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[187]              Shemos—Beshalach 15:8  ç:åè çìùáZúåîù                                          Shemos—Beshalach 16:20–22 áëYë:æè çìùáZúåîù          [210]

                         the waters were heaped up, óÌ− flÔôeôÐþÓ¼¤Óò                                    and Moshe was angry with them. :íÞÓLô ó£ÓíÑñμ¹Ò'®ÐšÌiÔî
                       flowing water stood like a wall; ó−¢ÌñÐïÒÞòð£Ñò-BôÐ×e'ëÐvÌò                     21. They gathered it each morning., þÓšÒ flaÔaþÓšÒ¤aÔa ·B³Òêe¥¬ÐšÐñÌiÔî .ê×

                                                                                                    [When] the sun became hot, it melted. :½ÞÖôÖòÐîLÓô£ÓMÔíó'ÔìÐî
                          This is what it seems to me. 11  .−Ôò−ѼÐaíÓêÐþÌòCÖk
         Whenever ¹Ôê and öBþÖì are joined together in Scripture  êÖþКÌnÔaÓL¹Ôê öBþÎìñÖ×Ðî                22. When the sixth day came, − †ÌMÌMÔíóB¤iÔa|−¤ÌíÐ−Ôî .ë×
                 I say that the following is the explanation:  ;öÑkþÑôBê −ÌòÎê                                  what they had gathered e '¬ÐšÞÖñ
                  [In the expression] ¹ÔêíÒþÖì [the word íÖþÖì]  ¹ÔêíÒþÖì                               [was a] double [portion of] bread, íflÓòÐLÌô ·óÓì ·Óñ
                          is similar to [the word íÖþÖì in:]  BôÐk
                                                                                                           two omers for each individual. ð¢ÖìÓêÞÖñþÓ ôÒ£¼Öí−'ÑòÐL
                        “My bone is íÖþÖì from the heat” 12  ,ëÓþÒì−ÌpÌôíÖþÖì−ÌôЮԼÐî
                                                                                                    All the leaders of the community came í flÖðѼÞÖí−¤Ñê−ÌNÐò-ñÖk ·eêÒ·ëÖiÔî
                     [where íÖþÖì] means burning and heat,  ,ðÑšBôe íÖõÑþÐN öBLÐñ
               because the nostrils become hot and burning,  ó−ÌþÍìÓòÐîó−ÌôÐnÔìгÌôóÌ−Ôþ−ÌìÐpÔíÓL
                             öBþÖì is derived from íÒþÖì. 13  íÒþÖì³ÔþÐïÌbÌô öBþÖìÐî
                    The same way öB®Öþ is derived from íÒ®Öþ.  ,íÒ®Öþ³ÔþÐïÌbÌô öB®ÖþBôÐk       [21]  [When] the sun became hot it melted.  .ñÞÈîÈðÀåLÆîÆMÇäíÇçÀå [àë]
                         Similarly the word íÖôÑì (wrath)  íÖôÑìöÑ×Ðî                                That which remained in the field 41  melted  Ô ìBnÌòíÓðÖOÔaþÖêÐLÌpÔí
                       is also derived from ³eô−ÌôÎì (heat).  ,³eô−ÌôÎì öBLÐñ                              and turned into running streams  ,ó−ÌñÖìÐòíÓNμÔòÐî
                         It is for this reason that it says:  þÑôBê êeí öÑkñÔ¼                             and bucks and deer drank from it  ,ó−ÌêÖëЮe ó−Ìñ−ÖiÔêepÓnÌôö−̳BLÐî
                 “(B³ÖôÎìÔî) and his anger burnt within him,” 14  ,Bë íÖþÎ ¼ÖaB³ÖôÎìÔî       and the nations of the world captured some of them  óÓíÑôö−ÌðÖ®óÖñB¼Öí ³BneêÐî
                      and when anger subsides one says:  þÑôBê íÖôÑìÔíÔìBòÐëe                      and through them had a taste of the manna,  ,öÖôóÔ¼Ô¬óÓíÖaó−ÌôμB¬Ðî
                              “His mind has cooled off.”  :BzмÔðíÖþÐþ֚гÌò                          and thereby knew the praises of Israel. 42  .ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ñÓLöÖìÐëÌMíÔôó−̼ÐðB−Ðî
                         The waters were heaped up.  .íÄéÇîeîÀøÆòÆð                                [The word ½ÖôÖòÐî is translated by Onkelos] þÖLÖt  ,þÖLÖtZ½ÞÖôÖòñÓL BôebÐþÔ³Ðî
