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[273] Shemos—Mishpatim 21:1 à:àë íéèôùîZúåîù Shemos—Yisro 19:20–21 àëYë:èé åøúéZúåîù [252]
MISHPATIM íéèôùî Shishi (Sixth Aliyah) éùù
21 1. And these are the laws ó− fl̬ÖtÐLÌnÔí ·íÓl·ÑêÐî.ê àë 20. Adonoy descended on Mount Sinai, −£Ôò−̽þ'Ôí-ñÔ¼íÒ§ÖîíÐ−ðÓþ«ÑiÔî.×
that you shall set before them. :óÞÓí−ÑòÐõÌñó−£ÌNÖzþ'ÓLÎê to the top of the mountain, þ¢ÖíÖíLêÒ¤þ-ñÓê
and Adonoy called to Moshe í§ÓLôÐñíÒ«ÖîíÐ−ê·ÖþКÌiÔî
and Moshe went up. :íÞÓLô ñÔ¼'ÔiÔî
[1] These are the laws. .íéÄèÈtÀLÄnÇääÆlÅàÀå [à] 21. Adonoy said to Moshe, í flÓLô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî .ê×
Wherever the word íÓlÑê (without a vov) is used "íÓlÑê,, þÔôÍêÓpÓL óBšÖôñÖk
“Go down and warn the people ó¢Ö¼Öað¤Ñ¼Öíð£Ñþ
it disqualifies that which preceded it ,ó−ÌòBLêÌþÖí³ÓêñÔ½Öt
lest they break through [the boundary] e¥½ÐþÓíÞÓ−-öÓt
[But the word] íÓlÑêÐî (with a vov) "íÓlÑêÐî,,
is a continuation of that which preceded it. 1 ,ó−ÌòBLêÌþÖíñÔ¼¹−̽Bô toward [the Presence of] Adonoy in order to see; ³B flêÐþÌñ ·íÒÖîíÐ−-ñÓê
[Here too íÓlÑêÐî conveys that] just as íÖô and many [of them] will die. :ëÞÖþep£ÓnÌôñ'ÔõÖòÐî
the preceding words (the Ten Commandments) ó−ÌòBLêÌþÖí
were [received] from Sinai ,−Ôò−ÌqÌô
these [following laws] also were [received] from Sinai. 2 ;−Ôò−ÌqÌôelÑê¹Ôê [20] Adonoy descended on Mount Sinai. .éÇðéÄñøÇä-ìÇò'äãÆøÅiÇå [ë]
Then why was the section of judgments placed near ö−Ìò−Ìc³ÔLÖþÖtíÖ×ÐôнÌòíÖnÖñÐî One might assume that He literally descended on it. ,LÖnÔô î−ÖñÖ¼ðÔþÖ− ñB×Ö−
the section dealing with the altar? 3 ?ÔìÑaÐïÌô³ÔLÖþÖõÐñ The Torah therefore states: þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
This is to teach you EÐñþÔôBñ “For I spoke with you from the heavens.” 88 ,óÓ×Ön̼−ÌzÐþÔaÌcóÌ−ÔôÖMÔíöÌô−Ìk
that the chamber of the Sanhedrin should be placed ö−ÌþÐðÓíÐòÔ½ó−ÌNÖzÓL These two statements taken together teach us: ðÑnÔñÐô
near the Beis Hamikdosh (some mss: the altar). 45 :LÖcКÌnÔíñÓ®Ñê that He lowered the upper and lower heavens ,ó−ÌòBzÐìÔzÔíÐîó−ÌòB−ÐñÓ¼ÖíóÌ−ÔôÖLö−ÌkÐþÌíÓL
and spread them over the mountain þÖíÖí−ÑaÔbñÔ¼öÖ¼−ÌvÌíÐî
That you shall set before them. 6 .íÞÆäéÅðÀôÄìíéÄNÈzøÆLÂà
like a spread over a bed ,íÖhÌnÔíñÔ¼¼ÖvÔôÐk
God said to Moshe: ,íÓLôÐñí"ÖaÖwÔíBñþÔôÖ ê
and the Heavenly throne descended upon them. 89 :óÓí−Ññμ ðBëÖkÔíêÑqÌkðÔþÖ−Ðî
“Do not allow it to enter your mind to say, ,þÔôBñ EÐzмÔcñÔ¼íÓñμԳêG
