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P. 198

[209]  Shemos—Beshalach 16:17–20 ëYæé:æè çìùáZúåîù  Shemos—Beshalach 15:8  ç:åè çìùáZúåîù  [188]

 They gathered it, some more, some less. :¬−Þ̼ÐôÔnÔíÐîí£ÓaÐþÔnÔíe fl¬ÐšÐñÌiÔî  the deep waters congealed in the heart of the sea. :óÞÖ−-ëÓñÐa³Ò £ôÒíгe'êÐõ ÞÖš
 18. However when they measured it with an omer, þÓôÒ fl¼ÖëecÒ¤ôÖiÔî .ì−
 the one who had taken more had no extra, í flÓaÐþÔnÔí ·¹−ÌcмÓíê¥GÐî
 and the one who had taken less, was not lacking. þ−¢Ì½ÐìÓíê¤G¬−£Ì¼ÐôÔnÔíÐî  þeLÐk—“like a wall.”  :íÖôBìÐk Z þeLÐk
 They had gathered exactly enough for each one to eat. :e¬ ÞÖšÖñB£ñÐ×Öê-−ÞÌõÐñL−'Ìê  A wall.  .ãÅð
                    ðÑò is a term for heaped up and gathered,  ,½epÌ×Ðî þeaÌ® öBLÐñ
 19. Moshe said to them, ó¢ÓíÑñÎêí£ÓLô þÓôêÒ'iÔî .¬−
         as in: “As a (ðÑò) pile of branches on a day of sorrow,” 18  ,íÖñÐìÔò óB−Ðaþ−̮֚ðÑòBôÐk
 “Let no man leave any over until morning.” :þÓšÒ Þa-ðÔ¼ep£ÓnÌôþ'ѳB−-ñÔêL−–Ìê
                 [or:] ðÑpÔk½ÑòÒk—“He gathers like a mound.” 19  .ðÑpÔk½ÑòBk
 20. They did not listen to Moshe, í †ÓLô-ñÓêe¤¼ÐôÞÖL-êGÐî.×  It is not written ðêÒpÔk½ÑòBk 20  ðêÒpÔk½ÑòBk ëe³Ö×êG
 and some men left some over until morning. þÓšÒ fla-ðÔ¼ ·ep·ÓnÌôó−¥ÌLÖòÎêeþ·Ì³BiÔî  but rather ðÑpÔk,  ,ðÑpÔ×êÖlÓê
 It became wormy and putrid, L¢ÔêÐëÌiÔîó−£Ì¼ÖñB ÞzóŠþ'ÖiÔî  and if ðÑpÔk would be the same as ðêÒpÔ×  ðêÒpÔ×BôÐkðÑpÔ×íÖ−ÖíelÌêÐî
            and ½ÑòBk would have the same meaning as íÖ½ÖòÐ×Ôí, 21  ,íÖ½ÖòÐ×Ôí öBLÐñ½ÑòB×Ðî
 [17]  Some more, some less.  .èéÄòÀîÇnÇäÀåäÆaÀøÇnÇä [æé]  “(ðêÒpÔëÐk½−ÌòÐ×Ôô) He gathers,  ½−ÌòÐ×Ôô
                         as if into a leather water-pouch  ðêÒpÔëÐk
 Some gathered much, some gathered little 37  ,¬Ô¼Ðôe¬ÐšÖlÓLLÑ−ÐîíÑaÐþÔíe¬ÐšÖlÓLLÑ−
                               the waters of the sea.”  ,óÖiÔí−Ñô
 and when they came home  óÖ³−ÑëÐñeêÖaÓLÐ×e
                   But ½ÑòBk denotes gathering and piling up.  ,êeí þÑëB®Ðî¹Ñ½Bê öBLÐñ½ÑòB× êÖlÓê
 each person measured with an omer  L−ÌêL−ÌêþÓôB¼ÖëeðÐðÖô
            Similarly: “[the waters] rose up as one mound” 22  ,ðÖìÓêðÑòeôÖšöÑ×Ðî
 what he had gathered,  ,e¬ÐšÖlÓMíÔô
                      [and:] “they stood as one mound. 23  ,ðÖìÓêðÑòeðÐôÔ¼Ô−Ðî
 and they found that the one who had gathered more  ¬BšÐñÌñíÓaÐþÔnÔíÓLeêЮÖôe
 did not have more  ¹−ÌcмÓíêG  The terms rising and standing do not apply  íÖð−ÌôμÔîíÖô−Ìš öBLÐñö−ÑêÐ î
                                  to water-pouches,  ³BðêÒòÐa
 than an omer per person in his tent,  ,BñÏíÖêÐaþÓLÎê³ÓñBbÐñebÔñþÓôB¼ ñÔ¼
                               only to walls and piles.  ,ó−ÌþeaÌ®Ðî ³BôBìÐëêÖlÓê
 and the one who gathered less  ¬BšÐñÌñ¬−̼ÐôÔnÔíÐî
             [Also] we find ðêÒò vocalized only with a cholam 24  óeõêÖñÐôÌëêÖlÓêðêÒò eò−Ì®ÖôêGÐî