                             Onkelos translates [eôÐþÓ¼Óò]  óÑbÐþÌz ½eñКÐòeê                        from the word ó−ÌþÐLBt—lukewarm water—  ,ó−ÌþÐLBt öBLÐñ
                    as derived from ³eô−ÌôÐþÔ¼ (cleverness). 15  ,³eô−ÌôÐþÔ¼ öBLÐñ                       because of the sun it became warm  LÓôÓMÔí−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼
               However, according to the clarity of Scripture  êÖþКÌnÔí ³eìÔ® öBLÐñe                      and turned into lukewarm liquid.  ,þ−ÌLÐõÔôe óÑnÔìгÌô
                            it has the same meaning as  BôÐk                                                    Destemprer [in Old French]  ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa þ−þõ"ò¬¾−ð
                       ó−ÌhÌì³ÔôÑþμ—“A mound of wheat.” 16  ,ó−ÌhÌì³ÔôÑþμ                            similar to [what is found] in Sanhedrin  ö−ÌþÐðÓíÐòÔ½ÐëB³ÖôÐ èeðÐî
            The expression “stood like a wall” indicates this. 17  :Ôì−Ì×B− ðÑòBôÐ×eëÐvÌòÐî          at the end of the Chapter “Four deaths.” 43  :³B³−Ìô ’ð ¹B½Ða
                                      Heaped up.  .eîÀøÆòÆð                                      [22]  [Lit.] They gathered double bread. 44  .äÆðÀLÄîíÆçÆìeèÀ÷ÞÈì [áë]
                       [I.e.,] from the heat of the breath  Ô ìeþ ðÑšBnÌô                       In their tents they measured what they gathered  ,óÓí−ÑñÏíÖêÐaóÖ³Ö¬−ÌšÐñ³ÓêeðÐðÖnÓLÐk
                          that came out of Your nostrils  EÐtÔêÑôêÖ®ÖiÓL                              and they found it to be twice as much—  ,óÌ−ÔñÐõÌkeêЮÖô
                  the water dried up and became like piles  ó−ÌlÔbö−ÌôÐ×eNμÔòóÑíÐî,óÌ−ÔnÔíeLÐëÖ−                 two omers for each one.  .ðÖìÓêÖñþÓôB¼Öí−ÑòÐL
                and mounds of grain-stacks which are high.  :ó−ÌíBëÐbóÑíÓL,íÖôÑþμñÓL ³B−ÖþÐ×e                There is a Midrash Aggadah:  ,íÖðÖbÔêLÔþÐðÌôe
                                      Like a wall.  .ãÅ ð-BîÀë                                  [íÓòÐLÌôóÓìÓñ meaning:] íÓpeLÐôóÓìÓñ—“ different bread;”  ,íÓpeLÐôZíÓòÐLÌôóÓìÓñ
                    [ðÑòBôÐk means] as Onkelos translates it  BôebÐþÔ³Ðk                                 on that day it changed for the better  ìÔëÓLÐñíÖpÔzÐLÌò óBiÔí B³Bê
                                                                                                           regarding its smell and its taste. 45  :BôмԬÐî Bì−ÑþÐa
       11 I.e., that all references in Scripture to, ¹ê ö¾¼ ,¹ê ìîþ ,ó¬îì ,¹ê in the context of anger, refer to the breath that comes
       from the nostrils.  12 Iyov 30, 30.  13 Thus öBþÖì, too, denotes heat. (S.C.)  14 Esther 1, 12.  15 “êÖiÔô eô−ÌkÔì—“The
       water was clever,” as if to say that the water wisely gathered itself up to allow the B’nei Yisrael to pass through and  41 And not that which they had gathered (S.C.). See Onkelos.  42 Mechilta.  43 67b. þÖÒ¾ÐtêÖiÔôí−Ñ−BšÐLÔêÐñêÖ¬Ðô−Ìk—“ When
       then to cover the Egyptians. (S.C.)  16 Shir Hashirim 7, 3.  17 I.e., ó−ÌñÐïÒòðÑò-BôÐ×eëÐvò—“flowing water stood like a  he wanted to give it water to drink, it melted.”  44 This does not mean that they intentionally gathered twice the
       wall” indicates that óÌ−ÔôeôÐþÓ¼Óò means the water was heaped up.               #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-



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