‘I will teach them the section or the law íÖ×ÖñÎíÔíÐîšÓþÓtÔíóÓíÖñíÓòÐLÓê [21] Warn the people. 90 .íÈòÈaãÅòÈä [àë]
two or three times ,ó−ÌôÖ¼Ðt’èBê’ë “Warn them not to ascend the mountain.” :þÖíÖa ³BñμÔñêHÓLóÓíÖëíÑþгÔí
until it will become fluent in their mouths óÓí−ÌõÐëíÖþeðнêÑíÐzÓLðÔ¼ That must they not break through. .'åâå eñÀøÆäÞÆé-ïÆt
exactly as it is taught, ,dÖ³ÖòÐLÌôÐk So that they not break down their position ,óÖëÖvÔô³Óêe½ÐþÓíÓ−êHÓL
but I will not bother myself −ÌôЮԼÔì−ÌþЬÔô−Ìò−ÑêÐî due to their longing ’í ñÓê (to God). ’í ñÓêóÖ³ÖîÎêÔzÓL−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼
to make them understand the reasons for each thing þÖëÖcÔí−ÑôμԬóÖò−ÌëÎíÔñ ³BêÐþÌñ (to see), ³BêÐþÌñ
and its explanation.’ ” ,BLeþÑõe and thereby come nearer towards the mountain. :þÖíÖíðÔ®ÐñeëÐþКÌ−Ðî
It therefore states: “that you shall set before them”— ZóÓí−ÑòÐõÌñó−ÌNÖzþÓLÎê,þÔôÍêÓòCÖ×Ðñ Many of them will die. 91 .áÞÈøepÆnÄîìÇôÈðÀå
like a set table CeþÖ¼ÓíöÖìÐñeMÔk “Any of them that will die, even if only one, ,−Ìð−ÌìÐ− êeí el−ÌõÎêÔî,óÓíÑô ñBtÌiÓLíÔôñÖk
is considered by Me as many.” 92 :ëÖþ−ÔòÖõÐñ ëeLÖì
1 E.g., ëҚμÔ− ³BðñBz íÓlÑê—“These are the children of Yaakov.” (Bereishis 37, 1), thereby disqualifying the chiefs of Eisov Break through. .eñÀøÆäÞÆé-ïÆt
which are mentioned earlier. ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐa ³BôÐLíÓlÑêÐî—“And these are the names of the children of Yisrael” (Shemos 1, Every form of íÖ½−ÌþÎí indicates íÖ½−ÌþÎíñÖk
1) which is an added explanation to those mentioned at the end of parsha −ÌìÐ−Ôî. (Sh.Rab. 30, 3) 2 Mechilta. 3 If
íÓlÑêÐî indicates a continuation of the Ten Commandments, then why is there an interruption dealing with laws of 88 Below, 20, 19. 89 Mechilta. 90 ðѼÖí (from the word ðѼ—“ witness”) literally means testify and here is used as
the altar? (M.) 4 This being symbolic of the fact that just as the altar serves to bring peace between man and God warn because in halachic law a warning must be given before witnesses (S.C.). See Onkelos. 91 ñÔõÖòÐî—lit. “and he
(See Rashi above, 20, 22). So too the Sanhedrin brings peace to mankind by providing a system of justic.e (G.A. 5, will fall”— is in the singular form, where ëÖþ —“ many” and e½ÐþÓíÓ−—“ they will break through”— would indicate the
2.) 5 Ibid. 6 Why not “óÑðÐnÔñÐzþÓLÎê”—“That you shall teach them”? need for eñÐõÖòÐî in the plural form. (S.C.) 92 Mechilta. # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-