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[347]  Shemos—Mishpatim 23:19–20 ëYèé:âë íéèôùîZúåîù  Shemos—Terumah 25:17–18 çéYæé:äë äîåøúZúåîù  [370]

 must be brought to the House of Adonoy, your God. E−¢ÓíGÍêíÒ¤ÖîíÐ−³−£Ñaê−–ÌëÖz  Sheini (Second Aliyah)  éðù
 You must not cook a young animal −£ÌðÐbñ'ÑMÔëг-ê ÞG  17. Make a cover of pure gold [for the ark], þB¢íÖ¬ë¤ÖíÖï³ÓþÒ£tÔ×Ö³−'ÌNÖ¼Ðî .ï−
 in the milk of its mother. ô :B ÞnÌêë'ÑñÎìÞÔa  two and one-half amohs long, d flÖkÐþÖê ·−Ì®·ÑìÖîóÌ−¥Ô³ÖnÔê
 Shishi (Sixth Aliyah)  éùù  and one and one-half amohs wide. :dÞÖaÐìÖþ−Ì®£ÑìÖîí'ÖnÔêÐî
 20. Behold, I will send an angel before you, E−flÓòÖõÐñ ·CÖêÐñÔôÔì¥ÑñÒL−•Ì×ÒòÞÖêí·ÑpÌí.×  18. Make two golden cherubim. ë¢ÖíÖïó−£ÌëŠþÐkóÌ−'ÔòÐLÖ³−§ÌNÖ¼Ðî .ì−
              You must make them by hammering them ó flÖ³Òêí¤ÓNμÞÔz ·íÖLКÌô
 and thereby designates it [as bikkurim].  .dÖL−ÌcКÔôe
                                between Me and you  ,óÓ×−Ñò−Ñëe −Ìò−Ña
 Bikkurim need to be brought only from the seven species  ö−Ìò−ÌnÔí³Ô¼ÐëÌMÌôêÖlÓêó−ÌþekÌaö−ÑêÐî
           that I have commanded to you the commandments  ³BЮÌôóÓ×гÓê−̳−ÌeÌvÓL
 which are listed in Scripture:  ,êÖþКÌnÔaö−ÌþeôÎêÖí
                                     written in it. 42  :dÖa ³Bëe³ÐkÔí
 “A land of wheat, barley, etc; (grapes, figs  :’BèÐîíÖþB¼ÐNe íÖhÌì±ÓþÓê
 pommegranates, olives, dates.)” 66 67  [17] A cover.  .úÆøÉtÇë [æé]
                       [The ³ÓþÒtÔk is] the cover on the ark  ,öBþÖêÖíñÔ¼ −eqÌk
 You must not cook a young animal.  .éÄãÀbìÅMÇáÀú-à ÞG
                  which was [constructed] open at the top.  íÖñмÔôÐñÌôÔìe³ÖõíÖ−ÖíÓL
 A calf and a sheep are also implied in “−ÌðÐb”  ,−ÌðÐbñÔñÐ×ÌaNÓëÓ×ÐîñÓèѼ¹Ôê
              He placed it [the cover] on top like a flat board.  :¹Ôcö−ÌôÐk î−ÖñÖ¼ Bì−ÌpÔôe
 because “−ÌðÐb” represents any tender, newborn animal,  ,CÔþðÖñÖî öBLÐñêÖlÓê−ÌðÐbö−ÑêÓL
 [as can be inferred] from the fact that you find  êÑ®Bô íÖzÔêÓLíÔnÌô  Two and one-half amohs long.  .dÈkÀøÈàéÄöÅçÈåíÄéÇúÈnÇà
 in a number of places in the Torah  íÖþBzÔa ³BôBšÐôíÖnÔ×Ða  I.e., the same length as the ark.  ,öBþÖêñÓLBkÐþÖêÐk
 that −ÌðÐb is written, and it is necessary to explain  LÑþÖõÐñCÔþЮeíÐî−ÌðÐb ëe³ÖkÓL  And its width was the same as the width of the ark.  ,öBþÖêñÓLBaÐìÖþÐkíÖaÐìÖþÐî
 afterward: ó−Ìf̼—goats, for example:  öBèÐk ,ó−Ìf̼î−ÖþÎìÔê  It lay on the thickness of the [ark’s] four walls.  ,óÖzмÔaÐþÔê ó−ÌñÖ³BkÔí−ÌëB¼ ñÔ¼³ÔìÔpeôe
 “I will send ó−Ìf̼−ÌðÐb—a goat,” 68  ,ó−Ìf̼−Ì ðÐbìÔlÔLÎê−Ì×ÒòÖê  Though it gives no size for its (the cover’s) thickness,  ,dÖ−ÐëB¼Ðñ þe¼−ÌLöÔ³ÖòêHÓL−ÌtñÔ¼¹ÔêÐî
 or: “the ó−Ìf̼Öí−ÌðÐb—goat,” 69  ,ó−Ìf̼Öí−ÌðÐbñÓê  our Sages explained that its thickness was a tefach. 43  :ìÔõÓ¬dÖ−ÐëB¼ íÖ−ÖíÓL eò−ѳBaÔþeLÐþ−Ñt
