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[185]              Shemos—Beshalach 15:7  æ:åè çìùáZúåîù                                          Shemos—Beshalach 16:23–26 åëYâë:æè çìùáZúåîù         [212]

       7. In Your great majesty, You destroy Your opponents; E−¢ÓôÖš½Ò¤þÎíÞÔz £EÐòB ÞêÐbëÒ'þÐëe .ï  and whatever is left over, put aside for yourselves, ó§Ó×Öñ eì−«ÌpÔí¹ flÑðÒ¼¤Öí-ñÖk ·³ÑêÐî
                                                                                                       24. They put it aside until morning þÓšÒ flaÔí-ðÔ¼ ·B³Òê eì−¥ÌpÔiÔî .ð×
                               the foot of a pauper.” 119  .−ÌòÖ¼−ÑñÐèÔþ
                                                                                                             as Moshe had commanded. í¢ÓLô í¤ÖeÌ®þ£ÓLÎêÞÔk
                  [or:] “He gave their land as an inheritance,  íÖñÎìÔòÐñóÖ®ÐþÔêöÔ³ÖòÐî
                                                                                                                  It did not turn putrid L− flÌêÐëÌíê¤GÐî
                    an inheritance to Israel, His people,” 120  .BcÐëÔ¼ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ÐñíÖñÎìÔò
                                     and their like.  :óÓí−ÑôBðÐî                                         and there were no worms in it. :B ÞaíÖ³Ð−ÞÖí-êG í£ÖnÌþÐî
                                       Adorned.  .éÄøÈcÀàÆð                                                 25. Moshe said, “Eat it today, óBfliÔíeí¤ŠñÐ×Ìê ·íÓLô þÓôêÒ¥ iÔî .í×
                                 The letter ’− is extra  ,íÖþ−ѳÐ− ð"eiÔí                                 for today is Shabbos to Adonoy. íÒ¢Öîí−ÞÔñóB£iÔí³'ÖaÔL-−ÞÌk
                          as in “(−̳ÖaÔþ) full of people,” 121  ,óÖ¼−̳ÖaÔþBôÐk              Today you will not find it [manna] in the field. :íÞÓðÖOÔaeí£ŠêÖ®Ðô̳ê'GóB–iÔí
               [or:] “(−̳ÖþÖN) the princess among countries, 122  ,³Bò−ÌðÐnÔa−̳ÖþÖN
                                                                                                          26. Six days you shall gather it, eí¢Š¬ÐšÐñÌzó−£ÌôÖ−³ÓL'ÑL .î×
                    [or:] “(−̳ÐëŠòÐb) stolen during the day.” 123  :óB− −̳ÐëŠòÐb
                              Crushes the enemy. 124  .áÅéBà õÇòÀøÄz
            Similar to this (the use of ±Ô¼Ðþ to mean to crush) is:  ,Bñ íÓôBðÐî
         “(e®Î¼ÐþÌiÔî) They crushed and shattered the B’nei Yisrael”  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐa³Óêe®Ð®ÒþÐ−Ôîe®Î¼ÐþÌiÔî           To preserve. 52  .úÆøÆîÀLÄîÀì
                         in the Book of Shoftim (10, 8).  :ó−̬ÐõBLÐa                                                 [I.e.,] for storage.  :íÖï−ÌòÐèÌñ
                                                                                                     [25]  Moshe said, “eat it today”, etc.  .'åâå íBiÇäeäËìÀëÄàäÆLî øÆîàÉiÇå [äë]
                            (An alternate explanation:  þÑ ìÔêþÖëÖð)                              In the morning, when they were accustomed  ö−Ìñ−ÌèÐþe−ÖíÓL³−ÌþÎìÔL
                   “Your hand that is adorned with power  Ô ìÒkÔa³ÓþÓcÓêÓpÔíEÐò−ÌôÐ−                       to go out and gather the manna,  ¬BšÐñÌñÐî³êÑ®Öñ
                is the one that breaks and strikes the enemy.  :ëÑ−Bê íÖšÐñÔôe ³ÓþÓaÔLÐôê−Ìí        they came to ask, “Shall we go out or not?”  ?îêÖñóÌêêÑ®ÑòóÌê ,ñBêÐLÌñeêÖa
              [This is connected to the next verse as follows:]                                           He responded to them: [óBiÔí eíŠñÐ×Ìê]  ,óÓíÖñþÔôÖê
