaŠ¬ cannot mean drowned, for they all drowned and here the reference is only to the elite officers.
 not refer to premature births. (S.)  90 Tehillim 69, 3.  91 Yirmiyahu 38, 6.  92 Mechilta.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #
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