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[371]           Shemos—Terumah 25:18–20 ëYçé:äë äîåøúZúåîù                                        Shemos—Mishpatim 23:18–19 èéYçé:âë íéèôùîZúåîù       [346]

                 out of the two ends of the [ark] cover. :³ÓþÒ ÞtÔkÔí³B'®Ðš−£ÑòÐMÌô                              My [Pesach] sacrifice. −¢ÌìÐëÌï-óÔc
                  19. Make one cherub out of one end, íflÓfÌô ·íÖ®ÖwÌôð¥ÖìÓêëe·þÐkí …ÑNμÞÔî….¬−  You must not allow to remain overnight— ö−'ÌñÖ−-ê ÞGÐî
                  and one cherub out of the other end. í¢ÓfÌôí£Ö®ÖwÌôð'ÖìÓê-ëeþÐ×e            the fat of My festival-offering—until morning. :þÓšÒ Þa-ðÔ¼−£ÌbÔì-ëÓñÞÑì
         From the [same piece of gold as] the cover itself, ³ÓþÒ§tÔkÔí-öÌô                   19. The beginning of the first fruits of your land Eг¤ÖôÐðÔê ·−ÑþekÌa³− †ÌLêÑþ .¬−
            you shall make the cherubim on its two ends. :î−ÞÖ³B®Ðš−'ÑòÐL-ñÔ¼ó−£ÌëŠþÐkÔí-³Óêe 'NμÞÔz
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
        20. The cherubim shall spread their wings upward, íÖñм †ÔôÐñóÌ−•ÔõÖòÐ×−·Ñ NÐþÒ Þt »ó−ÌëŠþÐkÔíe¤−ÖíÐî.×
                                                                                                             on the fourteenth day of Nisan  öÖ½−ÌòÐa ð"−Ða
                                                                                                 You must not allow to remain overnight—  ïéÄìÈéà ÞGÀå
                              and form the cherubim  ó−ÌëeþÐkÔíþ−ÑiÔ®Ðî
                                                                                                      the fat of My festival-offering, etc.—  .éÄbÇç-áÆìÞÅç
                        out of the protrusions of its ends.  :î−Ö³B®Ðš³Ô¬−ÌñÐëÌa
                                                                                                                   away from the altar—  :ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔñ ±eì
                                      Hammered.  .äÈLÀ÷Äî
                                                                                                                     Until morning. 62  .øÆ÷É Þa-ãÇò
                      Batediz in Old French (hammered),  ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ±"−ð¬ë
                                                                                                       One might think that even [if it were]  ¹Ôê ñB×Ö−
              as in “they banged (öÖLКÖò) against each other.” 45  :öÖLКÖòêÖðÐñêÖðBôÐk
                                                                                                           on the wood-pile [of the altar], 63  íÖ×ÖþμÔnÔíñÔ¼
                              The ends of the cover.  .úÆøÉ ÞtÇkÇä úBöÀ÷
                                                                                                         it would nevertheless become unfit  ñѽÖtÌ−
                [Meaning:] the extreme ends of the cover. 46  :³ÓþBtÔkÔí−ÑLêÖþ
                                                                                                        due to its having remained overnight.  ,íÖò−ÌñÐa
                [19] Make one cherub out of one end.  .äÈöÈwÄîãÈçÆà áeøÀkäÅNÂòÇå [èé]                           Therefore the Torah says:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                   So that you should not [mistakenly] say  þÔôêÒzêHÓL
                                                                                                     “On the fireplace, on the altar all night.” 64  :íÖñÐ−ÔlÔíñÖkÔìÑaÐïÌnÔíñÔ¼íÖðКBô ñÔ¼
                that there were two cherubim at each end. 47  ,íÓ®ÖšÐîíÓ®ÖšñÖ×Ðñó−ÌëeþÐkóÌ−ÔòÐL
                                                                                                  You must not allow to remain overnight.  .ïéÄìÈéà ÞGÀå
                     It was therefore necessary to explain  ,LÑþÖõÐñCÔþЮeí CÖ×Ðñ
                                                                                                        It is not considered [unfit due to] íÖò−Ìñ  íÖò−Ìñö−Ñê
