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[205]  Shemos—Beshalach 16:8–9 èYç:æè çìùáZúåîù  Shemos—Beshalach 15:12–15 åèYáé:åè çìùáZúåîù  [192]                                                                               #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL

 8. [Then] Moshe said, í †ÓLô þÓôêÒ¤iÔî.ì  the earth swallowed them. :±ÓþÞÖêBô£Ñ¼ÖñÐëÌz
 “When Adonoy gives you meat to eat in the evening, ñÒ†×ÍêÞÓñþ¤ÖNÖaëÓþ•Ó¼Öaó·Ó×Öñ »íÒÖîíÐ−³¤Ñ³Ða  13. In Your kindliness You led £EÐcнÔìÐëÖ³−'ÌìÖò .è−
 and a filling meal of bread in the morning, Ô¼Ò flaÐNÌñ ·þÓšÒ·aÔaóÓì¥ÓñÐî  the people You redeemed; ÖzÐñ¢ÖêÖbe¤ï-óÔ¼
 Adonoy will have heard your complaints, ó flÓ×−ѳҤpŠñÐz-³Óê ·íÒÖîíÐ−Ô¼Ò¥ôÐLÌa  with Your might You guided them £EÐfÖ¼ÐëÖzÐñ'ÔíÑò
 thatyoucausecomplaintsagainstHim.Whatarewe? í flÖôeòÐì¤ÔòÐîî−¢ÖñÖ¼ó£Ìò−ÌlÔôó'Ó zÔê-þÓLÎê  to Your holy dwelling place. :EÞÓLÐðÖší'ÑîÐò-ñÓê
 YourcomplaintsarenotagainstusbutagainstAdonoy.” :íÒÞÖîíÐ−-ñÔ¼−'Ìkó£Ó×−ѳÒÞpŠñг eò−'ÑñÖ¼-ê ÞG  14. Peoples heard and they tremble, öe¢ïÖbÐþÌ−ó−£ÌnÔ¼e'¼ÐôÞÖL .ð−
 9. Then Moshe said to Aharon, öÕ flþÎíÞÔê-ñÓê ·íÓLô þÓôêÒ¥iÔî.¬  terror gripped the inhabitants of Philistia. :³ÓLÞÖñÐt−£ÑëÐLÞ−ï flÔìÖêñ−¤Ìì
 “Say to the entire community of the B’nei Yisrael: ñ flÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐa ·³Ôðμ-ñÖk-ñÓêþÒ †ôÍê  15. Then the chiefs of Edom panicked, óB flðÍê−¤ÑõelÔê ·eñÎíÐëÌòï¥Öê .î¬
 Come near before Adonoy, íÒ¢ÖîíÐ−−¤ÑòÐõÌñe£ëÐþÌš  the mighty men of Moav were seized with trembling; ðÔ¼¢ÖþBô£ÑïÎìêÒÞ−ë flÖêBô −¤Ññ−Ñê
 for He has heard your complaints.” :óÞÓ×−ѳÒÞpŠñÐz³£Ñê¼ flÔôÖL−¤Ìk
                         The earth swallowed them.  .õÆøÞÈàBîÅòÈìÀáÄz
 eòÐòBñгÌz—“you have made yourselves complainers.”  ,eòÐòBñгÌz  From this we derive  öêÖkÌô
 But now [in the form of eò−ÌlÔ³] it has the meaning of:  ¼ÔôÐLÔô êeí î−ÖLÐ×Ô¼  that they were privileged to be buried, 51  íÖþeëКÌñe×ÖfÓL
 “You have caused others to complain,”  ,ó−ÌþÑìÎê³Óê eò−ÌlÔz  as a reward for having proclaimed,  eþÐôÖêÓLþÖ×ÐNÌa
 as in the case of the spies [where it says]:  ,ó−ÌñÐbÔþÐôÔëBôÐk  “Adonoy is the righteous One!” 52 53  :š−ÌcÔvÔí’í
 “They caused to complain against him  î−ÖñÖ¼ eò−ÌlÔiÔî  [13]  You guided—  .ÈzÀìÇäÅð [âé]
 the entire congregation.” 24  :íÖðѼÖíñÖk³Óê  has the same derivation as ñÑíÔòÐô—leader.  ,ñÑíÔòÐô öBLÐñ
 [8]  Meat to eat.  .ìÉëÁàÞÆìøÈNÈa [ç]  Onkelos, however, translates it [−ÌíÐþÔëB½]  óÑbÐþÌz ½eñКÐòeêÐî
 But not to [your] fill.  ;Ô¼BaÐNÌñêGÐî  relating to carrying and bearing,  ,ñÑëB½ÐîêÑNBò öBLÐñ
