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[211] Shemos—Beshalach 16:22–23 âëYáë:æè çìùáZúåîù Shemos—Beshalach 15:7–8 çYæ:åè çìùáZúåîù [186]
and told Moshe [about it]. :íÞÓLôÐñ eð−£ÌbÔiÔî You send forth Your fury, it consumes them like straw. :L ÞÔwÔkBô£ÑñÐ×êÒÞ− flEÐòÒ¤þÎì ·ìÔlÔLÐz
23. He said to them, ó†ÓíÑñÎêþÓôêÒ¤iÔî .è× 8. Through the wind [breath] of Your nostrils, ·E−·ÓtÔêÔìe¥þÐëe .ì
“This is what Adonoy has said: íflÖîÒíÐ−þ¤ÓaÌcþ¤ÓLÎê êeíƒ
Tomorrow is a [day of] rest, Adonoy’s holy Shabbos. þ¢ÖìÖôíÒ£Öîí−ÞÔñLÓðÒ§š-³ÔaÔLöB«³ÖaÔL
Bake what you want to bake, e†õÑêe„õêÒz-þÓLÎ곤Ñê “For behold your enemies are in an uproar—” ,öe−ÖôÍíÓ−E−ÓëÐ−ÒêíÑpÌí−Ìk
and cook what you want to cook, eñ flÑMÔa ·eñÐMÔëÐz-þÓLÎê³¥ÑêÐî and what is this uproar?— ?íÖ−ÐôÓíÔíê−ÌííÔôe
“against your people they plot deceitfully,” 1 ,ðB½ eô−ÌþμÔ−EÐnÔ¼ñÔ¼
“enemies of God.” 2 :óBšÖôñÓLî−ÖëÐ−Bê
And told Moshe about it. .äÞÆLîÀì eãéÄbÇiÇå [8] The wind of Your nostrils. 3 .EéÆtÇàÇçeøÀáe [ç]
They asked him: ,eíeñÖêÐL The wind that comes out of the two nostrils. .¹ÔêñÓLóÌ−Ôþ−ÌìÐò−ÑòÐMÌôêÑ®BiÔí
“What is [different about] today from other days?” ?óÌ−ÔôBiÌô óBiÔííÔô The verse speaks—as if this were possible— ñB×Ö−ÐëÌk ëe³ÖkÔíþÑa−Ìc
From here we may learn ðBôÐñÌñLÑ−öêÖkÌôe regarding God, as if compared to a human king, ,óÖðÖîþÖNÖaCÓñÓô³ÔôÐèec íÖò−Ì×ÐMÔa
that Moshe had yet not told them íÓLô óÓíÖñð−ÌbÌíêGö−Ì−ÔðμÓL in order to attune the ears of people ³BiÌþÐaÔíöÓïBê Ô¼−ÌôÐLÔíÐñ−ÑðÐk
the section pertaining to Shabbos ,³ÖaÔL³ÔLÖþÖt in accordance with [their own] experience ,íÓîBíÔí−ÌõÐk
which he had been commanded to tell them: ,óÓíÖñþÔôBñ íîÖeԬЮÌpÓL so that they might understand the matter. .þÖëÖcö−ÌëÖíÐñeñÐ×eiÓL
“On the sixth day [when] they prepare, etc.” 46 ,’BèÐî eò−Ì×ÑíÐî−ÌMÌMÔí óBiÔaíÖ−ÖíÐî When a person becomes angry ½Ñ¼Bk óÖðÖêÓLÐk
Until they asked: “What is this?” ?³êÒïíÔô ,eñÎêÖMÓMðÔ¼ breath [furiously] comes from his nostrils. 4 ,î−Öþ−ÌìÐpÌôÔìeþ êÑ®B−
He responded to them: ,óÓíÖñþÔôÖê Similarly: “Smoke arose from His nostrils.” 6 ,BtÔêÐaöÖLÖ¼íÖñÖ¼öÑ×Ðî
“This is what Adonoy has said,” 47 ’í þÓaÌcþÓLÎê êeí Similarly: “By the breath of His nostril BtÔêÔìeþÑôe öÑ×Ðî
i.e., “that I had been commanded to tell you.” 48 ,óÓ×ÖñþÔôBñ −̳−ÑeԬЮÌpÓL are they consumed.” 7 ,eñÐ×Ì−