 did not find less than an omer per head,  .³ÓñBbÐñebÔñþÓôB¼ÑôþѽÖìêÖ®ÖôêG
              as in: “place my tears (EÓðêÒòÐë) into your flask,” 25  ,EÓðêÒòÐa−ּ̳ÐôÌðíÖô−ÌNBôÐk
 and this was a great miracle that occurred with it.  :Bë íÖNμÔpÓL ñBðÖb½ÑòeíÓïÐî
                      [or:] (ðîêÒò³Óê)—the milk pitcher.” 26  :ëÖñÖìÓí ðîêÒò³Óê
 [20]  Some men left [some] over.  .íéÄLÈðÂàeøÄúBiÇå [ë]
 [They were] Dosson and Aviram. 38  :óÖþ−ÌëÎêÔîöÖ³Öc  Congealed.  .eàÀô ÞÈ÷
                               As in: “And like cheese  íÖò−ÌëÐbÔ×ÐîBôÐk
 It became wormy.  .íéÄòÈìB ÞzíËøÈiÇå
                      (−ÌòÑê−ÌtКԳ) you have solidified me,” 27  ,−ÌòÑê−ÌtКԳ
 [The word óŠþÖiÔî is derived] from íÖnÌþ—“ worm.”  :íÖnÌþ öBLÐñ
          for they (the depths) hardened and became as stone  ,ó−ÌòÖëÎêÔ×eNμÔòÐîeLКeíÓL
 And putrid.  .LÇàÀáÄiÇå
                      and the waters threw the Egyptians  ó−ÌiÌþЮÌnÔí³Óêó−ÌšÐþBï óÌ−ÔnÔíÐî
 This verse is inverted  ,CeõÖíêÖþКÌôíÓï−ÑþÎí
                            upon the stone with force,  Ô ìÒ×ÐaöÓëÓêÖíñÔ¼
 for it first became putrid and then wormy,  ,Ô¼−ÌñгÌí ¹BqÔëÐñe L−ÌêÐëÌííÖlÌìÐzÔaÓL
                             and battled against them  óÖaó−ÌôÖìÐñÌòÐî
 as is indicated by what is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓLöÖ−Ðò̼Ök
                            with all kinds of harshness.  :−ÌLBš −Ñò−ÌôñÖ×Ða
 “It did not become putrid and it had no worms,” 39  ,Ba íÖ³Ð−ÖíêGíÖnÌþÐîL−ÌêÐëÌíêGÐî
                             In the heart of the Sea.  .íÞÈé-áÆìÀa
 this is the usual manner for all things that turn wormy. 40  :ó−̼−ÌñгÔnÔíñÖkCÓþÓcöÑ×Ðî
             [Meaning:] In the very strongest part of the sea.  ;óÖiÔíšÓïBìÐa
 37 Rashi does not imply that they transgressed the command to take an omer per person, for the verse explicitly
 says: ñÑêÖþÐÒ¾Ì−−ÑòÐëöÑ×eNμÔiÔî—The B’nei Yisrael did so. Rashi means that they paid no attention to the exact amount  18 Yeshaiyahu 17, 11.  19 Tehillim 33, 7.  20 ðêÑòÔk meaning: like a leather water-pouch.  21 íÖ½ÖòÐ×Ôí meaning: bringing
 that they gathered and, miraculously, everyone ultimately had an omer per person (S.C. B.Y.). See Ibn Ezra for  a thing inside, and then the intent of the words ðÑòÔk½ÑòB× would be: “He brings in [the water] as if into a leather
 another explanation of ¬−̼ÐôÔnÔíÐîíÓaÐþÔnÔí.  38 Sh. Rab. 28, 10.  39 Below, v. 24. Putrid is mentioned before wormy.  water-pouch.”  22 Yehoshua 3, 13.  23 Ibid., 16.  24 Rashi often refers to a óÖñBì as a óîõêñô. See Rashi above, v. 2
 40 Mechilta. See Ramban.  −ï¼ í’ð.  25 Tehillim 56, 9.  26 Shoftim 4, 19.  27 Iyov 10, 10.                          #                                                              #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- |
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