                          [7] In Your great majesty.  .EÀðB ÞàÀbáÉøÀáe [æ]                        [I.e.,] “That which is in your possession, eat.”  .eñÐ×ÌêóÓ×ÐðÓ−ÐaÓL³Ñê
                     If the hand alone crushes the enemy,  ZëÑ−BêÖí³Ó®Ó¼Bþ ðÖëÐñÌaðÖiÔí³êÒï         In the evening they again came before him  î−ÖòÖõÐñeþÐïÖìëÓþÓ¼Öñ
                then when He raises it in His great majesty,  BòBêÐb ëBþÐadÖô−ÌþÐô êeíÓLÐk       and asked him, “What about going out [now]?  ?³êÑ®ÖñeíÔô ,eíeñÖêÐLe
                          He will destroy His opponents.  Zî−ÖôÖš½ÒþÎíÔ−ïÖê                          He answered them, “It is Shabbos today!”  .óBiÔí³ÖaÔL,óÓíÖñþÔôÖê
                        And if in His great majesty alone  ðÖëÐñ BòBêÐb ëBþÐaóÌêÐî           He then saw them worrrying lest the manna ceased,  öÖnÔíšÔ½ÖtêÖnÓLó−ÌèÎêBc óÖ³Bê íÖêÖþ
                           His opponents are destroyed  ,ó−̽ÖþÍíÓòî−ÖëÐ−Òê                                     and will descend no more.  ,ðB¼ ðÑþÑ−êGÐî
               then, certainly, when He sends forth His fury,  ¹Ôê öBþÎìóÖaìÔlÌMÓLÐkþÓôBìÖîñÔš                     He then said to them,  ,óÓíÖñþÔôÖê
                               it will consume them.)  :(BôÑñÐ×êÒ−                                             “Today you will not find it.”  .eíeêÖ®Ðô̳ êG óBiÔí
                                     You destroy.  .ñÉøÂäÞÇz                                            Why the stress on the word “today”?  ?óBiÔíþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔzíÔô
                   You constantly destroy your opponents,  E−ÓôÖš½ÑþBí íÖzÔêð−ÌôÖz                              “Today you will not find it,  ,eíeêÖ®Ðô̳ êG óBiÔí
                    (E−ÓôÖš) those who stand up against You.  ,EÐcÐèÓòó−ÌôÖwÔí                           but tomorrow you will find it.” 53 54  :eíeêÖ®ÐôÌ zþÖìÖôñÖëÎê
         Who are considered those who stand up against Him?  ?BcÐèÓòÐkó−ÌôÖwÔíóÑí−Ìôe
                   It is those who stand up against Yisrael.  .ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ñÔ¼ó−ÌôÖwÔíelÑê
                                                                                          52 ³ÓþÓôÐLÌôÐñ often means “to be guarded.” Here this is not the case. (G.A.)  53 There are quite a few difficulties in
                                   Similarly, it says:  þÑôBê êeí öÑ×Ðî
                                                                                          this Rashi presented by the commentaries. Just to cite a few from Gur Aryeh: 1. Moshe had earlier told them (v.
                                                                                          23) “This is what Adonoy has said, “Tomorrow is a [day of] rest, Adonoy’s holy Shabbos.” Then, why did they now
       119 Yeshiayahu 26, 6.  120 Tehillim 135, 12.  121 Eichah 1, 1. −̳ÖaÔþ being the same as ³ÔaÔþ.  122 Ibid.  123 Bereishis  ask whether to go out and gather? 2. Once Moshe told them in the morning: “What is in your possession, eat,” i.e.,
       31, 39.  124 Should it not have said ±Ô¼Öþ, “crushed,” in the past tense?!  125 The ongoing present can be expressed  “You may not gather,” why then did they again ask in the evening? 3. Why were they worried that the manna had
       in the future form. See Rashi above, v. 1, note 19.                             #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-

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