It is for this [oversight] CÖ×Ðñe This is meant by Scripture’s saying: þÔôÖêÓLeíÓïÐî
that Scripture (God) punished him, ëe³ÖkÔíBLÖòμ
“For the sake of My Name −ÌôÐLöÔ¼ÔôÐñ
when He said to him (i.e., addressing Moshe) ,Bñ þÔôÖêÓL I will lengthen My breath.” 8 ,−ÌtÔêC−ÌþÎêÔê
“How long will you refuse [to keep My commands]?” 49 ,óÓzÐ òÔêÑôíÖòÖêðÔ¼ When one’s anger is calmed, his breath is longer, ,íÖkeþÎêB³Öô−ÌLÐòìÖòBtмÔfÓLÐk
and he (Moshe) was not excluded Bê−Ì®Bí êGÐî but when he is angry his breath is short. 9 ,íÖþ֮КB³Öô−ÌLÐò½Ñ¼B× êeíÓLÐ×e
from the general group. 50 51 :ñÖñÐkÔíöÌô
[The verse there continues] CÖñóÖ¬ÍìÓê−̳Öl−Ìíгe CÖñóÖ¬ÐìÓê−̳ÖlÌíгe
[23] Bake what you want to bake. .eôÅà eôàÉz-øÆLÂàúÅà [âë] [which means] “For the sake of My praise, −̳ÖlÌíÐzöÔ¼ÔôÐñe
What you wish to bake [of the two omers] ³BõÍêÓñó−Ì®Bþ óÓzÔêÓMíÔô I will place a nose-ring in My nose −ÌtÔêÐaóÖ¬Îìó−ÌNÖê
in the oven, þepÔzÔa in order to close up My nostrils −Ôþ−ÌìÐò óBzнÌñ
bake today everything [you need] for two days, ,ó−ÌôÖ−−ÑòÐLÌññÒkÔí óBiÔíeõÍê against the anger and the breath Ô ìeþÖíÐî¹ÔêÖí−ÑòÐõÌa
and whatever of it you need to cook in water, ,óÌ−ÔnÔaepÓnÌôñÑMÔëÐñó−Ì×−ÌþЮóÓzÔêÓMíÔôe so that they not come out. ,eêЮÑ−êHÓL
cook today. .óBiÔíeñÐMÔa :CÖñ [here means] for your sake. ,EÐñ−ÌëÐLÌaZCÖñ
The term í−Ö−ÌõÎê—“ bake,” applies to bread óÓìÓñÐañÑõBò í−ÖiÌõÎê öBLÐñ óÖ¬ÍìÓê [has the same meaning as:] óÖ¬ÎìÔadÖšÖêÐò óÖ¬ÎìÔadÖšÖêÐòBôÐk,óÖ¬ÐìÓê
whereas the term ñeM−Ìa—“ cook,” to a boiled dish. :ñ−ÌLÐëÔ³Ða ñeMÌa öBLÐñe which is found in Maseches Shabbos 10 ,³ÖaÔL³Ó×ÓqÔôÐa
46 Above, v. 5. 47 Following verse. 48 Moshe did not say, “This is what I have said to you,” indicating that 1 Tehillim 83, 3–4. 2 Mechilta. 3 How can God be spoken of in these physical terms?! 4 This is metaphorically
though Moshe had already been told about Shabbos, he had forgotten to transmit this to the B’nei Yisrael. (Rosh attributed to God. 5 Examples of such metaphors follow. 6 Tehillim 18, 9. 7 Iyov 4, 9. 8 Yeshaiyahu 48, 9.
Hashanah 10) 49 Below, v. 28. 50 I.e., God included Moshe among those who “refuse to keep My commands.” 9 “I will lengthen My breath,” therefore, means “I will control My anger.” 10 51b. óÖ¬ÎìÔadÖšÖêÐò means: “A female
51 Sh. Rab. 25, 10. SHMOT 7 camel with a nose-ring.” # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- |