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[251]  Shemos—Yisro 19:18–19 èéYçé:èé åøúéZúåîù  Shemos—Mishpatim 21:2  á:àë íéèôùîZúåîù  [274]

 and the entire mountain trembled violently. :ðÒ ÞêÐôþ£ÖíÖí-ñÖkð'ÔþÍìÞÓiÔî  2. If you buy a Hebrew slave, − flÌþÐë̼ðÓë¤Ó¼ ·íÓòК̳−¥Ìk.ë
 19. The sound of the shofar þ flÖõÒMÔíñB¤š ·−ÌíÐ−Ôî .¬−
 grew louder and louder. ð¢ÒêÐôš¤ÑïÖìÐîC£ÑñBí
 Moshe spoke þ flÑaÔðÐ−í¤ÓLô
 and God responded to him with [His] voice. :ñB ÞšÐëep'ÓòμÞÔ−ó−£ÌíGÍêÞÖíÐî
           with everything ready to be eaten, for the person. 7  :óÖðÖêÖí−ÑòÐõÌñ ñB×ÍêÓñöÖ×eôe
                            and not before the gentiles.  ,óÌ−Bè −ÑòÐõÌñêGÐî
 and you describe Him  B³Bê íÓpÔ×ÐôíÖzÔêÐî  And even if you know of a particular law  ðÖìÓêö−ÌðÐëÖzмÔðÖ− el−ÌõÎêÔî
 by comparing Him to His creatures?!  î−Ö³BiÌþÐëÌñ B³BnÔðÐñ  that they render the same as Jewish law,  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−Ñò−ÌðÐ× B³Bê ö−ÌòÖcóÑíÓL
 [But it is] in order to make it intelligible to the ear. 81  :öÓïBêÖí³ÓêþÑaÔNÐñ−ÑðÐk  [nevertheless] do not bring the matter to their courts  ,óÓíÖlÓL ³BêÖkÐþÔ¼ÐëeíÑê−ÌëÐzñÔê
 [19] Grew louder and louder.  .ãÉàÀî÷ÅæÈçÀåCÅìBä [èé]  for one who brings law cases of Bnei Yisrael  ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−Ñò−Ìðê−ÌëÑnÔíÓL
                          before [the courts of] gentiles  ,óÌ−Bè −ÑòÐõÌñ
 It is the way of an ordinary [person]  ¬B−ÐðÓíèÔíÐòÌô
                            profanes the Name of God  óÑMÔí³ÓêñÑlÔìÐô
 that the longer he continues to blow [a trumpet]  Ô ¼BšÐ³ÌñC−ÌþÎêÔô êeíÓLöÔôÐïñÖk
                       and esteems the name of the idols  íÖþÖïíÖðBëμóÑLþÑwÔ−Ðôe
 his sound gets continually weaker.  ,íÓíB×Ðî L−ÌñÎìÔô BñBš
                        bringing [undue] praise to them  ,dÖì−ÌaÐLÔíÐñ
 But here it kept getting much stronger.  ,ðÒêÐôšÑïÖìÐîCÑñBí öêÖkñÖëÎê
 Why was this so?  ?íÖlÌìÐzÌôCÖkíÖnÖñÐî  (other mss: to bring [undue] importance to them)  (óÖë−ÌLÎìÔ íÐñ :ó−ÌþÑìÎêó−ÌþÖõн)
 [This was] so as to attune their ears  óÓí−ÑòÐïÖêþÑaÔNÐñ  as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
 to that which they could hear (accept). 82 83  :Ô¼BôÐLÌñ ö−ÌñB×Ð−ÓMíÔô  “For their rock is not as our Rock  óÖþe® eòÑþe®Ð×êG−Ìk
                  that our enemies should be our judges,” 9  ó−Ìñ−ÌñÐt eò−ÑëÐ−ÒêÐî
 Moshe spoke.  .øÅaÇãÀéäÆLî
                [thereby indicating] that when our enemies  eò−ÑëÐ−BêÓLÐk
 When Moshe will speak  þÑaÔðÐôíÓLô íÖ−ÖíÓLÐk
                                    are our judges,  ó−Ìñ−ÌñÐt
 and transmit the commandments to Yisrael—  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−Ðñ ³BþÐaÌcÔíÔ¼−ÌôÐLÔôe