                          “One cherub out of one end.”  :íÓfÌôíÖ®ÖwÌôðÖìÓê ëeþÐk
                                                                                                 unless it [was not placed on the altar] by dawn,  ,þÔìÔMÔí ðenÔ¼ÐëêÖlÓê
                                 From the cover—  úÆøÉtÇkÇä-ïÄî                                               as it is said: “Until morning.”  ,þÓšÒaðÔ¼þÔôÍêÓpÓ L
                      itself shall you make the cherubim.  ,ó−ÌëŠþÐkÔí-³ÓêeNμÞÔzdÖôЮԼ                 But the entire night he may lift it up  ³BñμÔíÐñ ñB×Ö−íÖñÐ−ÔlÔíñÖkñÖëÎê
                             This is the explanation of:  ñÓL BLeþ−ÑõeíÓï                                  from the ground onto the altar. 65  :ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔñíÖtЮÌþÖíöÌô
              “You must make them by hammering them,” 48  ,óÖ³Bê íÓNμÔzíÖLКÌô
                                                                                          [19] The beginning of the first fruits of your land.  .EÀúÈîÀãÇàéÅøekÄaúéÄLàÅø [èé]
                      that you not make them separately  óÖôЮԼ−ÑòÐõÌaóÑNμԳêHÓL
                                                                                              Even during the seventh year bikkurim is obligatory.  ,ó−ÌþekÌëÐa³Óë−ÓiÔì³−̼−ÌëÐMÔí¹Ôê
                      and then attach them to the cover.  :³ÓþBtÔkÔñóÑþÐaÔìгe
                                                                                                     It is for this reason that [the Torah] states  þÔôÍêÓòCÖ×Ðñ
                       [20] Shall spread their wings.  .íÄéÇôÈðÀëéÅNÀøÉ Þt [ë]                        even here [regarding the seventh year]:  öêÖk¹Ôê
          Do not make their wings lying [against their bodies]  ó−ÌëÐ×BL óÓí−ÑõÐòÔ×íÓNμԳêHÓL               “The first fruits of your land.”  .EгÖôÐðÔê−ÑþekÌa
                              but, rather, spread open  ó−ÌLeþÐõêÖlÓê                          What is the procedure [for setting aside bikkurim]?  ?ðÔ®−Ñk
                 and reaching up above near 49  their heads,  ,óÓí−ÑLêÖþñÓ®ÑêíÖñмÔôÐñó−ÌíBëÐèe
                                                                                                         A man who, upon entering his field,  ,eíÑðÖN μB³Ðñ½ÖòÐ×ÌòóÖðÖê
                   so that there be ten tefachim in the space  ñÖñÖìÓaó−ÌìÖõЬíÖþÖNμêÑíÐiÓL                    sees a fig that has ripened.  ,íÖþÐkÌaÓLíÖòÑêгíÓêBþ
                  that is between the wings and the cover,  ,³ÓþBtÔkÔñóÌ−ÔõÖòÐkÔíö−ÑaÓL                  He ties a reed around it to identify it  öÖô−̽Ðñ−ÌôÐèÖí−ÓñÖ¼CÑþBk
                             as is cited in Succah (5b).  :íÖke½ÐëêÖ³−ÌêÐðÌk
                                                                                          61 Ibid.  62 I.e., any korbon whose blood was sprinkled during the day must have its fats and intestines placed on the
       45 Daniel 5, 6.  46 I.e., the ends of the length of the cover and not the ends of the width. (M., S.Z., see S.C.)  altar for burning before the following morning. Otherwise they become íÖò−ÌñÐañÔ½ÐõÌò—“ unfit, due to having remained
       47 Because ³ÓþÒtÔkÔí ³B®Ðš−ÑòÐMÌô . . . ó−ÌëeþÐkó−Ì−ÔòÐLÖ³−ÌNÖ¼Ðî might be misconstrued as: “Make two cherubim . . . out of each of  overnight.  63 And by morning had not yet been consumed. Vayikra 6,2, i.e., the íÖñB¼ öÖaÐþÖš—burnt-offering—may
       the two ends.”  48 V. 18.  49 “Above near,” i.e., though the wings were above their heads, they were only slightly  be placed on the fire of the altar all night. Obviously, if it were placed there close to morning it will not have been
       above so as to be near their heads. (Succah 5b)                             SHMOT  12  consumed by morning. Yet it is a perfectly valid korbon.  64 Ibid.  65 Zevachim 87a.                       #                                                             #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:
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