 The Torah, thereby, teaches proper manners—  ,±ÓþÓêCÓþÓðíÖþB³ íÖðÐnÌñ  but he was not meticulous to explain it  LÑþÖõÐñšÑcКÌðêGÐî
 that meat should not be eaten to satiety.  .¼ÔëBNÖñþÖNÖa ö−ÌñÐ×Bê ö−ÑêÓL  according to the exact Hebrew language.  :³−ÌþÐë̼Öí öBLÖñþÔìÔê
 Why did He see fit to make the bread fall in the morning,  þÓšÒaÔaóÓìÓñð−ÌþBíÐñíÖêÖþíÖôe  [14]  And they tremble.  .ïeæÈbÀøÄé [ãé]
 whereas the meat [fell] in the evening?  ?ëÓþÓ¼ÖaþÖNÖëe  [öeïÖbÐþÌ− means] ö−ÌïÐbÔþгÌô—they tremble.  :ö−ÌïÐbÔþгÌô
 Because for bread they asked properly  ,öÓèBíÐ×eñÎêÖLóÓìÓlÔíÓL−ÌõÐñ  The inhabitants of Philistia.  .úÆLÞÈìÀtéÅáÀLÞé
 for it is impossible for man [to live] without bread,  ,óÓìÓñêGÐaóÖðÖêÖñBñþÖLÐõÓê−ÌêÓL  Because it was they who killed Ephraim’s descendants  ,óÌ−ÔþÐõÓê−ÑòÐa³ÓêeèÐþÖíÓL−ÑòÐtÌô
 but for meat they asked improperly  ,öÓèBíÐ×êHÓLeñÎêÖLþÖNÖañÖëÎê  who had calculated prematurely  eþÎíÌnÓL
 because they had an abundance of cattle.  ,óÓíÖñe−Öí ³BôÑíÐaíÑaÐþÔíÓL  the end [of the Egyptian exile] 54  ±ÑwÔí³Óê
 Furthermore, they could get along without meat.  ,þÖNÖaêGÐaóÓíÖñþÖLÐõÓêíÖ−ÖíÓL ðB¼Ðî  and went out [of Egypt] by force,  íÖšÐïÖìÐëeêЮÖ−Ðî
 He therefore gave it to them at an inconvenient time  ,ìÔþB¬ ³Ô¼ÐLÌaóÓ íÖñöÔ³ÖòCÖ×−ÌõÐñ  as is related in Divrei Hayomim:  ó−ÌôÖiÔí−ÑþÐëÌðÐaLÖþBõÐôÔk
 [which was correspondingly] improper. 25  :öÓèBíÐ×êHÓL  “The men of Gath (the Philistines) killed them” 55 56  :³Ôè−ÑLÐòÔê óeèÖþÎíÔî
 That you cause complaints against Him.  .åéÈìÈòíÄðéÄlÇîíÆzÇà-øÆLÂà  [15]  The chiefs of Edom  íBãÁàéÅôeìÇà [åè]
 [I.e., “You cause] others to do so,  ó−ÌþÑìÎêÖí³Óê  the mighty men of Moav.  .áÈàBî éÅìéÅà
 who hear you complain.”  :ó−ÌòÐòBñгÌôóÓ×гÓêó−̼ÐôBMÔí
       51 Rashi (above, 14, 30) writes that “the sea expelled them into its shore.” However, later they were swallowed
 [9]  Come near [before Adonoy].  .eáÀøÄ÷ [è]
       up by the earth. (Ramban)  52 Above, 9, 27.  53 Mechilta.  54 They counted the four hundred years from the
 To the place where the cloud will descend.  :ðÑþÑ−öÖòÖ¼ÓíÓL óBšÖnÔñ
       ó−ÌþÖ³ÐaÔíö−Ña³−ÌþÐa which was thirty years before Yitzchok’s birth (See Rashi above, 12, 39 ó−¾ñ¾ í"ð). (S.C.)  55 I
       Divrei Hayomim 7, 21. Terror now gripped the Philistines for they anticipated vengeance from the B’nei Yisrael.
 24 Bamidbar 14, 36.  25 Mechilta, Yoma 75b.  56 Mechilta.                                                           #                                                                26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- |
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