             it is testimony to the superiority of their idols. 10  :óÖ³ÖêÐþÌ− −el̼Ðñ ³eðѼeíÓï
 for all they heard from the Almighty  íÖþeëÐbÔí−ÌtÌôe¼ÐôÖLêG−ÑþÎíÓL
 was only [the first two commandments:]  êÖlÓê  [2] If you buy a Hebrew slave.  .éÄøÀáÄòãÆáÆòäÆðÀ÷ÄúéÄk [á]
 −Ì×ÒòÖê and EÐñíÓ−ÐíÌ−êG— 84  ,EÐñíÓ −ÐíÌ−êGÐî−Ì×ÒòÖê  [−ÌþÐë̼ðÓëÓ¼ here means:] a slave who is a Hebrew.  ,−ÌþÐë̼ êeíÓLðÓëÓ¼
 God would assist him  B¼−ÐiÔ½Ðôí"ÖaÖwÔíÐî  Or perhaps it means the slave of a Hebrew,  −ÌþÐë̼ñÓLBcÐëÔ¼êÖlÓê Bò−ÑêBê
                   [i.e.,] a gentile slave bought from a Jew  ñÑêÖþÐNÌiÌôBzÐìÔšÐlÓL−ÌòμÔòÐkðÓëÓ¼Z
 to give him the strength  Ô ìÒ×Ba³Ñ³Öñ
 to make his voice powerful and audible. 85  :¼ÖôÐLÌòÐîþ−ÌaÐèÔô BñBš ³B−ÐíÌñ  and it is regarding him that it is said:  ,þÑôBê êeí î−ÖñÖ¼ÐîZ
                          “He shall serve for six years?”  ?ðÒëμÔ−ó−ÌòÖLLÑL
 Responded to him with [His] voice. 86  .ìB Þ÷ÀáepÆðÂòÞÇé
                 [Should you then ask:] how can I explain:  ó−ÑiÔšÐô−ÌòÎêíÖôe
 He responded [to his need] concerning his voice,  ,ñBwÔíþÔëÐðñÔ¼epÓòμÔ−
              “And you shall leave them (the gentile slaves)  ,óÖ³ÒêóÓzÐñÔìÔòгÌíÐî
 as in: “He responded LÑêÖë” 87  LÑêÖëíÓòμÔ−þÓLÎêBôÐk
                             as an inheritance. . . ?” 11
 which means: “concerning the fire”  ,LÑêÖíþÔëÐðñÔ¼
              [I would answer that it refers to a gentile slave]
 by causing it to descend.  :Bð−ÌþBíÐñ
                      who was bought from the gentiles,  ,−BbÔíöÌôÔìešÖñÐa
                             but if bought from a Jew  ñÑêÖþÐNÌiÌôÔìešÖñÐañÖëÎê
 81 Mechilta.  82 I.e., so that their ears slowly become accustomed to the sound. (B.Y.)  83 Mechilta.  84 Makkos
 24a.  85 Thus, according to Rashi, ñBšÐëeòÓòμÔ− does not mean “He answered him by a voice,” as some commentaries
 (Ibn Ezra, Rashbam) explain, for we do not know of anything that Moshe might have asked at that time. Rashi,
 therefore, explains epÓòμÔ− as “he would assist him”, ñBšÐë regarding his voice. See following Rashi.  86 ñBšÐë does not  7 Ibid.; Eiruvin 54b.  8 Rashi (Gittin 88b) explains óÓí−ÑòÐõÌñ as: before the seventy elders who went with Moshe to
 mean with His voice, (i.e., God’s voice) as some explain but rather regarding Moshe’s voice. Thus, ñBšÐëepÓòμÔ− means . . .  Mount Sinai. Tosafos (ibid.) say that óÓí−ÑòÐõÌñ refers to ó−ÌíGÓêÖí—“the judges,” mentioned below, 22, 8.  9 Devarim 32,
 87 I Melachim 18, 24. An example of the prefix ’ë having the meaning “regarding.”  #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   #26015-EYA

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