 or: “two ó−Ìf̼−Ñ−ÔðÐb—goats,” 70  ,ó−Ìf̼−Ñ−ÖðÐb−ÑòÐL  [18] Cherubim. 44  .íéÄáËøÀk [çé]
 thereby teaching you  EÐðÓnÔñÐñ  They had the likeness of a child’s face.  :óÓíÖñ šBò−Ìz ¹e®ÐþÔt ³eôÐc
 that wherever −ÌðÐb is mentioned without specification,  óֳн−ÌðÐbþÔôÍêÓpÓL óBšÖôñÖkÓL  Make them by hammering.  .íÈúÉàäÆNÂòÞÇzäÈLÀ÷Äî
 then a calf and a sheep are also implied. 71  .¼ÖôÐLÔnÔaNÓëÓ×ÐîñÓèѼ¹Ôê  Do not make them separately  óÖôЮԼ−ÑòÐõÌaóÑNμԳêHÓL
 [The prohibition of BnÌêëÑñÎìÔa−ÌðÐbñÑMÔëгêG]  and then attach them to the ends of the cover  ³ÓþBtÔkÔí−ÑLêÖþÐaóÑþÐaÔìгe
 is written three times in the Torah:  ,íÖþBzÔaëÖzÐ×Ìò ³BôBšÐôíÖLGÐLÌëe  after having made them,  óÖ³−ÖiÌNμþÔìÔêÐñ
 once to prohibit the eating [of meat cooked with milk],  ,íÖñ−Ì×Îê þeq−ÌêÐñðÖìÓê  as is done by smiths [through a process]  ,ó−ÌõÐþB® íÑNμÔôÐk
 another to prohibit deriving any benefit from them,  ,íÖêÖòÎí þeq−ÌêÐñðÖìÓêÐî  that is called soldez in Old French (solder).  ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa þ"−ðñî¾ ö−ÌþBwÓL
 and once to prohibit cooking them. 72  :ñeMÌa þeq−ÌêÐñðÖìÓêÐî  But, rather, place a large amount of gold  íÑaÐþÔíëÖíÖïñÑhÔíêÖlÓê
 [20] Behold, I will send an angel.  .CÈàÀìÇîÇçÅìÉLéÄëÉðÞÈàäÅpÄä [ë]  at the start of the constructing of the cover.  ,³ÓþBtÔkÔí³−ÔiÌNμ³ÔlÌìгÌa
 Here they are foretold that they are destined to sin, 73  ,êB¬ÎìÔñö−Ìð−̳μÓLeþÐOÔaгÌòöêÖk  Then hit with a hammer and a mallet  ½ÖòÐþešÐëe L−ÌhÔõÐëíÑkÔíÐî
 and the Shechinah would then say to them:  ,óÓíÖñ³ÓþÓôBê íÖò−Ì×ÐLe  at the middle [of this mass of gold]  ,¼Ô®ÐôÓêÖa
 “For I will not go up among you.” 74  :EÐaÐþÌšÐaíÓñͼÓêêG−Ìk  so that the ends will protrude upwards  ,íÖñмÔôÐ ñö−̬ÐñBa ö−ÌLêÖþÐî

 66 The seven species with which Eretz Yisrael is praised. (Devarim 8, 8)  67 Bikkurim 1, 3.  68 Bereishis 38, 17.  in parshas Mishpatim (24, 12, ³ê í"ð). Gur Aryeh, however, maintains that Rashi’s use of íÖþBzÔí means literally, the
 69 Ibid. v. 20.  70 Ibid. 27, 9.  71 Hence −ÌðÐb alone refers to any young animal whereas ó−Ìf̼−ÌðÐb refers specifically to  íÖþBz þÓõѽ which Moshe wrote before his death. And, although it obviously could not have been put into the ark till
 a goat.  72 Chullin 113b; 115b.  73 By worshipping the golden calf.  74 Below, 33, 2–3. êG −Ìk...CÖêÐñÔôE−ÓòÖõÐñ−ÌzÐìÔñÖLÐî  then, God, here, commands that ultimately it is to be done.  42 Tanchuma Pikkudei 4.  43 Succah 5a.  44 The
 EÐëÐþÌšÐaíÓñͼÓê—“ I will send an angel before you . . . for I will not go up among you.” See Ramban.  #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:

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